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2018-11-24 17:03:18 +08:00

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This role aims to build a baremetal undercloud machine from scratch. Using tripleo-quickstart, this means that you will be able to provide, prepare and install the undercloud on a physical machine.

From the tripleo-quickstart perspective virthost and undercloud will be the same host.


To make all the things working you need to have an environment with all the things in place:

Hardware requirements

  • A physical machine for the undercloud that can be accessed as root from the jump host
  • At least two other physical machines that will become controller and compute, for HA three controllers and one compute are needed
  • A working network link between overcloud and undercloud, typically the second net device of the undercloud will talk to the first net device of all the overcloud machines

Software requirements

  • The tripleo-quickstart script:
    • A config file (i.e. ha.yml) containing all the customizations for the baremetal environment
  • This set of files, dependent from the hardware:
    • File - optional, name is not important
    • File network-environment.yaml - mandatory
    • Directory nic-configs - mandatory if declared inside the resource_registry section in network-environment.yaml and must contain all the needed files
    • File instackenv.json - mandatory, must contain the ipmi credentials for the nodes

Role Variables

A typical configuration file will contain something like this:

# Virthost key for accessing newly provided machine
virthost_key: ~/.ssh/customkey

# Type of undercloud (we're deploying on baremetal otherwise this should be
# virtual)
undercloud_type: baremetal

# Specify the secondary net interface for overcloud provisioning
undercloud_local_interface: eth1

# Specify the external network for undercloud that will be used to route
# overcloud traffic

# Declare the additional interface on undercloud to route overcloud traffic
    device_type: ovs
    type: OVSIntPort
    ovs_bridge: br-ctlplane
    ovs_options: '"tag=1105"'
    tag: 1105

# Define all the flavors
  control: baremetal
  compute: baremetal
  storage: baremetal
  ceph: baremetal
  swift: baremetal

# Will be used by baremetal-undercloud role
step_provide_undercloud: true
# Will be used by baremetal-prep-overcloud role
step_install_upstream_ipxe: true
# Will be used by overcloud-prep-images role
step_introspect: true

# Explicitly declare kvm since we are on BM and disable vBMC
libvirt_type: kvm
libvirt_args: "--libvirt-type kvm"
enable_vbmc: false

# Environment specific variables
baremetal_provisioning_script: "/path/to/"
baremetal_network_environment: "/path/to/network-environment.yaml"
baremetal_instackenv: "/path/to/instackenv.json"
baremetal_nic_configs: "/path/to/nic_configs"

# Public (Floating) network definition
public_physical_network: "floating"
floating_ip_cidr: "<FLOATING NETWORK CIDR>"
public_net_pool_start: "<FLOATING NETWORK POOL START>"
public_net_pool_end: "<FLOATING NETWORK POOL END>"
public_net_gateway: "<FLOATING NETWORK GATEWAY>"

extra_args: "--ntp-server <NTP SERVER IP> --control-scale 3 --compute-scale 2 --ceph-storage-scale 0 --block-storage-scale 0 --swift-storage-scale 0 --templates -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/puppet-pacemaker.yaml -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml -e /home/stack/network-environment.yaml"

A brief explanation of the variables:

  • The variable undercloud_type is checked in some of the dependent roles (see @Dependencies).
  • The variable virthost_key is optional, if defined it must be a path to a private ssh key file needed to access to virthost. If you access to the virthost with the default ssh key of the user launching then you don't need to set it.
  • The undercloud_local_interface needs to be changed accordingly to the baremetal hardware.
  • The undercloud_external_network_cidr will be the overcloud external network that undercloud will route.
  • A specific flavor_map (in this case baremetal) needs to be applied to each node kind.
  • With step_provide_undercloud you can choose if you want to provide the virthost.
  • With step_introspect you can choose if you want to introspect nodes.
  • With step_install_upstream_ipxe you can choose if you want to install upstream ipxe (useful with some hardware issues).
  • The libvirt_type and libvirt_args must be set to kvm, since we will work on baremetal with native virtual capabilities.
  • baremetal_provisioning_script is the script to provide the machine, if step_provide_undercloud is false than this can be omitted.
  • baremetal_network_environment, baremetal_instackenv and optionally baremetal_nic_configs will contain all the environment files.
  • Depending on the network in which spawned instances will be exposed all the related parameters (floating_ip_cidr and public_net*) must be declared explicitly.
  • extra_args will contain all deploy specific (like HA settings)

The main task of the role is this one:

# tasks file for baremetal-undercloud

# Do machine provisioning
- include: machine-provisioning.yml
    - machine-provision

# Prepare machine to be used with TripleO
- include: machine-setup.yml
    - machine-setup

# Configure repos and packages
- include: undercloud-repos-conf.yml
  delegate_to: "{{ virthost }}"
    - undercloud-repos-conf

