Fei Long Wang 1ddd9ca5c0 Fix sqlalchemy migration
1. Fix the case of table names
2. Fix the sqlalchemy migration tests

NOTE: The sqlalchemy migrations test depends on oslo_db's migration
test which requires mysql user 'openstack_citest' with password
'openstack_citest' otherwise the test will be skipped.

Closes-Bug: #1654105

Change-Id: Ia672440a948fa4784f6dd1aa6d5fed0bc3915663
2017-02-02 20:20:29 +13:00

4.9 KiB

Running tests

Zaqar contains a suite of tests (both unit and functional) in the zaqar/tests directory.

See test_suite for details.

Any proposed code change is automatically rejected by the OpenStack Jenkins server1 if the change causes test failures.

It is recommended for developers to run the test suite before submitting patch for review. This allows to catch errors as early as possible.

Preferred way to run the tests

The preferred way to run the unit tests is using tox. It executes tests in isolated environment, by creating separate virtualenv and installing dependencies from the requirements.txt and test-requirements.txt files, so the only package you install is tox itself:

$ pip install tox

See the unit testing section of the Testing wiki page for more information. Following are some simple examples.

To run the Python 2.7 tests:

$ tox -e py27

To run the style tests:

$ tox -e pep8

To run multiple tests separate items by commas:

$ tox -e py27,py34,pep8

Running a subset of tests

Instead of running all tests, you can specify an individual directory, file, class or method that contains test code, i.e. filter full names of tests by a string.

To run the tests located only in the zaqar/tests/unit/storage directory use:

$ tox -e py27

To run the tests specific to the MongoDB driver in the zaqar/tests/unit/storage/ file:

$ tox -e py27 test_impl_mongodb

To run the tests in the MongodbMessageTests class in the tests/unit/storage/ file:

$ tox -e py27 test_impl_mongodb.MongodbMessageTests

To run the MongodbMessageTests.test_message_lifecycle test method in the tests/unit/storage/ file:

$ tox -e py27 test_impl_mongodb.MongodbMessageTests.test_message_lifecycle

Running functional tests

Zaqar's functional tests treat Zaqar as a black box. In other words, the API calls attempt to simulate an actual user. Unlike unit tests, the functional tests do not use mockendpoints.

Functional test modes

Functional tests can run in integration mode and non-integration mode.

Integration mode

In integration mode functional tests are performed on Zaqar server instances running as separate processes. This is real functional testing.

To run functional tests in integration mode, execute:

$ tox -e integration

Non-integration mode

In non-integration mode functional tests are performed on Zaqar server instances running as python objects. This mode doesn't guarantee enough black boxness for Zaqar, but tests run 10 times faster than in integration mode.

To run functional tests in non-integration mode, execute:

$ tox -e py27 zaqar.tests.functional

Using a custom MongoDB instance

If you need to run functional tests against a non-default MongoDB installation, you can set the ZAQAR_TEST_MONGODB_URL environment variable. For example:

$ export ZAQAR_TEST_MONGODB_URL=mongodb://remote-server:27017

Using custom parameters

You can edit default functional test configuration file zaqar/tests/etc/functional-tests.conf according to your needs.

For example, you want to run functional tests with keystone authentication enabled, input a valid set of credentials to [auth] section in configuration file and set auth_on parameter to True.

Using local Mysql database

To use a similar testing environment with database support like upstream CI, you can run zaqar/tools/ to create a required Mysql user openstack_citest with same password. The user is required by oslo.db's test. Zaqar needs it because Zaqar's sqlalchemy database migration is leveraging oslo.db's migration test base.


  1. See↩︎