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# codeing = utf-8
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Copyright (C) 2021 WindRiver Corporation
import apt
import apt_pkg
import aptly_deb_usage
import argparse
from concurrent.futures import as_completed
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import debian.deb822
import debian.debfile
import logging
import os
import requests
from requests.compat import urljoin
import shutil
import urllib.request
import utils
REPOMGR_URL = os.environ.get('REPOMGR_URL')
build-tools: apt repo priority based on "Origin" * build-docker-images/stx-debian/stx.preferences.part.in * build-docker-images/build-base-image.sh This file sets base image priorities for apt repos that match certain properties. Formerly we used higher priority for repos hosted by the build server, as opposed to debian.org or others. This doesn't work when using a Debian mirror hosted on the build server itself, since the hostname of both repos are equal. Solution: increase priority for repos whose "Release" file contains the field "Origin: $REPOMGR_ORIGIN" and make sure aptly adds that field to its Release file. The value comes from the environment and should be set by the build container. * stx/aptly_deb_usage.py: Add an "Origin" field to non-mirror publications, value taken from environment REPOMGR_ORIGIN * build-docker-images/stx-debian/Dockerfile.stable Improvements to package conflict resolution and docker FS caching-related issues: - Upgrade base packages to versions in managed repos before doing anything else - Install packages provided by upstream debian in a separate RUN command/docker FS layer - Make sure each "apt-get install" is in its own RUN command and is preceded with "apt-get update" -- to avoid using stale metadata due to "docker build" FS layer caching TESTS ====================== - Define REPOMGR_ORIGIN in container environment - Run downloader & build-pkgs & make sure generated repos' Release file contains "Origin: starlingx" - Build base image & make sure its apt.preferences contains the priority rule for "Origin: starlingx" Story: 2010055 Task: 45729 Change-Id: Ibaafbfbeef408904d216265168daa466d90fc7f2 Signed-off-by: Davlet Panech <davlet.panech@windriver.com>
2022-07-05 11:10:29 -04:00
def get_pkg_ver(pkg_line):
'''Get package name and package version from a string.'''
# remove comment string/lines
if -1 == pkg_line.find('#'):
line = pkg_line[:-1]
line = pkg_line[:pkg_line.find('#')]
if 2 == len(line.split(' ')):
pkg_name = line.split(' ')[0]
pkg_ver = line.split(' ')[1]
elif 1 == len(line.split(' ')):
pkg_name = line.split(' ')[0]
pkg_ver = ''
pkg_name = pkg_ver = ''
return pkg_name, pkg_ver
class AptFetch():
Fetch Debian packages from a set of repositories.
It needs a file contains all trusted upstream repositories, later we
will search and get packages from these repos.
Python module apt is used to search and download binary packages and
apt_pkg for searching source packages. Python module requests is used
to download source package files.
def __init__(self, sources_list, workdir, logger):
self.logger = logger
self.aptcache = None
self.workdir = workdir
def __construct_workdir(self, sources_list):
'''construct some directories for repo and temporary files'''
# ├── apt-root # For apt cache
# │ └── etc
# │ └── apt
# │ └── sources.list
# └── downloads # Sub directory to store downloaded packages
basedir = self.workdir
# check to see if meta file exist
if not os.path.exists(sources_list):
raise Exception('Upstream source list file %s does not exist' % sources_list)
if os.path.exists(basedir):
aptdir = basedir + '/apt-root'
if not os.path.exists(aptdir + '/etc/apt/'):
os.makedirs(aptdir + '/etc/apt/')
destdir = basedir + '/downloads/'
if not os.path.exists(destdir):
shutil.copyfile(sources_list, aptdir + '/etc/apt/sources.list')
def apt_update(self):
'''Construct APT cache based on specified rootpath. Just like `apt update` on host'''
self.aptcache = apt.Cache(rootdir=os.path.join(self.workdir, 'apt-root'))
ret = self.aptcache.update()
if not ret:
raise Exception('APT cache update failed')
# Download a binary package into downloaded folder
def fetch_deb(self, pkg_name, pkg_version=''):
'''Download a binary package'''
if not pkg_name:
raise Exception('Package name empty')
destdir = self.workdir + '/downloads/'
pkg = self.aptcache[pkg_name]
if not pkg:
raise Exception('Binary package "%s" not found' % pkg_name)
if not pkg_version:
uri = pkg.candidate.uri
vers = pkg.versions
vers_find = False
for ver in vers:
if ver.version == pkg_version:
uri = ver.uri
vers_find = True
if not vers_find:
raise Exception('Binary package "%s %s" not found.' % (pkg_name, pkg_version))
res = requests.get(uri, stream=True)
self.logger.debug('Fetch package file %s' % uri)
with open(os.path.join(destdir, os.path.basename(uri)), 'wb') as download_file:
for chunk in res.iter_content(chunk_size=1024 * 1024):
if chunk:
self.logger.info('Binary package %s downloaded.' % pkg_name)
# Download a source package into downloaded folder
def fetch_dsc(self, pkg_name, pkg_version=''):
'''Download a source package'''
if not pkg_name:
raise Exception('Package name empty')
destdir = self.workdir + '/downloads/'
src = apt_pkg.SourceRecords()
source_lookup = src.lookup(pkg_name)
while source_lookup:
if pkg_version in ['', src.version]:
source_lookup = src.lookup(pkg_name)
if not source_lookup:
raise ValueError("Source package %s not found" % pkg_name)
# Here the src.files is a list, each one point to a source file
# Download those source files one by one with requests
for src_file in src.files:
res = requests.get(src.index.archive_uri(src_file.path), stream=True)
self.logger.info('Fetch package file %s', src.index.archive_uri(src_file.path))
with open(os.path.join(destdir, os.path.basename(src_file.path)), 'wb') as download_file:
for chunk in res.iter_content(chunk_size=1024 * 1024):
if chunk:
self.logger.info('Source package %s downloaded.' % pkg_name)
# Download a ubndle of packages into downloaded folder
# deb_list: binary package list file
# dsc_list: source package list file
def Fetch_pkg_list(self, deb_list='', dsc_list=''):
'''Download a bundle of packages specified through deb_list and dsc_list.'''
if not deb_list and not dsc_list:
raise Exception('deb_list and dsc_list, at least one is required.')
