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Create and Bootstrap from a Local External Private Docker Registry
You can bootstrap controller-0 from a private local external Docker registry. This is useful in case you plan to perform multiple installations on your own machine and do not want to be rate-limited by public registries.
This will also speed up the bootstrap process as images will be downloaded only once. This guide assumes that you are installing this local external docker registry on a Linux system with Docker installed and configured.
Optionally, you can also create multiple registries with pull-through cache, skipping the need to pre-populate the registry and keeping the images and tags up-to-date.
.. group-tab:: Private Registry
In this section, you will pre-populate a local registry with multiple images. Currently, the generated images list will not contain all images, making it necessary to manually pull some images used by the kubeadm tool. Alternatively, you can follow the "pull-through cache" section, allowing docker to get the image from remote, if it doesn't exists locally.
Create folders to store your local registry images (
) and to place setup files that will be used later on (images
):mkdir -p $HOME/docker-registry/storage mkdir -p $HOME/docker-registry/images
Create a configuration file that will be used by Docker's official Registry image later on:
cat > $HOME/docker-registry/config.yml << EOF version: 0.1 log: fields: service: registry storage: cache: blobdescriptor: inmemory filesystem: rootdirectory: /var/lib/registry http: addr: :5000 headers: X-Content-Type-Options: [nosniff] health: storagedriver: enabled: true interval: 10s threshold: 3 EOF
Run the docker container registry:
export LOCAL_REG=$HOME/docker-registry docker run -d \ --restart=always \ --name registry \ -v "$LOCAL_REG"/storage:/var/lib/registry \ -v "$LOCAL_REG"/config.yml:/etc/docker/registry/config.yml \ -e REGISTRY_HTTP_ADDR= \ -p 5000:5000 \ registry:2
Optional: the
parameter configures a mapping between the host port and the container port. If you want to listen on another port on your host, say 9000, change from-p 5000:5000 \
to-p 9000:5000 \
.Create the list of images that will populate the registry.
Obtain the Kubernetes version your uses. This can be found in the
value of the Kubernetes versions file. Use the branches and tags to find the value for your version.With the Kubernetes version, you can find the corresponding folder in system images and locate the
file. This file contains the list of images to be loaded into your registry.To make the list of images for 8.0, take the raw address of the corresponding
file and set a variable with it:export IMAGES_YAML_RAW_FILE="https://opendev.org/starlingx/ansible-playbooks/raw/branch/master/playbookconfig/src/playbooks/roles/common/load-images-information/vars/k8s-v1.24.4/system-images.yml"
Use the command to generate a
file:curl -s ${IMAGES_YAML_RAW_FILE} | grep -v '\-\-\-' | grep -v '^#' | cut -d ':' -f2,3 | tr -d ' ' > $HOME/docker-registry/images/list.lst
The expected image list will be presented in this format:
Due to
dynamically pulling the necessary images for creating the k8s cluster, based on theKubernetes version
used, this list doesn't contain all necessary images. You'll need to manually add the extra images to thelist.lst
file, using kubeadm. You can check the official k8s docs on how to get them.Note
Optional: If you have a running setup, you can run the following to create an Ansible Playbook to get the exact images you will need instead:
cat > list-images.yml << EOF --- - hosts: localhost gather_facts: true tasks: - name: Load image info include_role: name: /usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/roles/common/load-images-information - name: Print image list debug: msg: "{{ (kubernetes_images + networking_images + static_images + storage_images + security_images) }}" EOF
Then, run the following to execute the Ansible Playbook:
K8S_VERSION=<version> ansible-playbook list-images.yml -e "kubernetes_version=${K8S_VERSION}"
You will find the Kubernetes version to assign to the K8S_VERSION variable on the aforementioned Kubernetes versions file.
Create and run a script that will populate the registry based on the list of images:
export REG_SCRIPT=$HOME/docker-registry/images/populate_registry.sh cat > $REG_SCRIPT <<'EOF' #!/bin/bash if [[ -z $1 ]]; then echo "Please provide a file with a list of Docker images." exit 1 fi TAGS_FILE=$1 LOCAL_REGISTRY=localhost:5000 while read DOCKER_IMAGE; do echo "" echo -n "--- ${DOCKER_IMAGE}: "; IMAGE_ARRAY=($(echo $DOCKER_IMAGE | tr ":" " ")) REPO=${IMAGE_ARRAY[0]} TAG=${IMAGE_ARRAY[1]} REPO_TAGS_URL="http://${LOCAL_REGISTRY}/v2/${REPO}/tags/list" if curl -s -X GET --insecure ${REPO_TAGS_URL} | jq | grep ${TAG} &>/dev/null; then echo -n "Skipping..." continue fi echo "Pulling..." set -x docker pull ${DOCKER_IMAGE}; REGISTRY_IMAGE=${LOCAL_REGISTRY}/${DOCKER_IMAGE} docker tag ${DOCKER_IMAGE} ${REGISTRY_IMAGE}; docker push ${REGISTRY_IMAGE}; docker rmi ${DOCKER_IMAGE} ${REGISTRY_IMAGE}; set +x done < $TAGS_FILE EOF chmod +x $REG_SCRIPT $REG_SCRIPT $HOME/docker-registry/images/list.lst
script checks if each image in the list is already present, which means you can update the list and re-run the script to get new images whenever necessary.
