Bernardo Decco 550c0fe2c5 Re-enable important py3k checks for gui
Re-enabling some of the disabled tox warnings present on
the pylint.rc file

W1619: old-division
W1633: round-builtin
W1637: zip-builtin-not-iterating
W1639: filter-builtin-not-iterating

W1633: Was suppressed inline and floated to keep the same behavior from
W1619: No change needed. Suppressed inline added.

Test Plan: Sanity test run on AIO-SX:

PASS: test_system_health_pre_session[pods]
PASS: test_system_health_pre_session[alarms]
PASS: test_system_health_pre_session[system_apps]
PASS: test_wr_analytics[deploy_and_remove]
PASS: test_horizon_host_inventory_display
PASS: test_lock_unlock_host[controller]
PASS: test_pod_to_pod_connection
PASS: test_pod_to_service_connection
PASS: test_host_to_service_connection

Story: 2006796
Task: 43381
Signed-off-by: Bernardo Decco <>
Change-Id: I809adc421a155f5efcc88827b00401477eecb1f3
2021-10-21 12:35:20 +00:00

1108 lines
34 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import cgcs_patch.constants as patch_constants
import logging
from django import shortcuts
from django import template
from django.template.defaultfilters import safe # noqa
from django.urls import reverse # noqa
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.translation import ungettext_lazy
from horizon import exceptions
from horizon import messages
from horizon import tables
from horizon.utils import filters
from horizon.utils import functions
from starlingx_dashboard import api as stx_api
from starlingx_dashboard.dashboards.admin.inventory.cpu_functions \
import utils as cpufunctions_utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def host_locked(host=None):
if not host:
return False
return host._administrative == 'locked'
def host_board_management(host=None):
if not host:
return False
return True if host.bm_type else False
def host_controller(host=None):
if not host:
return False
return host._personality == stx_api.sysinv.PERSONALITY_CONTROLLER
def host_powered_off(host=None):
if not host:
return False
return host._availability == 'power-off'
def host_offline(host=None):
if not host:
return False
return host._availability == 'offline'
def handle_sysinv(self, table, request, obj_ids):
action_success = []
action_failure = []
action_not_allowed = []
emessage = ""
for datum_id in obj_ids:
datum = table.get_object_by_id(datum_id)
datum_display = table.get_object_display(datum) or _("N/A")
if not table._filter_action(self, request, datum):
action_not_allowed.append(datum_display)'Permission denied to %s: "%s"',
self._get_action_name(past=True).lower(), datum_display)
self.action(request, datum_id)
# Call update to invoke changes if needed
self.update(request, datum)
self.success_ids.append(datum_id)'%s: "%s"',
self._get_action_name(past=True), datum_display)
except Exception as ex:
# Handle the exception but silence it since we'll display
# an aggregate error message later. Otherwise we'd get
# multiple error messages displayed to the user.
if not getattr(ex, "_safe_message", None):
emessage = ex
# Begin with success message class, downgrade to info if problems.
success_message_level = messages.success
if action_not_allowed:
msg = _('Unable to %(action)s in current state: %(objs)s')
params = {"action": self._get_action_name(action_not_allowed).lower(),
"objs": functions.lazy_join(", ", action_not_allowed)}
messages.error(request, msg % params)
success_message_level =
if action_failure:
msg = _('Unable to %(action)s: %(objs)s. Reason/Action: %(emessage)s')
params = {"action": self._get_action_name(action_failure).lower(),
"objs": functions.lazy_join(", ", action_failure),
"emessage": emessage}
messages.error(request, msg % params)
success_message_level =
if action_success:
msg = _('%(action)s: %(objs)s')
params = {"action": self._get_action_name(action_success, True),
"objs": functions.lazy_join(", ", action_success)}
success_message_level(request, msg % params)
return shortcuts.redirect(self.get_success_url(request))
class AddHost(tables.LinkAction):
name = "create"
verbose_name = _("Add Host")
url = "horizon:admin:inventory:create"
classes = ("ajax-modal", "btn-create")
icon = "plus"
ajax = True
def allowed(self, request, host=None):
return not stx_api.sysinv.is_system_mode_simplex(request)
class EditHost(tables.LinkAction):
name = "update"
verbose_name = _("Edit Host")
url = "horizon:admin:inventory:update"
classes = ("ajax-modal", "btn-edit")
class DeleteHost(tables.DeleteAction):
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Delete Host",
"Delete Hosts",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Deleted Host",