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=APTFETCH_JOBS) as threads:
obj_list = []
# Scan binary package list and download them
if deb_list:
if os.path.exists(deb_list):
deb_count = 0
pkg_list = open(deb_list, 'r')
for pkg_line in pkg_list:
pkg_name, pkg_version = get_pkg_ver(pkg_line)
if not pkg_name:
deb_count = deb_count + 1
# self.fetch_deb(pkg_name, pkg_version)
obj = threads.submit(self.fetch_deb, pkg_name, pkg_version)
self.logger.debug('%d binary packages downloaded.' % deb_count)
raise Exception('deb_list file specified but does not exist')
# Scan source package list and download them
if dsc_list:
if os.path.exists(dsc_list):
dsc_count = 0
pkg_list = open(dsc_list, 'r')
for pkg_line in pkg_list:
pkg_name, pkg_version = get_pkg_ver(pkg_line)
if not pkg_name:
dsc_count = dsc_count + 1
obj = threads.submit(self.fetch_dsc, pkg_name, pkg_version)
self.logger.debug('%d source packages downloaded.' % dsc_count)
raise Exception('dsc_list file specified but does not exist')
for future in as_completed(obj_list):
self.logger.debug('download result %s' % future.result())
class RepoMgr():
Repository management, based on pulp or aptly, mainly used for OBS and LAT
Two kind of repositories: local repo and remote one.
remote repo: mirror of another repository. shouldn't insert or remove packages from it..
local repo: a local repository, we can insert/remove packages into/from them.
build-tools: apt repo priority based on "Origin" * build-docker-images/stx-debian/stx.preferences.part.in * build-docker-images/build-base-image.sh This file sets base image priorities for apt repos that match certain properties. Formerly we used higher priority for repos hosted by the build server, as opposed to debian.org or others. This doesn't work when using a Debian mirror hosted on the build server itself, since the hostname of both repos are equal. Solution: increase priority for repos whose "Release" file contains the field "Origin: $REPOMGR_ORIGIN" and make sure aptly adds that field to its Release file. The value comes from the environment and should be set by the build container. * stx/aptly_deb_usage.py: Add an "Origin" field to non-mirror publications, value taken from environment REPOMGR_ORIGIN * build-docker-images/stx-debian/Dockerfile.stable Improvements to package conflict resolution and docker FS caching-related issues: - Upgrade base packages to versions in managed repos before doing anything else - Install packages provided by upstream debian in a separate RUN command/docker FS layer - Make sure each "apt-get install" is in its own RUN command and is preceded with "apt-get update" -- to avoid using stale metadata due to "docker build" FS layer caching TESTS ====================== - Define REPOMGR_ORIGIN in container environment - Run downloader & build-pkgs & make sure generated repos' Release file contains "Origin: starlingx" - Build base image & make sure its apt.preferences contains the priority rule for "Origin: starlingx" Story: 2010055 Task: 45729 Change-Id: Ibaafbfbeef408904d216265168daa466d90fc7f2 Signed-off-by: Davlet Panech <davlet.panech@windriver.com>
2022-07-05 11:10:29 -04:00
def __init__(self, repoType, repoURL, workdir, origin, logger):
if repoType == 'aptly':
build-tools: apt repo priority based on "Origin" * build-docker-images/stx-debian/stx.preferences.part.in * build-docker-images/build-base-image.sh This file sets base image priorities for apt repos that match certain properties. Formerly we used higher priority for repos hosted by the build server, as opposed to debian.org or others. This doesn't work when using a Debian mirror hosted on the build server itself, since the hostname of both repos are equal. Solution: increase priority for repos whose "Release" file contains the field "Origin: $REPOMGR_ORIGIN" and make sure aptly adds that field to its Release file. The value comes from the environment and should be set by the build container. * stx/aptly_deb_usage.py: Add an "Origin" field to non-mirror publications, value taken from environment REPOMGR_ORIGIN * build-docker-images/stx-debian/Dockerfile.stable Improvements to package conflict resolution and docker FS caching-related issues: - Upgrade base packages to versions in managed repos before doing anything else - Install packages provided by upstream debian in a separate RUN command/docker FS layer - Make sure each "apt-get install" is in its own RUN command and is preceded with "apt-get update" -- to avoid using stale metadata due to "docker build" FS layer caching TESTS ====================== - Define REPOMGR_ORIGIN in container environment - Run downloader & build-pkgs & make sure generated repos' Release file contains "Origin: starlingx" - Build base image & make sure its apt.preferences contains the priority rule for "Origin: starlingx" Story: 2010055 Task: 45729 Change-Id: Ibaafbfbeef408904d216265168daa466d90fc7f2 Signed-off-by: Davlet Panech <davlet.panech@windriver.com>
2022-07-05 11:10:29 -04:00
self.repo = aptly_deb_usage.Deb_aptly(repoURL, origin, logger)
raise Exception('Currently, only aptly repository supported')
self.aptcache = None
self.logger = logger
self.workdir = workdir
def __sync_deb(self, check_list, deb_list, apt_fetch):
'''Sync binary packages'''
deb_count = 0
pkg_list = open(deb_list, 'r')
# scan the deb list
for pkg_line in pkg_list:
pkg_name, pkg_ver = get_pkg_ver(pkg_line)
if '' == pkg_name:
# Search the package in check_list, if not find, download it
if self.repo.pkg_exist(check_list, pkg_name, 'binary', pkg_ver):
# print(pkg_name, pkg_ver)
deb_count = deb_count + 1
apt_fetch.fetch_deb(pkg_name, pkg_ver)
self.logger.info('%d binary packages downloaded.' % deb_count)
def __sync_dsc(self, check_list, dsc_list, apt_fetch):
'''Sync source packages'''
dsc_count = 0
# scan the dsc list
for pkg_line in open(dsc_list, 'r'):
pkg_name, pkg_ver = get_pkg_ver(pkg_line)
if '' == pkg_name:
# Search the package in check_list, if not find, download it
if self.repo.pkg_exist(check_list, pkg_name, 'source', pkg_ver):
# print(pkg_name, pkg_ver)
dsc_count = dsc_count + 1
apt_fetch.fetch_dsc(pkg_name, pkg_ver)
self.logger.info('%d source packages downloaded.' % dsc_count)
# Download a bundle of packages and deployed them through repository
# repo_name: the repository used to deploy these packages
# no_clear: Not delete downloaded package files, for debug
# kwarge:sources_list: Where we should fetch packages from.
# kwarge:deb_list: file contains binary package list
# kwarge:dsc_ist: file contains source package list
# Output: None
def download(self, repo_name, no_clear=False, **kwargs):
'''Download specified packages and deploy them through a specified local repo.'''
sources_list = kwargs['sources_list']
if 'deb_list' not in kwargs.keys():
deb_list = ''
deb_list = kwargs['deb_list']
if 'dsc_list' not in kwargs.keys():
dsc_list = ''
dsc_list = kwargs['dsc_list']
# print(sources_list)
if not deb_list and not dsc_list:
raise Exception('deb_list and dsc_list, at least one is required.')
if not self.repo.create_local(repo_name):
raise Exception('Local repo created failed, Please double check'
' if the repo exist already.')
