This service file is required by CentOs to build
the storageconfig package.
Test Plan:
PASS: build storageconfig package
Closes-bug: 1992803
Signed-off-by: Hediberto Cavalcante da Silva <>
Change-Id: If1e4bd0050d8c971f98ec297971484a922644b34
In python3 the PriorityQueue raises an exception
due to
TypeError: '<' not supported between
instances of 'SubcloudAuditData' and 'SubcloudAuditData'
The fix is to include a __lt__ method in SubcloudAuditData.
A timestamp field is added (primarily used in the tuple added to the
queue, but easy enough to include here) in order to aid in the sorting.
Test Plan:
PASS: trigger cert-mon audit for subclouds. Verify that the exception
is not raised, and that subclouds are properly enqueued for audit.
Closes-Bug: 1992680
Change-Id: Ibaa9a421eb809edc434793bc7e8ae92691be021f
Signed-off-by: Kyle MacLeod <>
This change removed "activate"
script since all openldap certificates are generated during host
A new migration script is added to update openldap users carried
over from the from-release side. This script will run at "activate"
phase of upgrade.
Test Plan:
PASS: system upgrade from stx r6 to r7.
PASS: Verify client access to secure openldap by
ldapsearch -xH ldaps://controller -b "ou=People,dc=cgcs,dc=local"
PASS: Verify client access to secure openldap by
ldapfinger admin
PASS: Verify openldap user login from console and by ssh.
Story: 2009834
Task: 46517
Signed-off-by: Andy Ning <>
Change-Id: I8b72d8ea1db4052fc09250010fb6c2beefdf014c
This change is part of refactoring openldap CA certificate
installation. It updated sysinv ldap puppet plugin to retrieve
openldap CA certificate from k8s secret and add it into puppet
hieradata. The CA certificate in hieradata will then be consumed
by puppet to install into system trusted CA bundle.
Test Plan:
PASS: system deployement, after hosts are unlocked, verify openldap
CA certificate presents as
and is included in
PASS: Verify client access to secure openldap by
ldapsearch -xH ldaps://controller -b "ou=People,dc=cgcs,dc=local"
PASS: Verify client access to secure openldap by
ldapfinger admin
PASS: Verify openldap user login from console and by ssh.
Story: 2009834
Task: 46516
Signed-off-by: Andy Ning <>
Change-Id: Ib4639633d9a015b1c55a7700ed3aaeb984f8bdb4
Details: This is to update this script with execution permission.
It will be run to clean up the load after the upgrade.
Test Plan:
PASS: built the iso and verified its permission during upgrade
PASS: ran the file to verify the load is cleaned
Task: 46435
Story: 2009303
Signed-off-by: Junfeng (Shawn) Li <>
Change-Id: I3276077b24c9314f8f1ed0f5eff02848446d9869
This work:
- is part of Debian integration effort.
- affect Debian only
- will allow puppet manifests to be applied on storage node at
unlock/reboot time.
This specific commit:
- allows controllerconfig, workerconfig-standalone and storageconfig
packages to coexist on the same iso by letting files be selected
at runtime
- lets storageconfig service be installed by systemd
Test Plan on Debian:
PASS: controllers unlocked on AIO-SX, AIO-DX, Standard & Storage
PASS: workers unlocked on Standard & Storage
PASS: storages unlocked on Storage
PASS: storageconfig started puppet manifest apply on storage nodes
PASS: controllerconfig is running on controller node on AIO-SX,
AIO-DX, Standard & Storage
PASS: workerconfig is not running on controller and storage nodes
on AIO-SX, AIO-DX, Standard & Storage
PASS: storageconfig is not running on controller and worker nodes
on AIO-SX, AIO-DX, Standard & Storage
PASS: workerconfig is running on worker node Standard & Storage
Story: 2010211
Task: 46506
Signed-off-by: Hediberto Cavalcante da Silva <>
Change-Id: I83dde1cf406217e483f05f5504659930612edf70
When compute services remain healthy:
- listing alarms shall not refer to the below Obsoleted alarm
- 200.012 alarm hostname controller function has an in-service failure
This update deletes definition of the obsoleted alarm and any references
200.012 is removed in events.yaml file
Also updated any reference to this alarm definition.
Need to also raise a Bug to track the Doc change.
Test Plan:
Verify on a Standard configuration no alarms are listed for hostname
controller in-service failure
Code (removal) changes exercised with fix prior to ansible bootstrap
and host-unlock and verify no unexpected alarms
There is no need to test the alarm referred here as they are obsolete
Closes-Bug: 1991531
Signed-off-by: Girish Subramanya <>
Change-Id: I255af68155c5392ea42244b931516f742fa838c3
This reverts commit 6a704b12b86af12176475563b50eef867b3a2a0d.
