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Design wire protocol for non RESTFul transports
This specs represents the work to be done to design a wire protocol that will
respect the current API v1.1 and that will also be useful for non-RESTFul
transmission protocols.
Problem description
We currently have a well defined protocol that works well for HTTP. As a
project, we're looking forward to welcome more transports that will work for
different use-cases but we don't have a way to support them. This blueprint
aims to define such protocol and the work needed to make it happen.
Proposed change
Based on the existing protocol defined in this wiki page[0] and the rough spec
proposed here[1], I'm proposing we use similar to the one below and complete
the work started by the api-layer blueprint[2].
This blueprint, however, does not propose an API layer that should be used by
*all* transports. Instead, it proposes an API layer that will be used by
transports relying on lower-level transmission protocols like: websocket, raw
tcp, etc.
Ideally, one would expect Zaqar to support existing protocols like
STOMP, AMQP, etc. While this may/may not be possible depending on the
protocol, we should have a protocol that sticks to the service goals
of being simple, straightforward and lightweight. Other protocols
could be implemented as separate transports in the future.
"action": "post_message",
"header": {
"User-Agent": "python/2.7 killer-rabbit/1.2",
"Date": "Wed, 2 8 Nov 2012 21:14:19 GMT",
"Accept": "application/x-msgpack",
"Client-ID": 30387f00-39a0-11e2-be4d-a8d15f34bae2,
"X-Project-ID": 518b51ea133c4facadae42c328d6b77b,
"X-Auth-Token": "7d2f63fd-4dcc-4752-8e9b-1d08f989cc00"
"body": {
[0] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Zaqar/specs/api/v1.1
[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Zaqar/specs/zmq/api/v1
[2] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/zaqar/+spec/cross-transport-api-spec
- Don't do anything and let each transport implement it's protocol.
- Implement a transport on top of a different protocol
Primary assignee:
Target Milestone for completion:
Work Items
- Define the wire protocol
- Create an API manager that process messages
.. note::
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Unported License.