# Download packages from remote repo
apt_fetch = AptFetch(sources_list, self.workdir, self.logger)
apt_fetch.Fetch_pkg_list(deb_list=deb_list, dsc_list=dsc_list)
# Add packages into local repo
destdir = self.workdir + '/downloads/'
package_files = set()
for filename in os.listdir(destdir):
package_files.add(os.path.join(destdir, filename))
self.repo.upload_pkg_local(package_files, repo_name)
# Deploy local repo
repo_str = self.repo.deploy_local(repo_name)
if not no_clear:
self.logger.info('New local repo can be accessed through: %s' % repo_str)
# We need a bundle packages been deployed through a serials of repositories
# We have:
# -) a serials of atply/pulp repositories already contains some packages;
# -) an aptly/pulp repository can be used to deploy downloaded packages
# -) a serials of upstream Debian repository
# -) Two text files list binary and source packages we need
# SYNC will download all packages we haven't and deployed them through
# a local repository.
# reponame: name of a local repository used to deploy downloaded packages
# repo_list: String separated with space, contains serials of aptly/pulp
# repos can be used for OBS/LAT.
# no_clear: do not delete downloaded packages. For debug
# kwargs:sources_list: file contains trusted upstream repositories
# kwargs:deb_list: file lists all needed binary packages
# kwargs:dsc_list: file lists all needed source packages
# Output: None
def sync(self, repo_name, repo_list, no_clear=False, **kwargs):
Sync a set of repositories with spaecified package lists, any package
missed, download and deploy through a specified local repo
if 'deb_list' not in kwargs.keys():
deb_list = ''
deb_list = kwargs['deb_list']
if 'dsc_list' not in kwargs.keys():
dsc_list = ''
dsc_list = kwargs['dsc_list']
if not deb_list and not dsc_list:
raise Exception('deb_list and dsc_list, at least one is required.')
# construct repo list will be checkd
local_list = self.repo.list_local(quiet=True)
remote_list = self.repo.list_remotes(quiet=True)
# Specified local repo must exist, or failed
if repo_name not in local_list:
raise Exception('Sync failed, local repo does not exist, create it firstly')
# Make sure all repos in check_list exist in aptly/pulp database.
check_list = [repo_name]
for repo in repo_list.split():
if repo in local_list or repo in remote_list:
self.logger.warn('%s in the list but does not exists.' % repo)
# Download missing packages from remote repo
apt_fetch = AptFetch(kwargs['sources_list'], self.workdir, self.logger)
# if os.path.exists(deb_list):
self.__sync_deb(check_list, deb_list, apt_fetch)
# if os.path.exists(dsc_list):
self.__sync_dsc(check_list, dsc_list, apt_fetch)
# Add packages into local repo
destdir = self.workdir + '/downloads/'
pkg_files = set()
for filename in os.listdir(destdir):
pkg_files.add(os.path.join(destdir, filename))
self.repo.upload_pkg_local(pkg_files, repo_name)
# Deploy local repo
repo_str = self.repo.deploy_local(repo_name)
if not no_clear:
self.logger.info('local repo can be accessed through: %s ' % repo_str)
# Merge all packages of several repositories into a new publication(aptly)
# NOTE: aptly only. Not find similar feature in pulp...
def merge(self, name, source_snapshots):
'''Merge several repositories into a new aptly publication.'''
return self.repo.merge_repos(name, source_snapshots.split(','))
# Construct a repository mirror to an upstream Debian repository
# kwargs:url: URL of the upstream repo (http://deb.debian.org/debian)
# kwargs:distribution: the distribution of the repo (bullseye)
# kwargs:component: component of the repo (main)
# kwargs:architecture: architecture of the repo, "all" is always enabled. (amd64)
# kwargs:with_sources: include source packages, default is False.
# Output: None
def mirror(self, repo_name, **kwargs):
'''Construct a mirror based on a debian repository.'''
url = kwargs['url']
distribution = kwargs['distribution']
component = kwargs['component']
architectures = kwargs['architectures']
if 'with_sources' not in kwargs.keys():
with_sources = False
with_sources = kwargs['with_sources']
if with_sources:
self.repo.create_remote(repo_name, url, distribution,
self.repo.create_remote(repo_name, url, distribution,
repo_str = self.repo.deploy_remote(repo_name)
self.logger.info('New mirror can be accessed through: %s' % repo_str)
# List all repositories
# Output: None
def list(self):
'''List all repos.'''
# Clean all packages and repositories
def clean(self):
'''Clear all meta files. Construct a clean environment'''
# list a repository
# repo_name: the name of the repo been listed.
# Output: True is all works in order
def list_pkgs(self, repo_name, quiet=False):
'''List a specified repository.'''
local_list = self.repo.list_local(quiet=True)
remote_list = self.repo.list_remotes(quiet=True)
pkg_list = []
for repo in local_list:
if repo == repo_name:
self.logger.info('List a local repo')
pkgs = self.repo.pkg_list([repo])
if not quiet:
self.logger.info("Local repo %s:" % repo_name)
for pkg in sorted(pkgs):
self.logger.info(" %s" % pkg)
for repo in remote_list:
if repo == repo_name:
self.logger.info('List a remote mirror')
pkgs = self.repo.pkg_list([repo])
if not quiet:
self.logger.info("Remote repo %s:" % repo_name)
for pkg in sorted(pkgs):
self.logger.info(" %s" % pkg)
return pkg_list
# delete a repository
# repo_name: the name of the repo been deleted.
# Output: True is all works in order
def remove_repo(self, repo_name):
'''Remove a specified repository.'''