"Deleted Hosts",
def allowed(self, request, host=None):
return host_locked(host)
def delete(self, request, host_id):
stx_api.sysinv.host_delete(request, host_id)
def handle(self, table, request, obj_ids):
return handle_sysinv(self, table, request, obj_ids)
class LockHost(tables.BatchAction):
name = "lock"
action_type = 'danger'
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Lock Host",
"Lock Hosts",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Locking Host",
"Locking Hosts",
def allowed(self, request, host=None):
if host is None:
return True
return not host_locked(host)
def action(self, request, host_id):
stx_api.sysinv.host_lock(request, host_id)
def handle(self, table, request, obj_ids):
return handle_sysinv(self, table, request, obj_ids)
class ForceLockHost(tables.BatchAction):
name = "forcelock"
action_type = 'danger'
confirm_class = 'btn-danger'
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Force Lock Host",
"Force Lock Hosts",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Forced Lock Host",
"Forced Lock Hosts",
def allowed(self, request, host=None):
return not host_locked(host)
def action(self, request, host_id):
stx_api.sysinv.host_force_lock(request, host_id)
def handle(self, table, request, obj_ids):
return handle_sysinv(self, table, request, obj_ids)
def get_confirm_message(self, request, datum):
if datum._personality == stx_api.sysinv.PERSONALITY_CONTROLLER:
return _(
"<b>WARNING</b>: This will cause an uncontrolled switch"
" of services on host '%s'.\n\n"
"To avoid service outages, click 'Cancel' and use "
"'Lock Host' to "
"gracefully migrate resources away from this host. "
"ONLY use 'Force Lock Host' if 'Lock Host' is "
"unsuccessful and this host MUST be locked.\n\n"
"If you proceed, then this action will be logged"
" and cannot be undone.") % datum.hostname
elif datum._personality == stx_api.sysinv.PERSONALITY_WORKER:
return _(
"<b>WARNING</b>: This will cause a service OUTAGE"
" for all Applications currently using resources on '%s'.\n\n"
"To avoid service outages, click 'Cancel' and use"
" 'Lock Host' to gracefully migrate "
"resources away from this host. "
"ONLY use 'Force Lock Host' if 'Lock Host' is"
" unsuccessful and this host MUST be locked.\n\n"
"If you proceed, then this action will be logged"
" and cannot be undone.") % datum.hostname
elif datum._personality == stx_api.sysinv.PERSONALITY_STORAGE:
return _(
"<b>WARNING</b>: This will cause an uncontrolled"
" loss of storage services on host '%s'.\n\n"
"To avoid service outages, click 'Cancel' and use"
" 'Lock Host' to "
"gracefully migrate resources away from this host. "
"ONLY use 'Force Lock Host' if 'Lock Host' is "
"unsuccessful and this host MUST be locked.\n\n"
"If you proceed, then this action will be logged"
" and cannot be undone.") % datum.hostname
return None
class UnlockHost(tables.BatchAction):
name = "unlock"
redirect_url = "horizon:admin:inventory:index"
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Unlock Host",
"Unlock Hosts",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Unlocked Host",
"Unlocked Hosts",
def allowed(self, request, host=None):
if host is None:
return True
return host_locked(host)
def action(self, request, host_id):
stx_api.sysinv.host_unlock(request, host_id)
def handle(self, table, request, obj_ids):
return handle_sysinv(self, table, request, obj_ids)
class ForceUnlockHost(tables.BatchAction):
name = "forceunlock"
action_type = 'danger'
confirm_class = 'btn-danger'
redirect_url = "horizon:admin:inventory:index"
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Force Unlock Host",
"Force Unlock Hosts",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Forced Unlock Host",
"Forced Unlock Hosts",
def allowed(self, request, host=None):
return host_locked(host)
def action(self, request, host_id):
stx_api.sysinv.host_force_unlock(request, host_id)
def handle(self, table, request, obj_ids):
return handle_sysinv(self, table, request, obj_ids)
def get_confirm_message(self, request, datum):
return _("<b>WARNING</b>: This will render '%s' in a bad state "
"which may require a reinstall or wipedisk.\n\n"
"To avoid it, click 'Cancel' and use 'Unlock Host'. "
"ONLY use 'Force Unlock Host' if 'Unlock Host' is "
"unsuccessful and this host MUST be unlocked.\n\n"
"If you proceed, then this action will be logged "
"and cannot be undone.") % datum.hostname
class PowerOnHost(tables.BatchAction):
name = "poweron"
classes = ('btn-power-on',)
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Power On Host",
"Power On Hosts",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Powered On Host",
