Ron Stone f125a8b892 Remove spurious escapes (r8,dsR8)
This change addresses a long-standing issue in rST documentation imported from XML.
That import process added backslash escapes in front of various characters. The three
most common being '(', ')', and '_'.
These instances are removed.

Signed-off-by: Ron Stone <>
Change-Id: Id43a9337ffcd505ccbdf072d7b29afdb5d2c997e
2023-03-01 11:19:04 +00:00

9.2 KiB

Configure NTP Servers Using the CLI

You can use the CLI to add or update a list of servers and services.

NTP Servers

You can specify up to three servers using the CLI or the Horizon Web interface. For more information, see Configure NTP Servers Using Horizon <configuring-ntp-servers-and-services-using-horizon>.

To view the existing server configuration, use the following command.

~(keystone_admin)]$ system ntp-show
| Property     | Value                                        |
| uuid         | c65d5dcd-de6c-4ff9-89a1-c385dd4c7310         |
| ntpservers   |,, |
| isystem_uuid | a16d7b07-1d42-41cf-b001-04bc25216a2b         |
| created_at   | 2019-12-07T18:31:14.242942+00:00             |
| updated_at   | 2019-12-07T18:42:09.244572+00:00             |


When you change the system configuration you must lock/unlock all hosts. This process requires a swact on the controllers. During a host swact the system may raise alarms.

To change the server IP addresses, use the following command syntax. The ntpservers option takes a comma-delimited list of server names.

~(keystone_admin)]$ system ntp-modify \

For example:

~(keystone_admin)]$ system ntp-modify,,

NTP Service

Clock synchronization, synchronizes time across multiple systems in a network. The default value for clock_synchronization is ntp.


and is configured per host. Lock/unlock the host when updating clock_synchronization for the host.

Use the following command to change the clock synchronization on the host:

~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-update controller-0 clock_synchronization=ntp
| Property              | Value                                      |
| action                | none                                       |
| administrative        | unlocked                                   |
| availability          | available                                  |
| bm_ip                 | None                                       |
| bm_type               | None                                       |
| bm_username           | None                                       |
| boot_device           | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-ata-1.0 |
| capabilities          | {u'stor_function': u'monitor'}             |
| clock_synchronization | ntp                                        |
| config_applied        | 16dfa935-e21e-4737-90f4-1afa83a3091b       |
| config_status         | None                                       |
| config_target         | 16dfa935-e21e-4737-90f4-1afa83a3091b       |
| console               | ttyS0,115200n8                             |
| created_at            | 2020-02-27T15:00:07.108865+00:00           |
| hostname              | controller-0                               |
| id                    | 1                                          |
| install_output        | text                                       |
| install_state         | None                                       |
| install_state_info    | None                                       |
| inv_state             | inventoried                                |
| invprovision          | provisioned                                |
| location              | {}                                         |
| mgmt_ip               |                              |
| mgmt_mac              | 00:00:00:00:00:00                          |
| operational           | enabled                                    |
| personality           | controller                                 |
| reserved              | False                                      |
| rootfs_device         | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-ata-1.0 |
| serialid              | None                                       |
| software_load         | nn.nn                                      |
| subfunction_avail     | available                                  |
| subfunction_oper      | enabled                                    |
| subfunctions          | controller,worker                          |
| task                  |                                            |
| tboot                 | false                                      |
| ttys_dcd              | None                                       |
| updated_at            | 2020-02-28T17:21:42.374847+00:00           |
| uptime                | 7403                                       |
| uuid                  | cc870915-b8dd-4989-914c-7095eabe36e8       |
| vim_progress_status   | services-enabled                           |

To view the service configuration, use the following command:

~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-show controller-0
| Property              | Value                                          |
| action                | none                                           |
| administrative        | unlocked                                       |
| availability          | available                                      |
| bm_ip                 | None                                           |
| bm_type               | None                                           |
| bm_username           | None                                           |
| boot_device           | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:04:00.0-sas         |
|                       |-0x5001e6754aa38000-lun-0                       |
| capabilities          | {u'stor_function': u'monitor', u'Personality': |
|                       | u'Controller-Active'}                          |
| clock_synchronization | ntp                                            |
| config_applied        | 590f29ad-19e2-43ee-855e-f765814e3ecd           |
| config_status         | Config out-of-date                             |
| config_target         | cd18ec25-c030-4b0c-862b-c39726275743           |
| console               | ttyS0,115200n8                                 |
| created_at            | 2020-02-27T18:32:58.752361+00:00               |
| hostname              | controller-0                                   |
| id                    | 1                                              |
| install_output        | text                                           |
| install_state         | None                                           |
| install_state_info    | None                                           |
| inv_state             | inventoried                                    |
| invprovision          | provisioned                                    |
| location              | {}                                             |
| mgmt_ip               |                                  |
| mgmt_mac              | 00:1e:67:54:aa:39                              |
| operational           | enabled                                        |
| personality           | controller                                     |
| reserved              | False                                          |
| rootfs_device         | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:04:00.0-sas         |
|                       | -0x5001e6754aa38000-lun-0                      |
| serialid              | None                                           |
| software_load         | nn.nn                                          |
| task                  |                                                |
| tboot                 | false                                          |
| ttys_dcd              | None                                           |
| updated_at            | 2020-02-28T15:17:06.658008+00:00               |
| uptime                | 159970                                         |
| uuid                  | 92c86da2-adb7-4fb2-92fc-82759e25108d           |
| vim_progress_status   | services-enabled                               |