Marcelo Loebens 84def1b2a4 Cert-manager migration playbook rename
As result of renaming the cert-manager migration playbook to
update_platform_certificates.yml, some references to it had to be
updated as well.

Also, reworded some statements related to a bug already fixed
( Since the bug is
fixed, targeting 'localhost' is not a must anymore, although it's
still recommended to ensure consistency.

Story: 2009811
Task: 49435

Change-Id: Ibcdabe51e5e5c499e628629627c59ab05d434e65
Signed-off-by: Marcelo Loebens <>
2024-01-19 20:37:36 +00:00

250 lines
10 KiB

.. Greg updates required for -High Security Vulnerability Document Updates
.. Is this the target file that the rest of the updates need to point to??
.. _migrate-platform-certificates-to-use-cert-manager-c0b1727e4e5d:
Update system-local-ca or Migrate Platform Certificates to use Cert Manager
The playbook described in this section can be used to either update
``system-local-ca`` or migrate platform Certificates to use Cert Manager. For
updating ``system-local-ca``, this playbook will update the ``system-local-ca``
Secret and Issuer, re-sign all the Platform certificates using this issuer, and
in a Distributed Cloud environment, iterate thru all of the subclouds and do
the same updates and re-signing on each Subcloud. In the migration use case,
this playbook can be used to switch from using Platform certificates generated
from the legacy certificate management APIs/CLIs, which will be deprecated in a
future release, to the new method of configuring Platform certificates using
Cert-Manager which enables auto-renewals of Platform certificates. And again
in a Distributed Cloud environment will iterate thru all of the Subclouds.
.. rubric:: |context|
This playbook can be configured to execute on any :ref:`deployment
configuration <deployment-options>` supported by |prod| (|AIO|, standard, and
distributed cloud configurations), allowing you to update system-local-ca and
re-sign certificates or migrate certificates at scale.
The certificates (if they exist) that will be updated / migrated with this
playbook are:
* system-local-ca
* system-openldap-local-certificate
* REST API & Web Server certificate ( system-restapi-gui-certificate signed by system-local-ca)
* Docker Registry certificate (system-registry-local-certificate signed by system-local-ca)
* OIDC-Auth-Apps certificate (<user-specified> signed by system-local-ca)
.. rubric:: |proc|
#. Create an inventory file using Ansible-Vault.
You must create an inventory file to specify the playbook parameters. Using
ansible-vault is highly recommended in order to securely store the contents
of the inventory file which includes the ``system-local-ca`` public
certificate and private key, and the Root |CA| public certificate for
``system-local-ca``. Ansible vault will ask for a password in this step,
which is used for subsequent ansible-vault access and ansible-playbook
For example:
.. code-block:: none
~(keystone_admin)]$ ansible-vault create migration-inventory.yml
This will open up an editor in which you need to manually add or paste
your inventory parameters, as specified in the example below.
An example ``migration-inventory.yaml`` file is shown below:
.. code-block:: none
system_local_ca_cert: <base64_cert>
system_local_ca_key: <base64_key>
system_root_ca_cert: <base64_cert>
duration: 2160h # 90d
renewBefore: 360h # 15d
subject_C: CA
subject_ST: Ontario
subject_L: Ottawa
subject_O: myorganization
subject_OU: engineering
subject_prefix: starlingx2`
# SSH password to connect to all subclouds
ansible_ssh_user: sysadmin
ansible_ssh_pass: <sysadmin-passwd>
# Sudo password
ansible_become_pass: <sysadmin-passwd>
The inventory parameters have the following meanings:
``system_local_ca_cert`` and ``system_local_ca_key``
Both values being the single-line base64 encoding of the corresponding
pem file; i.e. the output of :command:`base64 -w0 <pem-file>`.
It is highly recommended that you use an Intermediate |CA|
``system-local-ca``, where the ``system-local-ca``'s certificate and
key are generated and signed by an external trusted Root |CA|. Refer
to the documentation for the external trusted Root |CA| that you are
using, on how to create a public certificate and private key pair, for
use in an Intermediate |CA|.
The duration of the Intermediate CA public certificate and private key
