Slawek Kaplonski 0046662a0b Add playbook and role to run tobiko
In Tobiko project we want to run job based on TripleO. To achieve that
we need to use some Tobiko specific playbooks which are added by this

This role will be used in Tobiko's TripleO based job which is
proposed in

Change-Id: Ieffc859a92c8ef99dbc6d2c725d3c4bed8012b7a
2019-11-08 07:31:06 +00:00

3.6 KiB


Ansible role for running Tobiko tests on undercloud or overcloud.

This role should be run on deployed undercloud or overcloud. It may also be run e.g. after update or upgrade of cloud. This role supports run on standalone deployment too. Example of tests which are run by this role are:

  • tobiko.tests.scenario.neutron.test_floating_ip - to test connectivity to VM with floating IP,
  • tobiko.tests.scenario.nova.test_server.ServerStackResourcesTest.test_server - to test server actions.

Role Variables

  • tobiko_config: false/true - to prepare tobiko's config or not (default: yes)
  • tobiko_run: false/true - to run tobiko tests or not (default: false)
  • tobiko_envlist: - The name of tox envlist to be run (default: scenario)
  • tobiko_extra_args: - Extra arguments to be passed to tobiko tox command (default: "")
  • tobiko_config_dir: - directory where tobiko config files will be stored (default: "{{ working_dir }}/.tobiko")
  • tobiko_config_file: - name of tobiko config file (default: "tobiko.conf")
  • tobiko_log_dir: - directory where tobiko log files will be stored (default: "{{ working_dir }}/.tobiko")
  • tobiko_log_file: - name of tobiko log file (default: "tobiko.log")
  • tobiko_key_file_name: - path to ssh key used by tobiko in tests (default: "~/.ssh/id_rsa")
  • tobiko_floating_ip_network: - name of floating IP network used by tobiko in tests (default: "public")
  • public_network_type: - type of public neutron network used for floating IPs during tobiko testing (default: flat)
  • public_network_pool_start: - neutron public network allocation pool start (default: {{ floating_ip_cidr|nthhost(100) }})
  • public_network_pool_end: - neutron public network allocation pool end (default: {{ floating_ip_cidr|nthhost(120) }})
  • public_network_gateway: - gateway IP for neutron public network, when not set, neutron will choose it automatically (default: {{ floating_ip_cidr|nthhost(1) }})
  • public_physical_network: - name of physical network used in neutron for public network (default: datacentre)
  • public_segmentation_id: - segmentation_id for neutron public network (default: '')
  • floating_ip_cidr: - the network CIDR to be used for a public floating IP network during testing (default: {{ undercloud_network_cidr }})

Using validate-tobiko role with tripleo-quickstart

To run tobiko with tripleo-quickstart, run the following command:


bash \
    --tags all \
    --no-clone \
    --release master \
    --extra-vars run_tobiko=True  \

Note: by using --extra-vars, we can change the validate-tobiko role variables.

Example Playbook

- name:  Run tobiko
  hosts: undercloud
  gather_facts: false
    - validate-tobiko


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