"Powered On Hosts",
def allowed(self, request, host=None):
return (host_board_management(host) and host_locked(host) and
not stx_api.sysinv.is_system_mode_simplex(request))
def action(self, request, host_id):
stx_api.sysinv.host_power_on(request, host_id)
def handle(self, table, request, obj_ids):
return handle_sysinv(self, table, request, obj_ids)
class PowerOffHost(tables.BatchAction):
name = "poweroff"
action_type = 'danger'
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Power Off Host",
"Power Off Hosts",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Powered Off Host",
"Powered Off Hosts",
def allowed(self, request, host=None):
return (host_board_management(host) and host_locked(host) and
not host_powered_off(host) and
not stx_api.sysinv.is_system_mode_simplex(request))
def action(self, request, host_id):
stx_api.sysinv.host_power_off(request, host_id)
def handle(self, table, request, obj_ids):
return handle_sysinv(self, table, request, obj_ids)
class ResetHost(tables.BatchAction):
name = "reset"
action_type = 'danger'
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Reset Host",
"Reset Hosts",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Reset Host",
"Reset Hosts",
def allowed(self, request, host=None):
return (host_board_management(host) and host_locked(host) and
not stx_api.sysinv.is_system_mode_simplex(request))
def action(self, request, host_id):
stx_api.sysinv.host_reset(request, host_id)
def handle(self, table, request, obj_ids):
return handle_sysinv(self, table, request, obj_ids)
class RebootHost(tables.BatchAction):
name = "reboot"
action_type = 'danger'
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Reboot Host",
"Reboot Hosts",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Rebooted Host",
"Rebooted Hosts",
def allowed(self, request, host=None):
return host_locked(host)
def action(self, request, host_id):
stx_api.sysinv.host_reboot(request, host_id)
def handle(self, table, request, obj_ids):
return handle_sysinv(self, table, request, obj_ids)
class ReinstallHost(tables.BatchAction):
name = "reinstall"
action_type = 'danger'
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Reinstall Host",
"Reinstall Hosts",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Reinstalled Host",
"Reinstalled Hosts",
def allowed(self, request, host=None):
return host_locked(host)
def action(self, request, host_id):
stx_api.sysinv.host_reinstall(request, host_id)
def handle(self, table, request, obj_ids):
return handle_sysinv(self, table, request, obj_ids)
class SwactHost(tables.BatchAction):
name = "swact"
action_type = 'danger'
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Swact Host",
"Swact Hosts",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Swact Initiated Host",
"Swact Initiated Hosts",
def allowed(self, request, host=None):
return (host_controller(host) and not host_locked(host) and
not stx_api.sysinv.is_system_mode_simplex(request) and
host.personality == "Controller-Active")
def action(self, request, host_id):
stx_api.sysinv.host_swact(request, host_id)
def handle(self, table, request, obj_ids):
return handle_sysinv(self, table, request, obj_ids)
class PatchInstallAsync(tables.BatchAction):
name = "install-async"
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Install Patch",
"Install Patches",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Installed Patch",
"Installed Patches",
def allowed(self, request, host=None):
if host is None:
return True
return (host.patch_current is not True and
(host_locked(host) or host.allow_insvc_patching))
def handle(self, table, request, obj_ids):
for host_id in obj_ids:
ihost = stx_api.sysinv.host_get(request, host_id)
except Exception:
_('Unable to retrieve host.'))
try:"Installing patch for host %s ...", ihost.hostname)
stx_api.patch.host_install_async(request, ihost.hostname)
except Exception as ex:
messages.error(request, ex)
return"End of host-install-async")
class UpdateRow(tables.Row):
ajax = True
def get_data(self, request, host_id):
host = stx_api.sysinv.host_get(request, host_id)
phost = stx_api.patch.get_host(request, host.hostname)
if phost is not None:
if phost.interim_state is True:
host.patch_current = "Pending"
elif phost.patch_failed is True:
host.patch_current = "Failed"
host.patch_current = phost.patch_current
host.requires_reboot = phost.requires_reboot
host._patch_state = phost.state
host.allow_insvc_patching = phost.allow_insvc_patching
return host
class HostsStorageFilterAction(tables.FilterAction):
def filter(self, table, hosts, filter_string):
"""Naive case-insensitive search."""
