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Development environment setup

Ideally, you should have one powerful machine ("virt host") on which you will install TripleO (the backend). For the development work on the TripleO UI, we recommend installing and configuring the UI directly on your workstation ("local machine") and then pointing it to the machine hosting the TripleO installation.

Install TripleO

Do these steps on the virt host.

Follow the official docs to install and configure TripleO (follow the step up to and including the Undercloud installation).

Once the undercloud is installed, you will need to create a tunnel on your virt host, to make the services running on undercloud available to the UI. The tunnel has the following format:

ssh -N root@<undercloud_ip> \
  # Repeat the last line for each service.

If you installed the UI with SSL the service_ip is the value of undercloud_public_ip in undercloud.conf. The ports needed are: 13385, 13000, 13004, 13808, 9000, 13989 and 443.

If you installed the UI without SSL, the service_ip is the value of network_gateway in undercloud.conf. The ports needed are: 6385, 5000, 8004, 8080, 9000, 8989 and 3000.

Example (with SSL enabled):

ssh -N root@ \
  -L \
  -L \
  -L \
  -L \
  -L \
  -L \

Example (without SSL):

ssh -N root@ \
  -L \
  -L \
  -L \
  -L \
  -L \
  -L \

Install Validations

To install Validations as part of your undercloud, make sure enable_validations is set to true in undercloud.conf, prior to running openstack undercloud install.

Install TripleO UI

Do these steps on the local machine.

Install nodejs and npm:

sudo dnf install nodejs

To compile and install native addons from npm you may also need to install build tools:

sudo dnf install gcc-c++ make

Clone the TripleO UI repo, change into the newly clone directory, install the dependencies and start the development server:

git clone
cd tripleo-ui
npm install
npm start

Optionally start Karma to run tests after every change:

npm run test:watch

Create the dist/ directory, and copy config/tripleo_ui_config.js.sample to dist/tripleo_ui_config.js. Uncomment the lines pertaining to OpenStack services (keystone, tripleo, etc), and add the urls where these services can be accessed (in this case, the IP address of the virt host). You can set values for the other services as well to override the values coming from the keystone serviceCatalog.

mkdir dist
cp config/tripleo_ui_config.js.sample dist/tripleo_ui_config.js

To access the UI, navigate to http://localhost:3000/

Troubleshooting installation

In case of problems with the nodejs installation, refer to this guide.

In case of errors during npm install, remove node_modules directory and clean npm cache, then run npm install again:

rm -rf node_modules
npm cache clean
npm install