Ron Stone 5c4a152b2c AIO-DX:[BnR] Ansible platform restore fails in TASK (dsMR2, dsRM3)
Add clarifications on Ceph parameter usages
Patchset 1 review comments
Some generic clean-up of unclear language and punctuation
Formatting updates

Closes-bug: 2062014

Change-Id: I5bac66b3860a6f1473474bb64c7db4c71ca9273b
Signed-off-by: Ron Stone <>
2024-04-22 13:14:35 +00:00

219 lines
9.1 KiB

.. Greg updates required for -High Security Vulnerability Document Updates
.. quy1571265365123
.. _system-backup-running-ansible-restore-playbook-remotely:
Run Ansible Restore Playbook Remotely
In this method you can run Ansible Restore playbook and point to controller-0.
.. rubric:: |prereq|
.. _system-backup-running-ansible-restore-playbook-remotely-ul-ylm-g44-bkb:
- It is recommended that you have Ansible version 2.7.5 or higher installed
on your remote workstation. Copy the Ansible Backup/Restore playbooks
from directory ``/usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/``.
- Your network has IPv6 connectivity before running Ansible Playbook, if
the system configuration is IPv6.
.. rubric:: |proc|
.. _system-backup-running-ansible-restore-playbook-remotely-steps-sgp-jjc-ljb:
#. Log in to the remote workstation.
You can log in directly on the console or remotely using :command:`ssh`.
#. Provide an inventory file, either a customized one that is specified
using the ``-i`` option, or the default one that is in the Ansible
configuration directory (that is, /etc/ansible/hosts). You must
specify the floating |OAM| IP of the controller host. For example, if the
host name is |prefix|\_Cluster, the inventory file should have an entry
called |prefix|\_Cluster.
.. parsed-literal::
#. Run the Ansible Restore playbook:
.. code-block:: none
~(keystone_admin)]$ ansible-playbook path-to-restore-platform-playbook-entry-file --limit host-name -i inventory-file -e optional-extra-vars
where ``optional-extra-vars`` can be:
- To keep the Ceph cluster data intact (false - default option), use the
following parameter when passing the extra arguments to the Ansible
Restore playbook command:
.. code-block::
To wipe the Ceph cluster entirely (true), where the Ceph cluster will
need to be recreated, or if the Ceph partition was previously wiped
(for example, during a fresh install between backup and restore), or
during a reinstall, use the following parameter:
.. code-block::
- To set a convinient place to store the backup files defined by
``initial-backup_dir`` on the system (such as the home folder for
sysadmin, or /tmp, or even a mounted USB device), use the following
.. code-block::
If this parameter is set to true, Ansible Restore playbook will look
for the backup file provided on the target server. The parameter
``initial_backup_dir`` can be ommited from the command line. In this
case, the backup file will be under ``/opt/platform-backup`` directory.
If this parameter is set to false, the Ansible Restore playbook will
look for a backup file provided on the Ansible controller. In this
case, both the ``initial_backup_dir`` and ``backup_filename`` must be
specified in the command.
- ``backup_filename`` is the platform backup tar file. It must be
provided using the ``-e`` option on the command line, for example:
.. code-block:: none
-e backup_filename= localhost_platform_backup_2019_07_15_14_46_37.tgz
- The ``initial_backup_dir`` is the location where the platform backup
tar file is placed to restore the platform. It must be provided using
``-e`` option on the command line.
.. note::
When ``on_box_data=false``, ``initial_backup_dir`` must be defined.
- The :command:`admin_password`, :command:`ansible_become_pass`,
and :command:`ansible_ssh_pass` need to be set correctly using
the ``-e`` option on the command line or in the Ansible secret file.
:command:`ansible_ssh_pass` is the password to the sysadmin user
on controller-0.
- The :command:`ansible_remote_tmp` should be set to a new directory (not
required to create it ahead of time) under ``/home/sysadmin`` on
controller-0 using the ``-e`` option on the command line.
For example:
.. parsed-literal::