pair should be at least 3 years. See *rca_duration/ica_duration* to
modify this semantic check.
The public certificate of the Root |CA| that signed
|RCA| duration validation parameter. This will be used against
``system_root_ca_cert`` to ensure that it have sufficient duration
remaining. It defaults to 3 years, as this is typical for |CA|
certificates and this certificate must be renewed manually. Only
override if necessary.
|ICA| duration validation parameter. This will be used against
``system_local_ca_cert`` to ensure that it have sufficient duration
remaining. It defaults to 3 years, as this is typical for |CA|
certificates and this certificate must be renewed manually. Only
override if necessary.
The |DNS| domain that will be used to build a full DNS name for the
|SANs| List of the Platform Certificates. E.g.
``starlingx-restapi-gui.<dns_domain>`` would appear in the |SANs| list
of the REST API & Web Server certificate. in the server certificates.
The duration of certificate validity to use in all Platform
Certificates, in hours; defaults to 2160h (or 90 days). The Platform
Server Certificates will be auto-renewed by Cert-Manager.
The number of hours before certificate expiry that the Platform
Certificate should be auto-renewed by Cert-Manager; defaults to 360h
(or 15 days).
Subject related fields that will be added to all platform certificates:
- ``system_platform_certificate.subject_C``: country
- ``system_platform_certificate.subject_ST``: State or Province
- ``system_platform_certificate.subject_L``: Location
- ``system_platform_certificate.subject_O``: Organization
- ``system_platform_certificate.subject_OU``: Organization Unit
- ``system_platform_certificate.subject_CN``: Common Name
- ``system_platform_certificate.subject_prefix``: An optional field to add a prefix to further identify the certificate, such as |prod| for instance.
The username to use to connect to the target system using ``ssh``.
The password to use to connect to the target system using ``ssh``.
The ``ansible_ssh_user``'s sudo password.
If a separate set of overrides are required for a group of hosts,
``children`` groups can be added under ``target_group``.
.. include:: /shared/_includes/
The following example illustrates using one set of ssh/sudo passwords for
subcloud1 and subcloud2 and another set of ssh/sudo passwords for
.. code-block:: none
ansible_ssh_user: sysadmin
ansible_ssh_pass: <sysadmin-passwd>
ansible_become_pass: <sysadmin-passwd>
ansible_ssh_user: sysadmin
ansible_ssh_pass: <different-sysadmin-passwd>
ansible_become_pass: <different-sysadmin-passwd>
#. Run the playbook.
Execute the Ansible playbook to start the migration process. You will be
prompted for the vault password created in the previous step.
For example:
.. code-block:: none
~(keystone_admin)]$ ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/stx-ansible/playbooks/update_platform_certificates.yml -i migration-inventory.yml --extra-vars "target_list=localhost,subcloud1 mode=update ignore_alarms=yes" --ask-vault-pass
.. note::
- In |prod-dc| systems, the playbook must be run from the System
Controller, and the ``target_list`` parameter should be used to target
the desired subclouds.
- The ``target_list`` parameter should include localhost within the
targeted subcloud, to keep the certificates consistent with the
The behavior of the update/migration can be customized using the following
``--extra-vars`` parameter options:
* ``update``: Creates or updates platform certificates. Also supports
ongoing updates, which is useful for operations such as replacing the
|ICA| or changing other parameters.
* ``check``: Gathers certificates from all subclouds and prints them on
the system controller
* ``localhost``: Will target the localhost (standalone systems or
system controller). The ``target_list`` parameter should include
this value to keep consistency with the SystemController.
* ``subcloud1``, ``subcloud2``: A comma separated list of hosts the
playbook will target.
* ``all_online_subclouds``: Will query ``dcmanager subcloud list`` and
retrieve a list of online subclouds to target.
``yes``/``no``: When not specified defaults to no. Using
``ignore_alarms=yes`` should be avoided as much as possible. Only use
it after a careful analysis of the alarm in question and for specific