With Pull-through cache
Create folders to store your local registry images (
) and to place setup files that will be used later on (images
):mkdir -p $HOME/docker-registry/storage mkdir -p $HOME/docker-registry/images mkdir -p $HOME/docker-registry/config
Create a configuration file that will be used by Docker's official registry image later on. The script will replace the PORT and REGISTRY values:
cat > $HOME/docker-registry/config.yml << EOF version: 0.1 log: fields: service: registry storage: cache: blobdescriptor: inmemory filesystem: rootdirectory: /var/lib/registry http: addr: <PORT> headers: X-Content-Type-Options: [nosniff] health: storagedriver: enabled: true interval: 10s threshold: 3 proxy: remoteurl: https://<REGISTRY> EOF
Create and run a script that will create several private docker registries:
export REG_CACHE_SCRIPT=$HOME/docker-registry/images/create_registries.sh cat > $REG_CACHE_SCRIPT <<'EOF' #!/bin/bash if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "No argument supplied" exit 1 fi export LOCAL_REG=$HOME/docker-registry INSECURE_REGISTRY_LIST=() LOCALHOST_IP=$1 [ -z "$2" ] && BASE_PORT=5000 || BASE_PORT=$2 REGISTRY_LIST=("quay.io" "gcr.io" "k8s.gcr.io" "registry-1.docker.io" "docker.elastic.co" "ghcr.io" "registry.k8s.io" "icr.io") CONFIG_BASE=$(cat "$LOCAL_REG"/config.yml) for cur_registry in "${REGISTRY_LIST[@]}"; do CONTAINER_NAME="registry_$cur_registry" NEW_CONFIG_FILE_NAME="config_$cur_registry.yml" NEW_CONFIG_FILE="$LOCAL_REG/configs/$NEW_CONFIG_FILE_NAME" NEW_CONFIG=$(echo "$CONFIG_BASE" | sed "s/<PORT>/$BASE_PORT/" | sed "s/<REGISTRY>/$cur_registry/") echo "$NEW_CONFIG" >"$NEW_CONFIG_FILE" docker run -d \ --restart=always \ --name "$CONTAINER_NAME" \ -v "$LOCAL_REG"/storage:/var/lib/registry \ -v "$NEW_CONFIG_FILE":/etc/docker/registry/config.yml \ -e REGISTRY_HTTP_ADDR="$BASE_PORT" \ -p "$BASE_PORT":"$BASE_PORT" \ registry:2.6.2 INSECURE_REGISTRY_LIST+=("$cur_registry - $LOCALHOST_IP:$BASE_PORT") ((BASE_PORT++)) done for reg in "${INSECURE_REGISTRY_LIST[@]}"; do echo "$reg" done EOF chmod +x $REG_CACHE_SCRIPT $REG_CACHE_SCRIPT <your ip address> <starting port (default 5000)>
script create 8 registry containers. You'll need 8 free ports, in sequence, starting from the specified starting port. Ex.: Passing port6000
as the second argument, will create containers on6000-6007
port range.Note
On it's current version, Docker CLI throws a warning when pulling images that are still using the v1 manifest format. The official Docker image registry, on it's latest version, does not allow images that still uses them. A few images used by the StarlingX OS are outdated, so, as of now, it'll be necessary to use a older version of the registry image (v2.6.2). Check the official registry as a pull through cache docker guide for more info.
The Docker CLI exclusively permits insecure (HTTP) registries when on
the local host. When executing the provided script remotely, in addition
to modifying the LOCAL_REGISTRY
variable to match the IP
address of the registry's location, it is necessary to insert an entry
in the insecure-registries:
section within the
file. Following this adjustment, you
must restart the Docker service.
Your registry is ready! On your next installation, update your
bootstrap overrides file with
the following lines to use it:
.. group-tab:: Private Registry
url: <your IP address>:5000/quay.io
url: <your IP address>:5000/gcr.io
url: <your IP address>:5000/k8s.gcr.io
url: <your IP address>:5000/docker.io
url: <your IP address>:5000/docker.elastic.co
url: <your IP address>:5000/ghcr.io
url: <your IP address>:5000/registry.k8s.io
url: <your IP address>:5000/icr.io
type: docker
secure: false
With Pull-through cache
url: <your IP address>:<port_1>
url: <your IP address>:<port_2>
url: <your IP address>:<port_3>
url: <your IP address>:<port_4>
url: <your IP address>:<port_5>
url: <your IP address>:<port_6>
url: <your IP address>:<port_7>
url: <your IP address>:<port_8>
type: docker
secure: false
This procedure configured to use an insecure registry via the
parameter set to
in the excerpt above. Make sure you only use this on
your own development environment.