local_list = self.repo.list_local(quiet=True)
remote_list = self.repo.list_remotes(quiet=True)
for repo in local_list:
if repo == repo_name:
self.logger.info('Remove a local repo')
return True
for repo in remote_list:
if repo == repo_name:
self.logger.info('Remove a remote mirror')
return True
self.logger.warn("Remove repo failed: repo '%s' not found" % repo_name)
return False
# Before uploading a source package into a local repo, scan all repos,
# find all duplicate files with different size.
# dsc: Dsc data of the source package. <class 'debian.deb822.Dsc'>
# Return a dictionary: {repo_1: {file_a, ...}, ...}
# Input dsc contains file_a, while repo_1 also contains such a file
# with different size.
def __check_orig_files(self, dsc):
different_files = {}
repo_list = self.repo.list_local(quiet=True)
repo_list += self.repo.list_remotes(quiet=True)
for repo in repo_list:
for meta_file in dsc['Files']:
if meta_file['name'].find('.orig.'):
new_file_size = meta_file['size']
if dsc['Source'].startswith('lib'):
prefix_dir = dsc['Source'][:4] + '/' + dsc['Source']
prefix_dir = dsc['Source'][0] + '/' + dsc['Source']
target_path = repo + '/pool/main/' + prefix_dir + '/' + meta_file['name']
target_url = urljoin(REPOMGR_DEPLOY_URL, target_path)
orig_file = urllib.request.urlopen(target_url)
except Exception:
# no such file in repo, that is good
self.logger.debug('%s does not contain %s' % (repo, meta_file['name']))
if orig_file.length != int(new_file_size):
self.logger.debug('File %s is not same as the one in %s.' %
(meta_file['name'], repo))
if repo not in different_files.keys():
different_files[repo] = {meta_file['name']}
return different_files
# upload a Debian package and deploy it
# repo_name: the name of the repository used to contain and deploy the package
# package: pathname of the package(xxx.deb or xxx.dsc) to be uploaded
# deploy: If True, deploy the repository after "binary" package been uploaded.
# Output: True if all works.
def upload_pkg(self, repo_name, package, deploy=True):
'''Upload a Debian package into a specified repository.'''
local_list = self.repo.list_local(quiet=True)
if repo_name not in local_list:
self.logger.info('upload_pkg: repository %s does not exist, creating it.' % repo_name)
if not package and deploy:
# No repo found, no package specified, just create & deploy the repo and return
return True
self.logger.debug('upload_pkg: upload package %s into %s' % (package, repo_name))
if '.deb' == os.path.splitext(package)[-1]:
pkg_type = 'binary'
deb = debian.debfile.DebFile(package, 'r').debcontrol()
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error('Error: %s' % e)
self.logger.error('Binary package %s read error.' % package)
raise Exception('Binary package error.')
pkg_version = deb['Version']
pkg_name = deb['Package']
self.repo.upload_pkg_local({package}, repo_name)
elif '.dsc' == os.path.splitext(package)[-1]:
pkg_type = 'source'
dsc = debian.deb822.Dsc(open(package, 'r'))
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error('Error: %s' % e)
self.logger.error('Source package %s read error.' % package)
raise Exception('Source package error.')
pkg_name = dsc['Source']
pkg_version = dsc['Version']
# In case there is already an *.orig.* file with different size in any repos,
# refuse to upload it.
different_files = self.__check_orig_files(dsc)
if different_files:
for repo, meta_files in different_files.items():
self.logger.error('%s contains different file: %s' % (repo, str(meta_files)))
self.logger.error('Package %s upload failed. Repo %s already contains '
'file %s with different content.' %
(package, repo, str(meta_files)))
return False
pkg_files = set()
for meta_file in dsc['Files']:
pkg_files.add(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(package), meta_file['name']))
self.repo.upload_pkg_local(pkg_files, repo_name)
self.logger.warning('Only Debian style files, like deb and dsc, are supported.')
return False
self.logger.debug('upload_pkg: package %s been uploaded into %s' % (package, repo_name))
# deploy = False only effect on binary package.
if 'binary' == pkg_type and not deploy:
return True
# Double check if the package been uploaded successfully
if not self.search_pkg(repo_name, pkg_name, pkg_version, pkg_type == 'binary'):
self.logger.error('upload_pkg: verify failed, no %s package %s %s in %s'
% (pkg_type, pkg_name, pkg_version, repo_name))
return False
return True
# search a package from a repository
# repo_name: name of the repository to search the package in
# pkg_name: name of the Debian package to be searched
# pkg_version: version number of the package to be searched
# binary: binary package or source one?
# Output: True if find, or False
def search_pkg(self, repo_name, pkg_name, pkg_version=None, binary=True):
'''Find a package from a specified repo.'''
repo_find = False
repo = None
r_list = self.repo.list_local(quiet=True)
for repo in r_list:
if repo == repo_name:
repo_find = True
r_list = self.repo.list_remotes(quiet=True)
for repo in r_list:
if repo == repo_name:
repo_find = True
if not repo_find:
self.logger.error('Search package, repository does not exist.')
return False
if binary:
pkg_type = 'binary'
pkg_type = 'source'
if not self.repo.pkg_exist([repo_name], pkg_name, pkg_type, pkg_version):
self.logger.info('Search %s package %s, not found.' % (pkg_type, pkg_name))
return False
return True
# Deploy a local repository
def deploy_repo(self, repo_name, suffix=''):
'''Deploy a local repository manually.'''
local_list = self.repo.list_local(quiet=True)
if repo_name not in local_list:
self.logger.error('Local repository deploy failed, %s does not exist.' % repo_name)
return self.repo.deploy_local(repo_name, suffix)
# Delete a Debian package from a local repository
# repo_name: name of the LOCAL repository to delete the package from
# pkg_name: name of the binary package to be deleted
# pkg_type: 'source' or 'binary'
# pkg_version: version number of the package to be deleted
# Output: True if find and delete, or False
def delete_pkg(self, repo_name, pkg_name, pkg_type, pkg_version='', deploy=True):
'''Find and delete a binary package from a specified local repo.'''
repo_find = False
repo = None
if pkg_type not in {'binary', 'source'}:
self.logger.error('Delete package, pkg_type must be one of '
'either "binary" or "source".')