~(keystone_admin)]$ ansible-playbook /localdisk/designer/jenkins/tis-stx-dev/cgcs-root/stx/ansible-playbooks/playbookconfig/src/playbooks/restore_platform.yml --limit |prefix|\_Cluster -i $HOME/br_test/hosts -e "ansible_become_pass=St0rlingX* admin_password=St0rlingX* ansible_ssh_pass=St0rlingX* initial_backup_dir=$HOME/br_test backup_filename= |prefix|\_Cluster_system_backup_2019_08_08_15_25_36.tgz ansible_remote_tmp=/home/sysadmin/ansible-restore"
.. warning::
If ``ansible_remote_tmp`` is not set, ``/tmp`` will be used. ``/tmp``
can only hold 1GB.
Below is sample output without ``ansible_remote_tmp``:
.. code-block:: none
TASK [backup-restore/transfer-file : Transfer backup tarball to /scratch on controller-0] ***
Wednesday 21 June 2023 13:59:28 +0000 (0:00:00.230) 0:00:51.283 ********
fatal: [subcloud1]: FAILED! =>
msg: |-
failed to transfer file to /opt/platform-backup/subcloud1_platform_backup_2023_06_09_23_14_14.tgz /tmp/.ansible-sysadmin/tmp/ansible-tmp-1687355968.13-696694507261/source:
scp: /tmp/.ansible-sysadmin/tmp/ansible-tmp-1687355968.13-696694507261/source: No space left on device
- ``ssl_ca_certificate_file`` defines a single certificate that
contains all the ssl_ca certificates that will be installed during the
restore. It will replace the
``/opt/platform/config/<software-version>/ca-cert.pem``, which is a
single certificate containing all the ssl_ca certificates installed in
the host when backup was done. So, the certificate assigned to this
parameter must follow this same pattern.
For example:
.. code-block:: none
ssl_ca_certificate_file=<complete path>/<ssl_ca certificates file>
-e "ssl_ca_certificate_file=/home/sysadmin/new_ca-cert.pem"
.. note::
If the backup contains patches, Ansible Restore playbook will apply
the patches and prompt you to reboot the system. Then you will need to
re-run Ansible Restore playbook.
.. note::
After restore is completed it is not possible to restart (or rerun) the
restore playbook.
#. After running the ``restore_platform.yml`` playbook, you can restore the
local registry images.
.. note::
The backup file of the local registry may be large. Restore the
backed up file on the controller, where there is sufficient space.
.. code-block:: none
~(keystone_admin)]$ ansible-playbook path-to-restore-user-images-playbook-entry-file --limit host-name -i inventory-file -e optional-extra-vars
where ``optional-extra-vars`` can be:
- The ``backup_filename`` is the local registry backup tar file. It
must be provided using the ``-e`` option on the command line, for
.. code-block:: none
-e backup_filename= localhost_docker_local_registry_backup_2020_07_15_21_24_22.tgz
- The initial_backup_dir is the location on the Ansible control
machine where the platform backup tar file is located. It must be
provided using ``-e`` option on the command line.
- The :command:`ansible_become_pass`, and
:command:`ansible_ssh_pass` need to be set correctly using the
``-e`` option on the command line or in the Ansible secret file.
:command:`ansible_ssh_pass` is the password to the sysadmin user
on controller-0.
- The backup_dir should be set to a directory on controller-0.
The directory must have sufficient space for local registry backup
to be copied. The backup_dir is set using the ``-e`` option on the
command line.
- The :command:`ansible_remote_tmp` should be set to a new
directory on controller-0. Ansible will use this directory to copy
files, and the directory must have sufficient space for local
registry backup to be copied. The :command:`ansible_remote_tmp`
is set using the ``-e`` option on the command line.
For example, run the local registry restore playbook, where
/sufficient/space directory on the controller has sufficient space left
for the archived file to be copied.
.. parsed-literal::
~(keystone_admin)]$ ansible-playbook /localdisk/designer/jenkins/tis-stx-dev/cgcs-root/stx/ansible-playbooks/playbookconfig/src/playbooks/restore_user_images.ym --limit |prefix|\_Cluster -i $HOME/br_test/hosts -e "ansible_become_pass=St0rlingX* ansible_ssh_pass=St0rlingX* initial_backup_dir=$HOME/br_test backup_filename= |prefix|\_Cluster_docker_local_registry_backup_2020_07_15_21_24_22.tgz ansible_remote_tmp=/sufficient/space backup_dir=/sufficient/space"