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Improve logging for ansible calls in tripleoclient

Launchpad blueprint:

Problem description

Currently, the ansible playbooks logging as shown during a deploy, upgdate or upgrade (called "actions" later) is either too verbose, or not enough.

We also don't really have any history about the actions done on the stack, meaning we're essentially unable to say when something was changed, was it a success or a failure, and so on.

Requirements for the solution

No new service addition

We are already trying to remove things from the Undercloud, such as Mistral, it's not in order to add new services.

No increase in deployment and day-2 operations time

The solution must not increase the time taken for deploy, update, upgrades, scaling and any other actions. It must be 100% transparent to the operator.

Use existing tools

In the same way we don't want to have new services, we don't want to reinvent the wheel once more, and we must check the already huge catalog of existing solutions.


Keep It Simple Stupid is a key element - code must be easy to understand and maintain.

Proposed Change


While working on the Validation Framework, a big part was about the logging. There, we found a way to get an actual computable output, and store it in a defined location, allowing to provide a nice interface in order to list and show validation runs.

This heavily relies on an ansible callback plugin with specific libs, which are shipped in python-validations-libs package.

Since the approach is modular, those libs can be re-used pretty easily in other projects.

In addition, python-tripleoclient already depends on python-validations-libs (via a dependency on validations-common), meaning we already have the needed bits.

The Idea

Since we have the mandatory code already present on the system (provided by the new python-validations-libs package), we can modify how ansible-runner is configured in order to inject a callback, and get the output we need in both the shell (direct feedback to the operator) and in a dedicated file.

Direct feedback

The direct feedback will tell the operator about the current task being done and, when it ends, if it's a success or not.

This allows the operator to actually knows something is being done instead of waiting in front of a non-moving shell.

File logging

Here, we must define multiple things, and take into account we're running multiple playbooks, with multiple calls to ansible-runner.

File location

In order to make things easy, and for the sake of consistency, the logs should be pushed in a subdirectory located in /var/log.

Since those logs are related to tripleo actions, an understandable name might be:

  • /var/log/tripleo-actions

In order to avoid any right issues, it should be owned by root, with the group set to the user group running the CLI, and a 0770 mode. Since it can contain secrets, we must ensure only root and the running user (usually "stack") are able to access this location.

An alternative to the static ownership is to use ACLs on the directory, using ansible "acl" module. This might provide an easier way to manage the accesses to the files while ensuring no wild access is allowed. Please note we currently have no ACLs managed within tripleo.

In any cases, appart from "root", we shouldn't hard-code any user. We will therefore probably need to add some new parameters in order to set a proper access list. The ACLs might really be easier for this purpose, especially if we need more than one non-root user to access the logs.

As it's needed on the undercloud only, a new parameter should then be added to the undercloud.conf - maybe something like "validations_log_access" with a coma separated list of users.

File format convention

In order to make the logs easily usable by automated tools, and since we already heavily rely on JSON, the log output should be formated as JSON. This would allow to add some new CLI commands such as "history list", "history show" and so on.

Also, JSON being well known by logging services such as ElasticSearch, using it makes sending them to some central logging service really easy and convenient.

Filename convention

As said, we're running multiple playbooks during the actions, and we also want to have some kind of history.

In order to do that, the easiest way to get a name is to concatenate the time and the playbook name, something like:

  • timestamp-playbookname.json

Does it meet the requirements?

  • No service addition: yes - it's only a change in the CLI, no new dependecy is needed (tripleoclient already depends on validations-common, which depends on validations-libs)
  • No increase in operation time: yes - it's just writing a new file on the disk. In addition, it will make debugging tasks easier, with the ability to provide a history of passed runs.
  • Existing Tool: yes
  • Actively maintained: so far, yes - expected to be extended outside of TripleO
  • KISS: yes, based on the validations-libs and simple Ansible callback



ARA Records Ansible provides some of the functionnalities we implemented in the Validation Framework logging, but it lacks some of the wanted features, such as

  • CLI integration within tripleoclient
  • Third-party service independency
  • plain file logging in order to scrap them with SOSReport or other tools

ARA needs a DB backend - we could inject results in the existing galera DB, but that might create some issues with the concurrent accesses happening during a deploy for instance. Using sqlite is also an option, but it means new packages, new file location to save, binary format and so on.

It also needs some web server in order to show the reporting, meaning yet another httpd configuration, and the need to access to it on the undercloud.

Also, ARA being a whole service, it would require to deploy it, configure it, and maintain it - plus ensure it is properly running before each action in order to ensure it gets the logs.

By default, ARA doesn't affect the actual playbook output, while the goal of this spec is mostly about it: provide a concise feedback to the operator, while keeping the logs on disk, in files, with the ability to interact with them through the CLI directly.

In the end, ARA might be a solution, but it will require more work to get it integrated, and, since the Triple UI has been deprecated, there isn't real way to integrate it in an existing UI tool.

Would it meet the requirements?

  • No service addition: no, due to the "REST API" aspect. A service must answer API calls
  • No increase in operation time: probably yes, depending on the way ARA can manage inputs queues
  • Existing tool: yes
  • Actively maintained: yes
  • KISS: yes, but it adds new dependencies (DB backend, Web server, ARA service, and so on)

Proposed Roadmap

In Victoria:

  • Ensure we have all the ABI capabilities within validations-libs in order to set needed/wanted parameters for a different log location and file naming
  • Start to work on the ansible-runner calls so that it uses a tweaked callback, using the validations-libs capabilities in order to get the direct feedback as well as the formatted file in the right location

Security Impact

As we're going to store full ansible output on the disk, we must ensure log location accesses are closed to any non-wanted user. As stated while talking about the file location, the directory mode and ownership must be set so that only the needed users can access its content (root + stack user)

Once this is sorted out, no other security impact is to be expected - further more, it will even make things more secure than now, since the current way ansible is launched within tripleoclient puts an "ansible.log" file in the operator home directory without any specific rights.

Upgrade Impact

Appart from ensuring the log location exists, there isn't any major upgrade impact. A doc update must be done in order to point to the log location, as well as some messages within the CLI.

End User Impact

There is two impacts to the End User:

  • CLI output will be reworked in order to provide useful information (see Direct Feedback above)
  • Log location will change a bit for the ansible part (see File Logging above)

Performance Impact

No impact is expected here. But a PoC must be done in order to ensure the callback doesn't do anything bad.

Deployer Impact

Same as End User Impact: CLI output will be changed, and the log location will be updated.

Developer Impact

The callback is enabled by default, but the Developer might want to disable it. Proper doc should reflect this. No real impact in the end.



  • Cédric Jeanneret
  • Mathieu Bultel

Work Items

  • Modify validations-libs in order to provided the needed interface (shouldn't be really needed, the libs are already modular and should expose the wanted interfaces and parameters)
  • Create a new callback in tripleo-ansible
  • Ensure the log directory is created with the correct rights
  • Update the ansible-runner calls to enable the callback by default
  • Ensure tripleoclient outputs status update on a regular basis while the logs are being written in the right location
  • Update/create the needed documentations about the new logging location and management