q = filter_string.lower()
def comp(host):
if q in host.hostname.lower():
return True
return False
return list(filter(comp, hosts))
class HostsWorkerFilterAction(tables.FilterAction):
def filter(self, table, hosts, filter_string):
"""Naive case-insensitive search."""
q = filter_string.lower()
def comp(host):
if q in host.hostname.lower():
return True
return False
return list(filter(comp, hosts))
def get_install_percent(cell):
if '(' in cell and '%)' in cell:
percent = cell.split('(')[1].split('%)')[0]
adj_percent = 5 + 0.85 * float(percent)
return {'percent': "%d%%" % adj_percent}
elif 'Pre-install' in cell:
return {'percent': '5%'}
elif 'Post-install' in cell:
return {'percent': '90%'}
return {}
def get_task_or_status(host):
task_or_status = ""
patch_current = ""
reboot_required = ""
patch_state = ""
# '+' maybe appended to the install_state_info to mark audit iterations
if host.install_state and host.install_state != "Installed" and \
host.install_state != "Completed":
if host.availability != "Offline":
# If the node is not offline then booting or failed install_state
# does not apply
if host.install_state == "Booting" or \
host.install_state == "Install Failed":
task_or_status = ""
task_or_status = str(host.install_state)
if host.install_state_info and '/' in \
values = (host.install_state_info.rstrip('+')).split('/')
percent = (float(values[0]) / # pylint: disable=W1619
float(values[1])) * 100
task_or_status += " (%d%%)" % percent
elif host.task:
if '-' in host.task:
task_or_status = host.task.strip('-')
task_or_status = host.task
elif host.config_status:
task_or_status = host.config_status
elif host.vim_progress_status:
if host.vim_progress_status != 'services-enabled' and \
host.vim_progress_status != 'services-disabled':
task_or_status = host.vim_progress_status
if host.requires_reboot is True:
reboot_required = "Reboot Required"
if host.patch_current == "Failed":
patch_current = "Patch Install Failed"
elif host.patch_current == "Pending":
patch_current = "Checking Patch State..."
# Clear the reboot_required for the Pending state
reboot_required = ""
elif host.patch_current is False:
patch_current = "Not Patch Current"
if host._patch_state != patch_constants.PATCH_AGENT_STATE_IDLE:
patch_state = str(host.patch_state)
if host._patch_state == patch_constants.PATCH_AGENT_STATE_INSTALLING:
# Clear the other patch status fields
patch_current = ""
reboot_required = ""
# Unset duplicate
if patch_current == patch_state:
patch_state = ""
return _("%s") % "<br />".join(
[_f for _f in [task_or_status,
patch_state] if _f])
(None, True),
("", True),
("none", True),
("Install Failed", False),
("Config out-of-date", False),
("Worker config required", False),
("Reinstall required", False),
("Config out-of-date<br />Not Patch Current<br />Reboot Required",
("Config out-of-date<br />Not Patch Current", False),
("Config out-of-date<br />Patch Install Failed<br />Reboot Required",
("Config out-of-date<br />Patch Install Failed", False),
("Config out-of-date<br />Reboot Required", False),
("Not Patch Current<br />Reboot Required", True),
("Not Patch Current", True),
("Patch Install Failed<br />Reboot Required", True),
("Patch Install Failed", True),
("Reboot Required", True),
("Patch Install Rejected", True),
("Config out-of-date<br />Patch Install Rejected", True),
("Not Patch Current<br />Patch Install Rejected", True),
("Not Patch Current<br />Reboot Required" +
"<br />Patch Install Rejected", True),
("Config out-of-date<br />Not Patch Current" +
"<br />Reboot Required<br />Patch Install Rejected", True),)
class Hosts(tables.DataTable):
hostname = tables.Column('hostname',
verbose_name=_('Host Name'))
personality = tables.Column(
admin = tables.Column("administrative",
verbose_name=_("Admin State"),
oper = tables.Column("operational",
verbose_name=_("Operational State"),
avail = tables.Column("availability",
verbose_name=_("Availability State"),
uptime = tables.Column('boottime',
attrs={'data-type': 'timesince'})
task = tables.Column(get_task_or_status,
def get_object_id(self, datum):
return str(
def get_object_display(self, datum):
