
3.3 KiB


Bug reports

If you encounter any problems with tripleo-quickstart or if you have feature suggestions, please feel free to open a bug report in our issue tracker. Please add the tag "quickstart" to the bug.


Local testing

Before submitting code to Gerrit you should do at least some minimal local testing, like running tox -e linters. This could be automated if you activate pre-commit hooks:

pip install --user pre-commit
# to enable automatic run on commit:
pre-commit install --install-hooks
# to uninstall hooks
pre-commit uninstall

Please note that the pre-commit feature is available only on repositories that do have .pre-commit-config.yaml file.

Running tox -e linters is recommended as it may include additional linting commands than just pre-commit. So, if you run tox you don't need to run pre-commit manually.

Implementation of pre-commit is very fast and saves a lot of disk space because internally it does cache any linter-version and reuses it between repositories, as opposed to tox which uses environments unique to each repository (usually more than one). Also by design pre-commit always pins linters, making less like to break code because linter released new version.

Another reason why pre-commit is very fast is because it runs only on modified files. You can force it to run on the entire repository via pre-commit run -a command.

Upgrading linters is done via pre-commit autoupdate but this should be done only as a separate change request.

Submitting code

If you fix a problem or implement a new feature, you may submit your changes via Gerrit. The tripleo-quickstart project uses the OpenStack Gerrit workflow.

You can anonymously clone the repository via git clone

If you wish to contribute, you'll want to get setup by following the documentation available at How To Contribute.

Developers are encouraged to install pre-commit in order to auto-perform a minimal set of checks on commit.

Once you've cloned the repository using your account, install the git-review tool, then from the tripleo-quickstart repository run:

git review -s

After you have made your changes locally, commit them to a feature branch, and then submit them for review by running:

git review

Your changes will be tested by our automated CI infrastructure, and will also be reviewed by other developers. If you need to make changes (and you probably will; it's not uncommon for patches to go through several iterations before being accepted), make the changes on your feature branch, and instead of creating a new commit, amend the existing commit, making sure to retain the Change-Id line that was placed there by git-review:

git ci --amend

After committing your changes, resubmit the review:

git review