This breaks system deployment.
Signed-off-by: Andy Ning <>
Change-Id: I3be9a666d097a87fd268dcb091f5505b70d39242
When Debian's ifup tool runs for a IPv6 VLAN interface it is not setting
the MTU found in the configuration file. Instead it sets it to the
underlying interface's MTU. If that's a jumbo MTU value, it can cause
packet drops during file transfer and installation on controller-1
to fail.
This fix uses post-up configuration to set the correct MTU value to
mimic CentOS's ifup tool behavior.
Test Plan:
PASS: check that the VLAN's MTU is correct
PASS: installation on standard lab
Closes-Bug: 1991582
Signed-off-by: Caio Bruchert <>
Change-Id: Id898a0eb132abe6838ddc81ff0adb4401c33d731
In, it will call "system
certificate-install -m ssl_ca" to install the openldap CA cert.
Since sysinv is blocked waiting for the script to return, it
won't process the system certificate install call, causing the
call eventually timeout and the script fail.
This change disabled openldap CA cert installation in the upgrade
script as a temporary fix. A proper solution will be followed.
Test Plan:
PASS: DX system upgrade at least to the point of upgrade activation.
Story: 2009834
Task: 46455
Signed-off-by: Andy Ning <>
Change-Id: I3eee375936b13f0f666bfd9bcf964e35a088834b
Merging sysinv-fpga-agent service with sysinv-agent
in order to reduce overall OS overhead.
Replaced calls "wait_for_n3000_reset()" and "wait_for_host_uuid()" in
previous fpga-agent-manager by checks that ensure fpga devices are
reset and host_uuid is available in agent-manager. Also, the content of
"fpga_pci_update()" and "report_fpga_inventory()" methods is directly
inserted in the body of "agent_audit()" method.
Test Plan:
On AIO-DX env (CentOS):
<sysinv-fpga-agent tests>
PASS: Check FPGA pod and its resources.
PASS: Check FPGA pod and its resources after lock/unlock.
PASS: Check FPGA pod and its resources after the system reboot.
PASS: Verify image upload with non-functional image with
PASS: Verify retimer_a_version and retimer_b_version after applying
BMC image with re-timer and bmc
PASS: Verify firmware update for BMC and retimer image with
PASS: Verify apply BMC image without re-timer first and then BMC
image with re-timer, only latest image is kept in
PASS: Test accelerator configuration is persistent after lock/unlock.
PASS: Test to verify that the accelerator configuration is persistent
after a graceful reboot.
<sysinv-agent tests>
PASS: Verify alarms raised by PTP feature
PASS: Verify the configuration and run of single ptp-instance
PASS: Verify the configuration and run of single phc2sys
PASS: Verify PTP CLI commands
On AIO-SX env (Debian):
PASS: Check FPGA pod and its resources.
PASS: Check FPGA pod and its resources after lock/unlock.
PASS: Check FPGA pod and its resources after system reboot.
PASS: Check if FPGA device can be detected, configured.
PASS: Test accelerator configuration is persistent after lock/unlock.
PASS: Test to verify that the accelerator configuration is persistent
after graceful reboot.
Story: 2010087
Task: 45628
Signed-off-by: Davi Frossard <>
Change-Id: I83edd261898498344001ca90bb53a5f65e66728c
This commit adds sysinv service parameters configuration for sssd
support of remote ldap domains. Remote ldap domains get configured
with default configuration. A subset of the domain parameters
that are specific to the ldap server will to be added using
service parameters mechanism.
A maximum of 3 AD remote ldap domains are allowed: ldap-domain1,
ldap-domain2, ldap-domain3.
Validation methods are implemented for the service parameters.
Parameter Validation will be enabled in the next code drop.
In this commit service parameters are applied to only controllers.
Worker and Storage node personalities will be added in a subsequent
Tests performed:
PASS: Successful install in AIO-SX system configuration.
PASS: The default remote ldap domain configuration gets populated in
PASS: sssd service is successfully started.
PASS: Remote ldap domain service parameters are added and applied at
PASS: Verify connection to the new ldap server using ldapsearch.
PASS: Verify ldap users have been discovered and cached in /etc/passwd
PASS: Verify remote ssh connection for an AD ldap user.
Story: 2009834
Task: 46364
Signed-off-by: Carmen Rata <>
Change-Id: I28df5059acd0a5e4a9f4368eb3cc8b0544d36333
Removed conf files from /etc/pmon.d/
as they are being moved to another location.
This is part of an effort to allow pmon conf files
to be selected at runtime by kickstarts.
The change is debian-only, since centos support
will be dropped soon.
