Ron Stone 5c4a152b2c AIO-DX:[BnR] Ansible platform restore fails in TASK (dsMR2, dsRM3)
Add clarifications on Ceph parameter usages
Patchset 1 review comments
Some generic clean-up of unclear language and punctuation
Formatting updates

Closes-bug: 2062014

Change-Id: I5bac66b3860a6f1473474bb64c7db4c71ca9273b
Signed-off-by: Ron Stone <>
2024-04-22 13:14:35 +00:00

163 lines
6.3 KiB

.. Greg updates required for -High Security Vulnerability Document Updates
.. rmy1571265233932
.. _running-restore-playbook-locally-on-the-controller:
Run Restore Playbook Locally on the Controller
To run restore on the controller, you need to upload the backup to the
active controller.
You can use an external storage device, for example, a USB drive. Use the
following commands to run the Ansible Restore playbook:
**Optimized**: Optmized restore must be used on |AIO-SX|.
.. code-block:: none
~(keystone_admin)]$ ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/restore_platform.yml -e "restore_mode=optimized initial_backup_dir=<location_of_tarball ansible_become_pass=<admin_password> admin_password=<admin_password backup_filename=<backup_filename> wipe_ceph_osds=<true/false> restore_registry_filesystem=true"
**Legacy**: Legacy restore must be used on systems that are not |AIO-SX|.
.. code-block:: none
~(keystone_admin)]$ ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/restore_platform.yml -e "initial_backup_dir=<location_of_tarball ansible_become_pass=<admin_password> admin_password=<admin_password backup_filename=<backup_filename> wipe_ceph_osds=<true/false>"
Below you can find other ``-e`` command line options:
``-e restore_mode=optimized``
Enable optimized restore mode
.. note::
Optimized restore is currently supported only on |AIO-SX| systems.
``-e "initial_backup_dir=/home/sysadmin"``
Where the backup tgz files are located on box.
``-e backup_filename=localhost_platform_backup.tgz``
The basename of the platform backup tgz. The full path will be a
combination ``{initial_backup_dir}/{backup_filename}``
.. _running-restore-playbook-locally-on-the-controller-steps-usl-2c3-pmb:
(Optional): You can select one of the following restore modes:
- To keep the Ceph cluster data intact (false - default option), use the
following parameter, when passing the extra arguments to the Ansible
Restore playbook command:
.. code-block:: none
To wipe the Ceph cluster entirely (true), where the Ceph cluster will need
to be recreated, or if the Ceph partition was previously wiped, such as
during a fresh install between backup and restore or during reinstall, use
the following parameter:
.. code-block:: none
- To define a convinient place to store the backup files, defined by
``initial-backup_dir``, on the system (such as the home folder for
sysadmin, or /tmp, or even a mounted USB device), use the
``on_box_data=true/false`` parameter.
If this parameter is set to true, Ansible Restore playbook will look
for the backup file provided on the target server. The parameter
``initial_backup_dir`` can be ommited from the command line. In this
case, the backup file will be under ``/opt/platform-backup`` directory.
If this parameter is set to false, the Ansible Restore playbook will
look for backup file provided on the Ansible controller. In this
case, both the ``initial_backup_dir`` and ``backup_filename`` must be
specified in the command.
Example of a backup file in ``/home/sysadmin``:
.. code-block:: none
~(keystone_admin)]$ ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/restore_platform.yml -e "initial_backup_dir=/home/sysadmin ansible_become_pass=St8rlingX* admin_password=St8rlingX* backup_filename=localhost_platform_backup_2020_07_27_07_48_48.tgz wipe_ceph_osds=true"
.. note::
If the backup contains patches, Ansible Restore playbook will apply
the patches and prompt you to reboot the system. Then you will need
to re-run Ansible Restore playbook.
The flag ``wipe_ceph_osds=true`` is required for a restore in a new
hardware. For more details, see :ref:`node-replacement-for-aiominussx-using-optimized-backup-and-restore-6603c650c80d`.
- ``ssl_ca_certificate_file`` defines a single certificate that
contains all the ssl_ca certificates that will be installed during the
restore. It will replace
``/opt/platform/config/<software-version>/ca-cert.pem``, which is a
single certificate containing all the ssl_ca certificates installed in
the host when the backup was done. The certificate assigned to this
parameter must follow this same pattern.
For example:
.. code-block:: none
ssl_ca_certificate_file=<complete path>/<ssl_ca certificates file>
-e "ssl_ca_certificate_file=/home/sysadmin/new_ca-cert.pem"
This parameter depends on ``on_box_data`` value.
When ``on_box_data=true`` or not defined, ``ssl_ca_certificate_file``
will be the location of the ``ssl_ca`` certificate file on the target host.
This is the default case.
When ``on_box_data=false``, ``ssl_ca_certificate_file`` will be the
location of the ``ssl_ca`` certificate file where the Ansible controller is
running. This is useful for remote play.
.. note::
To use this option on local restore mode, you need to download the
``ssl_ca`` certificate file to the active controller.
``-e skip_patching=true``
Patching will not be restored from the backup. With this option, you
will need to manually restore any patching before running the restore
``-e restore_user_images=true``
Restores the user images created during backup when ``backup_user_images`` was
true. If the user images are not restored, the images must be pulled from
upstream or ``registry.central``.
``-e restore_registry_filesystem=true``
Restores the registry images created during backup when
``backup_registry_filesystem`` was true. If the registry filesystem is not
restored the images must be pulled from upstream or registry.central.
``-e registry_backup_filename=custom_name_registry_filesystem_backup.tgz``
By default this override is not required. When
``restore_registry_filesystem`` is true and a custom name was used during
backup, ``registry_backup_filename`` needs to be set to match. The full
path will be a combination
.. note::
After restore is completed it is not possible to restart (or rerun) the
restore playbook.