return datum.hostname
class HostsController(Hosts):
class Meta(object):
name = "hostscontroller"
verbose_name = _("Controller Hosts")
status_columns = ["task"]
row_class = UpdateRow
multi_select = True
row_actions = (
EditHost, LockHost, ForceLockHost, UnlockHost, ForceUnlockHost,
PowerOffHost, RebootHost,
ResetHost, ReinstallHost, PatchInstallAsync, DeleteHost)
table_actions = (AddHost,)
hidden_title = False
class HostsStorage(Hosts):
peers = tables.Column('peers',
verbose_name=_('Replication Group'))
class Meta(object):
name = "hostsstorage"
verbose_name = _("Storage Hosts")
status_columns = ["task"]
row_class = UpdateRow
multi_select = True
columns = ('hostname', 'peers', 'admin', 'oper', 'avail',
'uptime', 'task')
row_actions = (
EditHost, LockHost, ForceLockHost, UnlockHost, ForceUnlockHost,
PowerOffHost, RebootHost,
ResetHost, ReinstallHost, PatchInstallAsync, DeleteHost)
table_actions = (HostsStorageFilterAction, LockHost,
UnlockHost, PatchInstallAsync)
hidden_title = False
class HostsWorker(Hosts):
class Meta(object):
name = "hostsworker"
verbose_name = _("Worker Hosts")
status_columns = ["task"]
row_class = UpdateRow
multi_select = True
row_actions = (
EditHost, LockHost, ForceLockHost, UnlockHost, ForceUnlockHost,
PowerOffHost, RebootHost,
ResetHost, ReinstallHost, PatchInstallAsync, DeleteHost)
table_actions = (HostsWorkerFilterAction, LockHost,
UnlockHost, PatchInstallAsync)
hidden_title = False
class HostsUnProvisioned(Hosts):
class Meta(object):
name = "hostsunprovisioned"
verbose_name = _("UnProvisioned Hosts")
status_columns = ["task"]
row_class = UpdateRow
multi_select = True
row_actions = (
EditHost, LockHost, ForceLockHost, UnlockHost, SwactHost,
PowerOffHost, RebootHost,
ResetHost, ReinstallHost, DeleteHost)
hidden_title = False
class DeleteInterfaceProfile(tables.DeleteAction):
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Delete Interface Profile",
"Delete Interface Profiles",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Deleted Interface Profile",
"Deleted Interface Profiles",
def delete(self, request, interfaceprofile_id):
except Exception:
msg = _(
'Failed to delete interface profile %s') % interfaceprofile_id
redirect = reverse('horizon:admin:inventory:index')
exceptions.handle(request, msg, redirect=redirect)
def get_interfaces(ifProfile):
template_name = 'admin/inventory/_interfaceprofiles_interfaceconfig.html'
context = {"ifProfile": ifProfile}
return template.loader.render_to_string(template_name, context)
def get_ports(ifProfile):
template_name = 'admin/inventory/_interfaceprofiles_portconfig.html'
context = {"ifProfile": ifProfile}
return template.loader.render_to_string(template_name, context)
class InterfaceProfilesTable(tables.DataTable):
interfaceProfileName = tables.Column('profilename',
ports = tables.Column(get_ports,
verbose_name=_("Port Configuration"))
interfaces = tables.Column(get_interfaces,
verbose_name=_("Interface Configuration"))
def get_object_id(self, datum):
return str(datum.uuid)
def get_object_display(self, datum):
return datum.profilename
class Meta(object):
name = "interfaceprofiles"
verbose_name = _("Interface Profiles")
multi_select = True
table_actions = (DeleteInterfaceProfile, )
# Cpu Profile Table
class DeleteCpuProfile(tables.DeleteAction):
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Delete Cpu Profile",
"Delete Cpu Profiles",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Deleted Cpu Profile",
"Deleted Cpu Profiles",
def delete(self, request, cpuprofile_id):
stx_api.sysinv.host_cpuprofile_delete(request, cpuprofile_id)
except Exception:
msg = _('Failed to delete cpu profile %s') % cpuprofile_id
redirect = reverse('horizon:admin:inventory:index')
exceptions.handle(request, msg, redirect=redirect)
def get_cpuassignments(cpuProfile):
template_name = 'admin/inventory/_cpuprofiles_cpuassignments.html'
context = {"cpuProfile": cpuProfile,
"cpuFormats": cpufunctions_utils.CPU_TYPE_FORMATS}
return template.loader.render_to_string(template_name, context)
class CpuProfilesTable(tables.DataTable):
cpuProfileName = tables.Column('profilename',
