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Node Management


You can perform node management of worker hosts that comprise resource pools for hosting guest applications.

You can change the resource pool in several ways:

  • You can add or remove hosts to increase or decrease the size of the pool.
  • You can replace a host with another that has different resources; for example, memory, or number of CPU cores.
  • You can adjust the resources on an existing host.
  • You can replace a failed worker node host with an equivalent.
  • You can add or remove standard and low-latency worker hosts to adjust the mix of performance profiles on a system.


When replacing or adjusting a host, ensure that the overall resource pool still meets the requirements for your system.

Complete instructions for adding a worker node are provided in the index-install-r7-8966076f0e81.



You can add OpenStack compute nodes to an existing Duplex system, and use labels to identify OpenStack Nodes.

Guidelines for in a duplex system remain unchanged.

Add an OpenStack compute node
