Ron Stone 384ecb97e4 Remove instructions to delete secret resource
Instructions removed for Vault and Portieris
Added command to remove Vault

Signed-off-by: Ron Stone <>
Change-Id: Idbf6625751a739181c4a0ec5d9161dcfc881d0f8
2021-10-18 12:46:37 +00:00

2.2 KiB

Remove Portieris

You can remove the Portieris admission controller completely from a system.

  1. Remove the application.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-remove portieris
  2. Delete kubernetes resources not automatically removed in the previous step.

    This is required if you plan to reapply the application.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl delete portieris
    ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl delete admission-portieris-webhook
    ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl delete -n portieris cm/image-policy-crds
    ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl delete -n portieris serviceaccounts/portieris


    If this step is done before removing the application in step 1, the removal will fail, leaving the application in the remove-failed state. In such cases you will need to issue the following commands to recover:

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl delete MutatingWebhookConfiguration image-admission-config --ignore-not-found=true
    ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl delete ValidatingWebhookConfiguration image-admission-config --ignore-not-found=true
    ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl delete crd --ignore-not-found=true
    ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl delete portieris --ignore-not-found=true
    ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl delete admission-portieris-webhook   --ignore-not-found=true
    ~(keystone_admin)]$ kubectl delete ns/portieris --ignore-not-found=true
    ~(keystone_admin)]$ helm delete portieris-portieris --purge --no-hooks
    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-remove portieris
  3. Delete the application.

    ~(keystone_admin)]$ system application-delete portieris