return False
if not repo_name.startswith(aptly_deb_usage.PREFIX_LOCAL):
self.logger.error('Delete package, only local repositories support this operation.')
return False
local_list = self.repo.list_local(quiet=True)
for repo in local_list:
if repo == repo_name:
repo_find = True
if not repo_find:
self.logger.error('Delete package, repository does not exist.')
return False
if not self.repo.pkg_exist([repo_name], pkg_name, pkg_type, pkg_version):
self.logger.info('Delete package, package not found.')
return False
self.repo.delete_pkg_local(repo_name, pkg_name, pkg_type, pkg_version)
# deploy = False only effect on binary packages
if 'binary' == pkg_type and not deploy:
return True
return True
# Simple example on using this class.
applogger = logging.getLogger('repomgr')
def _handleDownload(args):
build-tools: apt repo priority based on "Origin" * build-docker-images/stx-debian/stx.preferences.part.in * build-docker-images/build-base-image.sh This file sets base image priorities for apt repos that match certain properties. Formerly we used higher priority for repos hosted by the build server, as opposed to debian.org or others. This doesn't work when using a Debian mirror hosted on the build server itself, since the hostname of both repos are equal. Solution: increase priority for repos whose "Release" file contains the field "Origin: $REPOMGR_ORIGIN" and make sure aptly adds that field to its Release file. The value comes from the environment and should be set by the build container. * stx/aptly_deb_usage.py: Add an "Origin" field to non-mirror publications, value taken from environment REPOMGR_ORIGIN * build-docker-images/stx-debian/Dockerfile.stable Improvements to package conflict resolution and docker FS caching-related issues: - Upgrade base packages to versions in managed repos before doing anything else - Install packages provided by upstream debian in a separate RUN command/docker FS layer - Make sure each "apt-get install" is in its own RUN command and is preceded with "apt-get update" -- to avoid using stale metadata due to "docker build" FS layer caching TESTS ====================== - Define REPOMGR_ORIGIN in container environment - Run downloader & build-pkgs & make sure generated repos' Release file contains "Origin: starlingx" - Build base image & make sure its apt.preferences contains the priority rule for "Origin: starlingx" Story: 2010055 Task: 45729 Change-Id: Ibaafbfbeef408904d216265168daa466d90fc7f2 Signed-off-by: Davlet Panech <davlet.panech@windriver.com>
2022-07-05 11:10:29 -04:00
repomgr = RepoMgr('aptly', REPOMGR_URL, args.basedir, REPOMGR_ORIGIN, applogger)
kwargs = {'sources_list': args.sources_list, 'deb_list': args.deb_list,
'dsc_list': args.dsc_list}
repomgr.download(args.name, **kwargs, no_clear=args.no_clear)
def _handleSync(args):
build-tools: apt repo priority based on "Origin" * build-docker-images/stx-debian/stx.preferences.part.in * build-docker-images/build-base-image.sh This file sets base image priorities for apt repos that match certain properties. Formerly we used higher priority for repos hosted by the build server, as opposed to debian.org or others. This doesn't work when using a Debian mirror hosted on the build server itself, since the hostname of both repos are equal. Solution: increase priority for repos whose "Release" file contains the field "Origin: $REPOMGR_ORIGIN" and make sure aptly adds that field to its Release file. The value comes from the environment and should be set by the build container. * stx/aptly_deb_usage.py: Add an "Origin" field to non-mirror publications, value taken from environment REPOMGR_ORIGIN * build-docker-images/stx-debian/Dockerfile.stable Improvements to package conflict resolution and docker FS caching-related issues: - Upgrade base packages to versions in managed repos before doing anything else - Install packages provided by upstream debian in a separate RUN command/docker FS layer - Make sure each "apt-get install" is in its own RUN command and is preceded with "apt-get update" -- to avoid using stale metadata due to "docker build" FS layer caching TESTS ====================== - Define REPOMGR_ORIGIN in container environment - Run downloader & build-pkgs & make sure generated repos' Release file contains "Origin: starlingx" - Build base image & make sure its apt.preferences contains the priority rule for "Origin: starlingx" Story: 2010055 Task: 45729 Change-Id: Ibaafbfbeef408904d216265168daa466d90fc7f2 Signed-off-by: Davlet Panech <davlet.panech@windriver.com>
2022-07-05 11:10:29 -04:00
repomgr = RepoMgr('aptly', REPOMGR_URL, args.basedir, REPOMGR_ORIGIN, applogger)
kwargs = {'sources_list': args.sources_list, 'deb_list': args.deb_list,
'dsc_list': args.dsc_list}
repomgr.sync(args.name, args.repo_list, **kwargs, no_clear=args.no_clear)
def _handleMirror(args):
build-tools: apt repo priority based on "Origin" * build-docker-images/stx-debian/stx.preferences.part.in * build-docker-images/build-base-image.sh This file sets base image priorities for apt repos that match certain properties. Formerly we used higher priority for repos hosted by the build server, as opposed to debian.org or others. This doesn't work when using a Debian mirror hosted on the build server itself, since the hostname of both repos are equal. Solution: increase priority for repos whose "Release" file contains the field "Origin: $REPOMGR_ORIGIN" and make sure aptly adds that field to its Release file. The value comes from the environment and should be set by the build container. * stx/aptly_deb_usage.py: Add an "Origin" field to non-mirror publications, value taken from environment REPOMGR_ORIGIN * build-docker-images/stx-debian/Dockerfile.stable Improvements to package conflict resolution and docker FS caching-related issues: - Upgrade base packages to versions in managed repos before doing anything else - Install packages provided by upstream debian in a separate RUN command/docker FS layer - Make sure each "apt-get install" is in its own RUN command and is preceded with "apt-get update" -- to avoid using stale metadata due to "docker build" FS layer caching TESTS ====================== - Define REPOMGR_ORIGIN in container environment - Run downloader & build-pkgs & make sure generated repos' Release file contains "Origin: starlingx" - Build base image & make sure its apt.preferences contains the priority rule for "Origin: starlingx" Story: 2010055 Task: 45729 Change-Id: Ibaafbfbeef408904d216265168daa466d90fc7f2 Signed-off-by: Davlet Panech <davlet.panech@windriver.com>
2022-07-05 11:10:29 -04:00
repomgr = RepoMgr('aptly', REPOMGR_URL, '/tmp', REPOMGR_ORIGIN, applogger)
kwargs = {'url': args.url, 'distribution': args.distribution, 'component': args.component,