cpuassignments = tables.Column(get_cpuassignments,
verbose_name=_("CPU Assignments"))
def get_object_id(self, datum):
return str(datum.uuid)
def get_object_display(self, datum):
return datum.profilename
class Meta(object):
name = "cpuprofiles"
verbose_name = _("Cpu Profiles")
multi_select = True
table_actions = (DeleteCpuProfile, )
# Disk Profile Table
class DeleteDiskProfile(tables.DeleteAction):
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Delete Storage Profile",
"Delete Storage Profiles",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Deleted Storage Profile",
"Deleted Storage Profiles",
def delete(self, request, diskprofile_id):
stx_api.sysinv.host_diskprofile_delete(request, diskprofile_id)
except Exception as e:
msg = _('Failed to delete storage profile %s') % diskprofile_id
messages.error(request, e)
redirect = reverse('horizon:admin:inventory:index')
exceptions.handle(request, e, redirect=redirect)
def get_disks(diskprofile):
template_name = 'admin/inventory/_diskprofiles_diskconfig.html'
context = {"diskprofile": diskprofile}
return template.loader.render_to_string(template_name, context)
def get_partitions(diskprofile):
template_name = 'admin/inventory/_diskprofiles_partitionconfig.html'
context = {"diskprofile": diskprofile}
return template.loader.render_to_string(template_name, context)
def get_stors(diskprofile):
if diskprofile.lvgs:
template_name = 'admin/inventory/_diskprofiles_lvgconfig.html'
template_name = 'admin/inventory/_diskprofiles_storconfig.html'
context = {"diskprofile": diskprofile}
return template.loader.render_to_string(template_name, context)
def get_disk_profile_obs(diskprofile):
template_name = 'admin/inventory/_diskprofiles_diskconfig_obs.html'
message = ""
for d in diskprofile.disks:
if not d.device_path:
message = _("This storage profile, from a previous release, is "
"missing the persistent disk name in the disk config "
"field. This profile needs to be deleted and "
context = {"obs_message": message}
return template.loader.render_to_string(template_name, context)
class DiskProfilesTable(tables.DataTable):
diskProfileName = tables.Column('profilename',
disks = tables.Column(get_disks,
verbose_name=_("Disk Configuration"))
partitions = tables.Column(get_partitions,
verbose_name=_("Partition Configuration"))
stors = tables.Column(get_stors,
verbose_name=_("Storage Configuration"))
obs = tables.Column(get_disk_profile_obs,
def get_object_id(self, datum):
return str(datum.uuid)
def get_object_display(self, datum):
return datum.profilename
class Meta(object):
name = "diskprofiles"
verbose_name = _("Storage Profiles")
multi_select = True
table_actions = (DeleteDiskProfile, )
# Memory Profile Table
class DeleteMemoryProfile(tables.DeleteAction):
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Delete Memory Profile",
"Delete Memory Profiles",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Deleted Memory Profile",
"Deleted Memory Profiles",
def delete(self, request, memoryprofile_id):
stx_api.sysinv.host_memprofile_delete(request, memoryprofile_id)
except Exception as e:
msg = _('Failed to delete memory profile %s') % memoryprofile_id
messages.error(request, e)
redirect = reverse('horizon:admin:inventory:index')
exceptions.handle(request, e, redirect=redirect)
def get_memory(memoryProfile):
template_name = 'admin/inventory/_memoryprofiles_memoryassignments.html'
memoryList = []
for node in memoryProfile.nodes:
for memory in memoryProfile.memory:
if memory.inode_uuid == node.uuid:
memory.numa_node = node.numa_node
memoryProfile.memory = memoryList
context = {"memoryProfile": memoryProfile}
return template.loader.render_to_string(template_name, context)
class MemoryProfilesTable(tables.DataTable):
memoryProfileName = tables.Column('profilename',
memory = tables.Column(get_memory,
verbose_name=_("Memory Assignments"))
def get_object_id(self, datum):
return str(datum.uuid)
def get_object_display(self, datum):
return datum.profilename
class Meta(object):
name = "memoryprofiles"
verbose_name = _("Memory Profiles")
multi_select = True
table_actions = (DeleteMemoryProfile, )