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FreeIPA Setup

An Ansible role to setup a FreeIPA server


This role requires a running host to deploy FreeIPA

Role Variables

  • freeipa_hostname: <'ipa.tripleodomain'> -- Hostname for the FreeIPA server
  • freeipa_ip: <''> -- IP for the FreeIPA server
  • directory_manager_password: -- Password for the directory manager
  • freeipa_admin_password: -- FreeIPA server admin password
  • undercloud_fqdn: <'undercloud.tripleodomain'> -- FQDN for the undercloud
  • provisioning_cidr: <'{{ freeipa_ip }}/24'> -- If set, it adds the given CIDR to the provisioning interface (which is hardcoded to eth1)
  • supplemental_user: The user which is used to deploy FreeIpa on the supplemental node
  • ipa_server_install_params: <''> -- Additional parameters to pass to the ipa-server-install command

Example Playbook

Sample playbook to call the role

# Deploy the FreeIPA Server
- name:  Deploy FreeIPA
  hosts: freeipa_host
  gather_facts: false
    - freeipa-setup