- Removed command $ sudo hostname vm-cirros. - Removed Extra "\" - Fixed code indentation. - Updated commands. - Minor indentation fix. Change-Id: I6cd3cfc37b1bcf99b06966ef307e0cba7749013d Signed-off-by: Elaine Fonaro <elaine.fonaro@windriver.com>
2.2 KiB
Set up CDI Proxy
The Containerized Data Importer () project provides facilities for enabling to be used as disks for KubeVirt by way of DataVolumes.
The service is installed as part of uploading and applying the
KubeVirt system application. The most common use case for is 'uploading
a disk image to a DataVolume'. To use the service, your Kubernetes
cluster-admin should make the cdi-uploadproxy
accessible from outside the cluster. This can be done via NodePort
service or Ingress service.
Configuring the NodePort service option is shown below:
Create the proxy yaml configuration.
$ cat <<EOF > cdi-uploadproxy-nodeport-service.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: cdi-uploadproxy-nodeport namespace: cdi labels: cdi.kubevirt.io: "cdi-uploadproxy" spec: type: NodePort ports: - port: 443 targetPort: 8443 nodePort: 32111 # Use unused nodeport in 31,500 to 32,767 range protocol: TCP selector: cdi.kubevirt.io: cdi-uploadproxy EOF
Apply the configuration.
$ kubectl apply -f cdi-uploadproxy-nodeport-service.yaml
Now the virtctl
command can be used to upload a image
file into an existing or new DataVolume ().
See the example (create-an-ubuntu-vm-fafb82ec424b
) that uploads an
ubuntu cloud image (jammy-server-cloudimg-amd64.img
from https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/jammy/current/)
into a new 500G DataVolume named stx-lab-jenkins-disk:
$ virtctl image-upload dv <DV-Name> -n <NameSpace> --insecure \
--access-mode ReadWriteOnce --size <size>Gi --image-path <Image-Path> \
--uploadproxy-url https://<NodeIP>:<PORT>
See sections on create-an-ubuntu-vm-fafb82ec424b
and create-a-windows-vm-82957181df02
on how to then use
this DataVolume to create/launch a .
See https://kubevirt.io/user-guide/operations/containerized_data_importer/ for more details and other use cases.