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About the role

An Ansible role that will loop through all the containers on selected host, find the Openstack service configuration file and leverage the [oslo-config-validator]( utility to validate the current running configuration.

It's also possible to generate a report that contains all differences between the sample or default values with current running configuration.

Finally, it will also verify that the current running configuration doesn't contain any known invalid settings that might have been deprecated and removed in previous versions.


Some services like cinder can have dynamic configuration sections. In cinder's case, this is for the storage backends. To perform validation on these dynamic sections, we need to generate a yaml formatted config sample with oslo-config-generator beforehand, append a new sample configuration for each storage backends, and validate against that newly generated configuration file by passing --opt-data to the oslo-config-validator command instead of using --namespaces. Since generating a sample config adds some delay to the validation, this is not the default way of validating, we prefer to validate directly using --namespaces.

NOTE: At the time of writing this role, oslo-config-generator has a bug [1] when generating yaml config files, most notably with cinder. Since the inclusion of oslo.config patch can't be garanteed, the role will inject this patch [2] to the oslo.config code, inside the validation container. This code change is ephemeral for the time of the configuration file generation. The reason why we want to inject this patch is because it's possible that we run the validation on containers that were created before it was merged. This ensures a smooth validation across the board.

[1] [2]


This role needs to be run on an Undercloud with a deployed Overcloud.

Role Variables

  • oslo_config_validator_validation: Wether or not to run assertions on produced outputs. That also means that the role will fail if anything is output post-filtering. If this is enabled with the reporting, this will most likely trigger a failure unless executed against default configuration
  • oslo_config_validator_report: Wether or not we compare the configuration files found with the default config
  • oslo_config_validator_invalid_settings: When running validation, wether or not we should check for invalid settings. This adds to the time it takes to complete validation because of the way the validations_read_ini module works. This won't work without oslo_config_validator_validation enabled.
  • oslo_config_validator_report_path: The folder used when generating the reports.
  • oslo_config_validator_global_ignored_messages: List of regular expressions that will filter out messages globally, across all namespaces
  • oslo_config_validator_namespaces_config: Specific namespace configurations. It contains namespace-specific ignored patterns as well as invalid settings configuration.
  • oslo_config_validator_service_configs: Mapping of known Openstack services with their namespace configuration.
  • oslo_config_validator_checked_services: List of services being validated.


Example Reporting Playbook

- hosts: all
  - oslo_config_validator_report: true
  - oslo_config_validator_validation: false
  - { role: oslo_config_validator}

Example playbook to validate only one service

- hosts: all
  - oslo_config_validator_checked_services:
  - nova
  - { role: oslo_config_validator}



Author Information

Red Hat TripleO DFG:Compute Deployment Squad

Full Description