# Get overcloud images
- include: overcloud-images.yml
  delegate_to: "{{ virthost }}"
    - overcloud-images

This is basically what each specific tasks does:

  • machine-provisioning.yml provides the machine and make it become both virthost/undercloud
  • machine-setup.yml prepares the undercloud with ssh connections, users, sudoers and inventory addition
  • undercloud-repos-conf.yml repositories and packages configurations
  • overcloud-images.yml overcloud images retrieving

Some notes:

  • Even if virthost and undercloud are the same machine, the name "undercloud" will be inventoried in any case
  • Each action is tagged so it is possible to exclude a specific section
  • Some variables can be controlled via configuration settings (look above in @Role usage)


If you don't need to change anything in how the environments gets deployed, then all the dependencies should be satisfied by the default quickstart-extras-requirements.txt file.

In any case the roles you will need to deploy an entire environment from scratch (see @Example Playbook) are:

  • baremetal-undercloud (this role)
  • tripleo-inventory (part of tripleo-quickstart)
  • tripleo/undercloud (part of tripleo-quickstart)
  • baremetal-prep-overcloud
  • overcloud-prep-{config,images,flavors,network}
  • overcloud-deploy
  • overcloud-validate or overcloud-validate-ha (if you want to test HA capabilities)

Example Playbook

Here's is an example playbook that uses this role in combination to all the others coming from various related to tripleo-quickstart:

# Provision and initial undercloud setup
- name: Baremetal undercloud install
  hosts: localhost
    - baremetal-undercloud
    - undercloud-bm-install

# Machine at this point is provided
- name: Add the undercloud node to the generated inventory
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: true
    - tripleo-inventory
    - undercloud-inventory

# Deploy the undercloud
- name: Install undercloud
  hosts: undercloud
  gather_facts: false
    - tripleo/undercloud
    - undercloud-install

# Baremetal preparation (with workarounds)
- name: Prepare baremetal for the overcloud deployment
  hosts: undercloud
    - baremetal-prep-overcloud
    - baremetal-prep-overcloud

# Prepare any additional configuration files required by the overcloud
- name: Prepare configuration files for the overcloud deployment
  hosts: undercloud
  gather_facts: false
    - overcloud-prep-config
    - overcloud-prep-config

# Prepare the overcloud images for deployment
- name: Prepare the overcloud images for deployment
  hosts: undercloud
  gather_facts: false
    - overcloud-prep-images
    - overcloud-prep-images

# Prepare the overcloud flavor configuration
- name: Prepare overcloud flavors
  hosts: undercloud
  gather_facts: false
    - overcloud-prep-flavors
    - overcloud-prep-flavors

# Prepare the undercloud networks for the overcloud deployment
- name: Prepare the undercloud networks for the overcloud deployment
  hosts: undercloud
  gather_facts: false
    - overcloud-prep-network
    - overcloud-prep-network

# Deploy the overcloud
- name: Deploy the overcloud
  hosts: undercloud
  gather_facts: true
    - overcloud-deploy
    - overcloud-deploy

- name: Add the overcloud nodes to the generated inventory
  hosts: undercloud
  gather_facts: true
      inventory: all
    - tripleo-inventory
    - overcloud-inventory

# Check the results of the deployment, note after inventory has executed
- name: Check the result of the deployment
  hosts: localhost
    - name: ensure the deployment result has been read into memory
      include_vars: "{{ local_working_dir }}/overcloud_deployment_result.json"

    # overcloud_deploy_result = ["failed", "passed"]
    - name: did the deployment pass or fail?
      debug: var=overcloud_deploy_result
      failed_when: overcloud_deploy_result == "failed"
    - overcloud-deploy-check

The steps of the sample playbook are these:

  • First invoked role is baremetal-undercloud
  • Then undercloud is inventoried
  • Undercloud is prepared for deploying
  • Overcloud is then deployed, inventoried and validated

Quickstart invocation

You can invoke like this:

./ \
  --clean \
  --playbook baremetal-undercloud.yml \
  --working-dir /path/to/workdir \
  --config /path/to/config.yml \
  --release <RELEASE> \
  --tags all \

Basically this command:

  • Uses the playbook baremetal-undercloud.yml
  • Uses a custom workdir that is rebuilt from scratch (so if it already exists, it is dropped, see --clean)
  • Get all the extra requirements
  • Select the config file
  • Chooses release (liberty, mitaka, newton, or "master" for ocata)
  • Performs all the tasks in the playbook
  • Starts the installation on virthost



Author Information

Raoul Scarazzini