Centos' pmon conf files remain in /etc/pmon.d/
Test Plan:
PASS - deb doesn't install anything to /etc/pmon.d/
PASS - AIOSX unlocked-enabled-available
PASS - Standard 2+2 unlocked-enabled-available
Story: 2010211
Task: 46301
Signed-off-by: Leonardo Fagundes Luz Serrano <>
Change-Id: I1055170e1d5c4ff3a21350c6c5a54b31b6fc57bb
Recent changes [1] to AppImageParser _find_images_in_dict and
generate_download_images_list methods made this code to break with both
AttributeError and TypeError when stx-openstack application is being
This change includes extra protection against these types of errors and
restablish the flow for generating stx-openstack image list based on its
It also adds a new image resource to TestKubeAppImageParser unit tests,
using an Openstack resource extracted from when debugging the original
error. It should prevent this issue to happen again for future changes
at AppImageParser logic.
The original change to generate_download_images_list, for example, would
fail the test:
* TestKubeAppImageParser.test_generate_download_images_list
Test Plan:
PASS - Locally execute unit tests: TestKubeAppImageParser
PASS - Build the sysinv package with this change
PASS - Upload stx-openstack app
PASS - Apply stx-openstack app
Closes-Bug: 1991115
Signed-off-by: Thales Elero Cervi <>
Change-Id: I8a1384bfefd12f8a893249853cbeae3a9d3661e0
This change is to avoid intermittent file lock error when
creating vim database directly on nfs device.
As a safer (and more efficient) way is to create the database
on local temp directory and copy it to the nfs mount path.
Also add an audit code to determine if the database copied to
nfs still has the file lock issue and report in log.
Note that the database does not need to be opened over nfs mount,
so the file lock failure issue would not impact the system.
passed DX upgrade 22.06 to 22.12 Debian completed.
Closes-Bug: 1990544
Change-Id: Ib3f1dee3df4f0c240c919b3f5c3414a6b807b1de
Signed-off-by: Bin Qian <>
k8s versions older than 1.21 are no longer required. This change removes k8s older versions - 1.18.1, 1.19.13 and 1.20.9
Test-plan: Debian
PASS: system kube-version-list doesn't show the old versions - 1.18.1, 1.19.13 and 1.20.9
Story: 2010301
Task: 46416
Signed-off-by: rsivanan <>
Change-Id: Ia1dc4b105e091e83f3bcf8a5038f40ff4c29a7c1
Details: Add platform-upgrade cmd to /usr/bin/ during Debian
This is a fix for
Task: 45858
Story: 2009303
Signed-off-by: Junfeng (Shawn) Li <>
Change-Id: Iaf0722b063ac2b06c30b59f7ba266ea1573a463d
Remove the installation of per-package preset installs
since they are centrally managed now by the ISO install
for the following packages:
- config-gate-worker
- config-gate
- controllerconfig
- sysinv-agent
- sysinv-fpga-agent
Story: 2009968
Task: 46406
Test Plan
PASS Build package
PASS Check for non-existant preset file in /etc/systemd/system-preset
Signed-off-by: Charles Short <>
Change-Id: I4204f75d3a7cfc25ab8b5f303d12023eafc212f0
This file references helm chart packages from outside of this repo:
* stx-openstack-helm
* stx-monitor-helm
These packages used to be in this repo (under kubernetes/) but have
since been moved to independent repos:
* starlingx/openstack-armada-app
* starlingx/monitor-armada-app
Build packages, then run and make sure
"stx-openstack-helm" & "stx-monitor-helm" tarballs are generated.
Story: 2010226
Task: 46421
Signed-off-by: Davlet Panech <>
Change-Id: I674969f147e48658c7e7f2b36db109e73adc480c
This change is to ensure the disk uuid is preserved during
data migration. The disk uuid is used in storage configuration
that links to osd.
1. complete upgrade from 22.06 Centos to 22.12 Debian on AIO-DX
with ceph configuration. No ceph osd failure.
2. complete upgrade from 22.06 Centos to 22.12 Debian on AIO-SX
with ceph configuration. No ceph osd failure.
Story: 2009303
Task: 46300
Signed-off-by: Bin Qian <>
Change-Id: Ief1e5cd9588aca8148106f2d95b7e60989f6bb8b
Changed image tag from stx.6.0-v1.0.1. to stx.8.0-v1.0.2
Story: 2009831
Task: 46404
Signed-off-by: Mohammad Issa <>
Change-Id: I2431dce863cd24a7fccdb2868a73ba754b407d72
This adds sysinv upgrades support for Kubernetes 1.23.1 to 1.24.4.
Test-plan: Debian
PASS: Install k8s 1.23.1, system kube-version-list shows
v1.24.4 available
Story: 2010301
Task: 46321
Signed-off-by: Jim Gauld <>
Change-Id: Ic5de632bd9bbb1fc0d0faf24cebf929ce30c547e