Changed files: - index.rst - contributor/index.rst - installation-and-configuration - split to devstack-installation.rst and configuration.rst Change-Id: I4683a213e2a530d2088c4f232b9c2508fc25ba68
2.8 KiB
Nagios-for-Devstack Configuration Guide
This page describes how to manually install and configure Nagios on devstack. After following the steps described here, Nagios will be installed via the OMD package (http://omdistro.org/) and will have a basic set of tests for monitoring the Devstack VM. It will then be possible to configure a Nagios datasource for Vitrage.
The following guide is for Ubuntu. With slight modifications it should work for other linux flavours. Links for this purpose are added below.
Install devstack with vitrage before install Nagios via OMD due to this issue
Update your repo to include the OMD key:
wget -q "https://labs.consol.de/repo/stable/RPM-GPG-KEY" -O - | sudo apt-key add -
Update your repo with the OMD site. For example, for ubuntu trusty release:
sudo bash -c "echo 'deb https://labs.consol.de/repo/stable/ubuntu trusty main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list" sudo apt-get update
For additional distros, see https://labs.consol.de/repo/stable/
Install OMD
sudo apt-get install omd
Create a site for nagios with a name of your choosing, for example
.sudo omd create my_site sudo omd config my_site set APACHE_TCP_PORT 54321 sudo omd config my_site set APACHE_TCP_ADDR sudo omd start my_site
You can now access your Nagios site here: http://<devstack_ip>:54321/my_site/omd/.
username: omdadmin password: omd
- Notes:
- The default port is OMD uses is 5000, which is also used by OpenStack Keystone, and so it must be changed. Port 54321 used here is only an example.
- APACHE_TCP_ADDR indicates the address to listen on. Use to listen for all traffic addressed to the specified port. Use a different address to listen on a specific (public) address.
- When using devstack, remember to stop omd apache2's sites
Install the Check_MK agent on devstack VM:
sudo apt-get install check-mk-agent
Activate the Check_MK agent, by editing
and setting "disable" to "no", and then runsudo service xinetd restart
In your browser, go to http://<devstack_ip>:<selected port>/my_site/omd/ and follow the instructions at this link ("Configuring the first host and checks" section) to configure the nagios host.
Vitrage Support. With Nagios installed, you can now configure a datasource for it for Vitrage, by following the instructions here.