'architectures': args.architectures, 'with_sources': args.with_sources}
repomgr.mirror(args.name, **kwargs)
def _handleMerge(args):
build-tools: apt repo priority based on "Origin" * build-docker-images/stx-debian/stx.preferences.part.in * build-docker-images/build-base-image.sh This file sets base image priorities for apt repos that match certain properties. Formerly we used higher priority for repos hosted by the build server, as opposed to debian.org or others. This doesn't work when using a Debian mirror hosted on the build server itself, since the hostname of both repos are equal. Solution: increase priority for repos whose "Release" file contains the field "Origin: $REPOMGR_ORIGIN" and make sure aptly adds that field to its Release file. The value comes from the environment and should be set by the build container. * stx/aptly_deb_usage.py: Add an "Origin" field to non-mirror publications, value taken from environment REPOMGR_ORIGIN * build-docker-images/stx-debian/Dockerfile.stable Improvements to package conflict resolution and docker FS caching-related issues: - Upgrade base packages to versions in managed repos before doing anything else - Install packages provided by upstream debian in a separate RUN command/docker FS layer - Make sure each "apt-get install" is in its own RUN command and is preceded with "apt-get update" -- to avoid using stale metadata due to "docker build" FS layer caching TESTS ====================== - Define REPOMGR_ORIGIN in container environment - Run downloader & build-pkgs & make sure generated repos' Release file contains "Origin: starlingx" - Build base image & make sure its apt.preferences contains the priority rule for "Origin: starlingx" Story: 2010055 Task: 45729 Change-Id: Ibaafbfbeef408904d216265168daa466d90fc7f2 Signed-off-by: Davlet Panech <davlet.panech@windriver.com>
2022-07-05 11:10:29 -04:00
repomgr = RepoMgr('aptly', REPOMGR_URL, '/tmp', REPOMGR_ORIGIN, applogger)
repomgr.merge(args.name, args.repo_list)
def _handleUploadPkg(args):
build-tools: apt repo priority based on "Origin" * build-docker-images/stx-debian/stx.preferences.part.in * build-docker-images/build-base-image.sh This file sets base image priorities for apt repos that match certain properties. Formerly we used higher priority for repos hosted by the build server, as opposed to debian.org or others. This doesn't work when using a Debian mirror hosted on the build server itself, since the hostname of both repos are equal. Solution: increase priority for repos whose "Release" file contains the field "Origin: $REPOMGR_ORIGIN" and make sure aptly adds that field to its Release file. The value comes from the environment and should be set by the build container. * stx/aptly_deb_usage.py: Add an "Origin" field to non-mirror publications, value taken from environment REPOMGR_ORIGIN * build-docker-images/stx-debian/Dockerfile.stable Improvements to package conflict resolution and docker FS caching-related issues: - Upgrade base packages to versions in managed repos before doing anything else - Install packages provided by upstream debian in a separate RUN command/docker FS layer - Make sure each "apt-get install" is in its own RUN command and is preceded with "apt-get update" -- to avoid using stale metadata due to "docker build" FS layer caching TESTS ====================== - Define REPOMGR_ORIGIN in container environment - Run downloader & build-pkgs & make sure generated repos' Release file contains "Origin: starlingx" - Build base image & make sure its apt.preferences contains the priority rule for "Origin: starlingx" Story: 2010055 Task: 45729 Change-Id: Ibaafbfbeef408904d216265168daa466d90fc7f2 Signed-off-by: Davlet Panech <davlet.panech@windriver.com>
2022-07-05 11:10:29 -04:00
repomgr = RepoMgr('aptly', REPOMGR_URL, '/tmp', REPOMGR_ORIGIN, applogger)
repomgr.upload_pkg(args.repository, args.package)
def _handleDeletePkg(args):
build-tools: apt repo priority based on "Origin" * build-docker-images/stx-debian/stx.preferences.part.in * build-docker-images/build-base-image.sh This file sets base image priorities for apt repos that match certain properties. Formerly we used higher priority for repos hosted by the build server, as opposed to debian.org or others. This doesn't work when using a Debian mirror hosted on the build server itself, since the hostname of both repos are equal. Solution: increase priority for repos whose "Release" file contains the field "Origin: $REPOMGR_ORIGIN" and make sure aptly adds that field to its Release file. The value comes from the environment and should be set by the build container. * stx/aptly_deb_usage.py: Add an "Origin" field to non-mirror publications, value taken from environment REPOMGR_ORIGIN * build-docker-images/stx-debian/Dockerfile.stable Improvements to package conflict resolution and docker FS caching-related issues: - Upgrade base packages to versions in managed repos before doing anything else - Install packages provided by upstream debian in a separate RUN command/docker FS layer - Make sure each "apt-get install" is in its own RUN command and is preceded with "apt-get update" -- to avoid using stale metadata due to "docker build" FS layer caching TESTS ====================== - Define REPOMGR_ORIGIN in container environment - Run downloader & build-pkgs & make sure generated repos' Release file contains "Origin: starlingx" - Build base image & make sure its apt.preferences contains the priority rule for "Origin: starlingx" Story: 2010055 Task: 45729 Change-Id: Ibaafbfbeef408904d216265168daa466d90fc7f2 Signed-off-by: Davlet Panech <davlet.panech@windriver.com>
2022-07-05 11:10:29 -04:00
repomgr = RepoMgr('aptly', REPOMGR_URL, '/tmp', REPOMGR_ORIGIN, applogger)
repomgr.delete_pkg(args.repository, args.package_name, args.package_type,
def _handleSearchPkg(args):
build-tools: apt repo priority based on "Origin" * build-docker-images/stx-debian/stx.preferences.part.in * build-docker-images/build-base-image.sh This file sets base image priorities for apt repos that match certain properties. Formerly we used higher priority for repos hosted by the build server, as opposed to debian.org or others. This doesn't work when using a Debian mirror hosted on the build server itself, since the hostname of both repos are equal. Solution: increase priority for repos whose "Release" file contains the field "Origin: $REPOMGR_ORIGIN" and make sure aptly adds that field to its Release file. The value comes from the environment and should be set by the build container. * stx/aptly_deb_usage.py: Add an "Origin" field to non-mirror publications, value taken from environment REPOMGR_ORIGIN * build-docker-images/stx-debian/Dockerfile.stable Improvements to package conflict resolution and docker FS caching-related issues: - Upgrade base packages to versions in managed repos before doing anything else - Install packages provided by upstream debian in a separate RUN command/docker FS layer - Make sure each "apt-get install" is in its own RUN command and is preceded with "apt-get update" -- to avoid using stale metadata due to "docker build" FS layer caching TESTS ====================== - Define REPOMGR_ORIGIN in container environment - Run downloader & build-pkgs & make sure generated repos' Release file contains "Origin: starlingx" - Build base image & make sure its apt.preferences contains the priority rule for "Origin: starlingx" Story: 2010055 Task: 45729 Change-Id: Ibaafbfbeef408904d216265168daa466d90fc7f2 Signed-off-by: Davlet Panech <davlet.panech@windriver.com>
2022-07-05 11:10:29 -04:00
repomgr = RepoMgr('aptly', REPOMGR_URL, '/tmp', REPOMGR_ORIGIN, applogger)
if args.package_type == 'binary':
repomgr.search_pkg(args.repository, args.package_name, pkg_version=args.package_version,
repomgr.search_pkg(args.repository, args.package_name, pkg_version=args.package_version,
def _handleRemoveRope(args):
build-tools: apt repo priority based on "Origin" * build-docker-images/stx-debian/stx.preferences.part.in * build-docker-images/build-base-image.sh This file sets base image priorities for apt repos that match certain properties. Formerly we used higher priority for repos hosted by the build server, as opposed to debian.org or others. This doesn't work when using a Debian mirror hosted on the build server itself, since the hostname of both repos are equal. Solution: increase priority for repos whose "Release" file contains the field "Origin: $REPOMGR_ORIGIN" and make sure aptly adds that field to its Release file. The value comes from the environment and should be set by the build container. * stx/aptly_deb_usage.py: Add an "Origin" field to non-mirror publications, value taken from environment REPOMGR_ORIGIN * build-docker-images/stx-debian/Dockerfile.stable Improvements to package conflict resolution and docker FS caching-related issues: - Upgrade base packages to versions in managed repos before doing anything else - Install packages provided by upstream debian in a separate RUN command/docker FS layer - Make sure each "apt-get install" is in its own RUN command and is preceded with "apt-get update" -- to avoid using stale metadata due to "docker build" FS layer caching TESTS ====================== - Define REPOMGR_ORIGIN in container environment - Run downloader & build-pkgs & make sure generated repos' Release file contains "Origin: starlingx" - Build base image & make sure its apt.preferences contains the priority rule for "Origin: starlingx" Story: 2010055 Task: 45729 Change-Id: Ibaafbfbeef408904d216265168daa466d90fc7f2 Signed-off-by: Davlet Panech <davlet.panech@windriver.com>
2022-07-05 11:10:29 -04:00
repomgr = RepoMgr('aptly', REPOMGR_URL, '/tmp', REPOMGR_ORIGIN, applogger)
def _handleList(_args):
build-tools: apt repo priority based on "Origin" * build-docker-images/stx-debian/stx.preferences.part.in * build-docker-images/build-base-image.sh This file sets base image priorities for apt repos that match certain properties. Formerly we used higher priority for repos hosted by the build server, as opposed to debian.org or others. This doesn't work when using a Debian mirror hosted on the build server itself, since the hostname of both repos are equal. Solution: increase priority for repos whose "Release" file contains the field "Origin: $REPOMGR_ORIGIN" and make sure aptly adds that field to its Release file. The value comes from the environment and should be set by the build container. * stx/aptly_deb_usage.py: Add an "Origin" field to non-mirror publications, value taken from environment REPOMGR_ORIGIN * build-docker-images/stx-debian/Dockerfile.stable Improvements to package conflict resolution and docker FS caching-related issues: - Upgrade base packages to versions in managed repos before doing anything else - Install packages provided by upstream debian in a separate RUN command/docker FS layer - Make sure each "apt-get install" is in its own RUN command and is preceded with "apt-get update" -- to avoid using stale metadata due to "docker build" FS layer caching TESTS ====================== - Define REPOMGR_ORIGIN in container environment - Run downloader & build-pkgs & make sure generated repos' Release file contains "Origin: starlingx" - Build base image & make sure its apt.preferences contains the priority rule for "Origin: starlingx" Story: 2010055 Task: 45729 Change-Id: Ibaafbfbeef408904d216265168daa466d90fc7f2 Signed-off-by: Davlet Panech <davlet.panech@windriver.com>
2022-07-05 11:10:29 -04:00
repomgr = RepoMgr('aptly', REPOMGR_URL, '/tmp', REPOMGR_ORIGIN, applogger)
def _handleListPkgs(args):
build-tools: apt repo priority based on "Origin" * build-docker-images/stx-debian/stx.preferences.part.in * build-docker-images/build-base-image.sh This file sets base image priorities for apt repos that match certain properties. Formerly we used higher priority for repos hosted by the build server, as opposed to debian.org or others. This doesn't work when using a Debian mirror hosted on the build server itself, since the hostname of both repos are equal. Solution: increase priority for repos whose "Release" file contains the field "Origin: $REPOMGR_ORIGIN" and make sure aptly adds that field to its Release file. The value comes from the environment and should be set by the build container. * stx/aptly_deb_usage.py: Add an "Origin" field to non-mirror publications, value taken from environment REPOMGR_ORIGIN * build-docker-images/stx-debian/Dockerfile.stable Improvements to package conflict resolution and docker FS caching-related issues: - Upgrade base packages to versions in managed repos before doing anything else - Install packages provided by upstream debian in a separate RUN command/docker FS layer - Make sure each "apt-get install" is in its own RUN command and is preceded with "apt-get update" -- to avoid using stale metadata due to "docker build" FS layer caching TESTS ====================== - Define REPOMGR_ORIGIN in container environment - Run downloader & build-pkgs & make sure generated repos' Release file contains "Origin: starlingx" - Build base image & make sure its apt.preferences contains the priority rule for "Origin: starlingx" Story: 2010055 Task: 45729 Change-Id: Ibaafbfbeef408904d216265168daa466d90fc7f2 Signed-off-by: Davlet Panech <davlet.panech@windriver.com>
2022-07-05 11:10:29 -04:00
repomgr = RepoMgr('aptly', REPOMGR_URL, '/tmp', REPOMGR_ORIGIN, applogger)
def _handleClean(_args):
build-tools: apt repo priority based on "Origin" * build-docker-images/stx-debian/stx.preferences.part.in * build-docker-images/build-base-image.sh This file sets base image priorities for apt repos that match certain properties. Formerly we used higher priority for repos hosted by the build server, as opposed to debian.org or others. This doesn't work when using a Debian mirror hosted on the build server itself, since the hostname of both repos are equal. Solution: increase priority for repos whose "Release" file contains the field "Origin: $REPOMGR_ORIGIN" and make sure aptly adds that field to its Release file. The value comes from the environment and should be set by the build container. * stx/aptly_deb_usage.py: Add an "Origin" field to non-mirror publications, value taken from environment REPOMGR_ORIGIN * build-docker-images/stx-debian/Dockerfile.stable Improvements to package conflict resolution and docker FS caching-related issues: - Upgrade base packages to versions in managed repos before doing anything else - Install packages provided by upstream debian in a separate RUN command/docker FS layer - Make sure each "apt-get install" is in its own RUN command and is preceded with "apt-get update" -- to avoid using stale metadata due to "docker build" FS layer caching TESTS ====================== - Define REPOMGR_ORIGIN in container environment - Run downloader & build-pkgs & make sure generated repos' Release file contains "Origin: starlingx" - Build base image & make sure its apt.preferences contains the priority rule for "Origin: starlingx" Story: 2010055 Task: 45729 Change-Id: Ibaafbfbeef408904d216265168daa466d90fc7f2 Signed-off-by: Davlet Panech <davlet.panech@windriver.com>
2022-07-05 11:10:29 -04:00
repomgr = RepoMgr('aptly', REPOMGR_URL, '/tmp', REPOMGR_ORIGIN, applogger)
def subcmd_download(subparsers):
download_parser = subparsers.add_parser('download',
help='Download specified packages and deploy them '
'through a new repository.\n\n')
download_parser.add_argument('--name', '-n', help='Name of the local repo', required=False,
download_parser.add_argument('--deb_list', help='Binary package list file', required=False,
download_parser.add_argument('--dsc_list', help='Source package list file', required=False,
download_parser.add_argument('--basedir', help='Temporary folder to store packages',
required=False, default='/tmp/repomgr')
download_parser.add_argument('--sources_list', help='Upstream sources list file',
download_parser.add_argument('--no-clear', help='Not remove temporary files',
def subcmd_sync(subparsers):
sync_parser = subparsers.add_parser('sync',
help='Sync a set of repositories with specified package'
sync_parser.add_argument('--name', '-n', help='Name of the local repo', required=False,
sync_parser.add_argument('--repo_list', '-l', help='a set of local repos', required=False,
sync_parser.add_argument('--deb_list', help='Binary package list file', required=False,
sync_parser.add_argument('--dsc_list', help='Source package list file', required=False,
sync_parser.add_argument('--basedir', help='Temporary folder to store packages',
required=False, default='/tmp/repomgr')
sync_parser.add_argument('--sources_list', help='Upstream sources list file',
sync_parser.add_argument('--no-clear', help='Not remove temporary files',
def subcmd_mirror(subparsers):
mirror_parser = subparsers.add_parser('mirror',
help='Construct a mirror based on a remote'
mirror_parser.add_argument('--name', '-n', help='Name of the mirror', required=False,
mirror_parser.add_argument('--url', help='URL of remote repository', required=False,
mirror_parser.add_argument('--distribution', '-d', help='distribution name', required=False,
mirror_parser.add_argument('--component', '-c', help='component name', required=False,
mirror_parser.add_argument('--architectures', '-a', help='architectures', required=False,
mirror_parser.add_argument('--with-sources', '-s', help='include source packages',
def subcmd_merge(subparsers):
merge_parser = subparsers.add_parser('merge',
help='Merge several repositories into a new publication.\n\n')
merge_parser.add_argument('--name', '-n', help='Name of the new merged publication', required=True)
merge_parser.add_argument('--repo_list', '-l', help='a set of repos, seperate by comma', required=True)
def main():
# command line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=True,
description='Repository management Tool',
epilog='''Tips: Use %(prog)s --help to get help for all of '
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Repo control Commands:',
help='sub-command for repo-ctl\n\n')
# Three functions for three sub commands: pylint checking(too-many-statements)
clean_parser = subparsers.add_parser('clean', help='Clear all aptly repos.\n\n')
remove_repo_parser = subparsers.add_parser('remove_repo',
help='Remove a specific repository.\n\n')
remove_repo_parser.add_argument('--repository', '-r',
help='Name of the repo to be removed')
upload_pkg_parser = subparsers.add_parser('upload_pkg',
help='Upload a Debian package into a specific '
upload_pkg_parser.add_argument('--package', '-p',
help='Debian package to be uploaded.', required=False)
upload_pkg_parser.add_argument('--repository', '-r',
help='Repository used to deploy this package.')
delete_pkg_parser = subparsers.add_parser('delete_pkg',
help='Delete a specified Debian package from a '
'specified repository.\n\n')
delete_pkg_parser.add_argument('--package_name', '-p', help='Package name to be deleted.')
delete_pkg_parser.add_argument('--package_type', '-t',
help='Package type to be deleted, "binary" or "source".')
delete_pkg_parser.add_argument('--package_version', '-v',
help='Version number of the package.', required=False)
delete_pkg_parser.add_argument('--repository', '-r', help='Local Repository to delete the '
'package from.')
search_pkg_parser = subparsers.add_parser('search_pkg',
help='Search a specified package from a specified '
search_pkg_parser.add_argument('--package_name', '-p', help='package to be looking for.')
search_pkg_parser.add_argument('--package_version', '-v', help='The version of the package.',
search_pkg_parser.add_argument('--repository', '-r',
help='The Repository to search the package in.')
search_pkg_parser.add_argument('--package_type', '-t', help='binary or source',
list_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list',
help='List all aptly repos, including local repo and '
'remote mirror.\n\n')
list_pkgs_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list_pkgs',
help='List contents of a specific repo.\n\n')
list_pkgs_parser.add_argument('--repository', '-r',
help='Name of the repo to be listed')
args = parser.parse_args()
if hasattr(args, 'handle'):
if __name__ == '__main__':