dsc_depend.py: manage the build order of Debian source packages

dsc_depend.py is used to scan a bundle of dsc files and get their build
dependent, then manage the build order of them.

Story: 2008846
Task: 43123

Signed-off-by: ZhangXiao <xiao.zhang@windriver.com>
Change-Id: I3dcb65b7b24b3376b2a381202dd98007ce0acd2e
This commit is contained in:
ZhangXiao 2021-09-10 17:59:07 +08:00
parent 6e98cc2b2f
commit 5d3c7200d5

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@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
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Scan a set of dsc files and get their build order
-) Each deb can only be build from one single source package.
-) The build depend relationship only occurs in this set of source packages,
any debs not build from these source packages are always available.
-) For the build depend string:
Ignore domains: <cross>, version requirements, "|"
-) Cycle dependent is forbidden. For example, A depends on B, B depends on C
while C depends on A. Once cycle dependent detected, exception will be
import copy
import os
import re
class Dsc_build_order():
Class used to manage the build order of a set of dsc files, it can:
get_build_able_pkg: get a dsc list that can be build now
pkg_accomplish: announce a package build OK
pkg_fail: announce a package build failure
get_state: get statistical data
# Construct the build relationship of all those dsc files
# Input the file name contains all dsc files
def __init__(self, dsc_list, logger):
self.logger = logger
self.depend_on = dict()
self.depend_by = dict()
self.wait_on = dict()
self.wait_on = copy.deepcopy(self.depend_on)
self.prio = dict()
# Init build_able_pkg and dictionary d_on
self.build_able_pkg = dict()
self.wait_on = copy.deepcopy(self.depend_on)
for key in list(self.wait_on.keys()):
if not self.wait_on[key]:
self.build_able_pkg[key] = self.prio[key]
# Init statistical data
self.count = dict()
self.count['building'] = 0
self.count['accomplished'] = 0
self.count['pkg'] = len(self.depend_on)
self.count['can_build'] = len(self.build_able_pkg)
self.count['wait'] = len(self.wait_on)
assert self.count['pkg'] == \
self.count['can_build'] + self.count['wait']
# Depth first search the dependent tree. Once cycle dependent detected,
# dump it.
def __depth_t(self, node, dependents, chain):
if node in chain:
self.logger.error('Dependency error!')
start = False
for dsc in chain:
if dsc == node:
start = True
if start is True:
self.logger.error('%s build depend on ', dsc)
self.logger.error('%s', node)
raise Exception('CYCLE DEPENDENT.')
if node in list(dependents.keys()) and dependents[node]:
for nd in dependents[node]:
self.__depth_t(nd, dependents, chain)
# Based on build relationships, calculate the priority value of each
# source package. Once cycle dependency find, dump all related source
# package and raise an exception.
def __set_priority(self):
# Init dictionary prio, set the default value to 10
for key in self.wait_on:
self.prio[key] = 10
# Calculate priority of each dsc based on their build relationships
tmp_d_by = copy.deepcopy(self.depend_by)
tmp_d_on = copy.deepcopy(self.depend_on)
# Each cycle should shrink at least one package, or raise exception
while tmp_d_on:
shrink = False
for key in list(tmp_d_by.keys()):
self.logger.debug('%s : %s', key, tmp_d_by[key])
# If no package build depend BY A:
# get all packages build depend ON A from tmp_d_on
# add A's priority value to theirs.
# A has no more value, remove it from tmp_d_on and tmp_d_by.
if not tmp_d_by[key]:
if tmp_d_on[key]:
for pkg in self.wait_on[key]:
self.prio[pkg] = self.prio[pkg] + self.prio[key]
shrink = True
# cycle dependent detected, raise exception.
if not shrink:
chain = []
for node in list(tmp_d_on.keys()):
self.__depth_t(node, tmp_d_on, chain)
# Get dependent packages from an input string
# Input: Build-Depends + Build-Depends-Indep of a dsc file
# Output: a set of build depend package name
def __get_depends(self, depend_str):
depends = set()
self.logger.debug('%s', depend_str)
raw_depends = set(depend_str.replace('|', ',').replace(' ', '')
for raw_pkg in raw_depends:
if -1 != raw_pkg.find('<cross>'):
pkg = re.sub(u"\\<.*?\\>|\\(.*?\\)|\\[.*?\\]", "", raw_pkg)
if 0 != len(pkg):
return depends
# Scan a dsc file and get its build relationship through domain "Binary",
# "Build-Depends" and "Build-Depends-Indep".
# Param:
# list_line: INPUT. a string, one single line of the dsc list file,
# should contain a dsc's path name.
# src: INPUT/OUTPUT. a dictionary: src["a.deb"] = "a.dsc" means binary
# package a.deb is build from source package a.dsc.
# depend_on_b: INPUT/OUTPUT. a dictionary:
# depend_on_b["a.dsc"] = ['b.deb', 'c.deb'] means source package
# is build depend on binary package b.deb and c.deb.
def __scan_dsc_file(self, list_line, src, depend_on_b):
# remove empty line, comment string/lines
list_line = list_line.strip()
dsc_name = list_line
if -1 != list_line.strip().find('#'):
dsc_name = list_line[:list_line.find('#')]
if not dsc_name:
return None
if not dsc_name.endswith('dsc'):
self.logger.error('%s: is not a dsc file.', list_line)
raise Exception('dsc list error, please check line: %s' % list_line)
# open and read dsc file
if not os.access(dsc_name, os.R_OK):
self.logger.error('dsc file %s does not exist.', dsc_name)
raise Exception('dsc file %s does not exist' % dsc_name)
dsc_f = open(dsc_name, 'r')
# scan the dsc file, get Binary Build-Depends and Build-Depends-Indep
build_depends_arch = build_depends_indep = build_depends = ''
build = b_depends = ''
for dsc_line in dsc_f:
if dsc_line.startswith('Binary:'):
build = dsc_line[8:-1]
self.logger.debug('%s build : %s', dsc_name, build)
elif dsc_line.startswith('Build-Depends:'):
build_depends = dsc_line[14:-1]
self.logger.debug('%s build_depends : %s',
dsc_name, build_depends)
elif dsc_line.startswith('Build-Depends-Indep:'):
build_depends_indep = dsc_line[21:-1]
self.logger.debug('%s build_depends_indep : %s',
dsc_name, build_depends_indep)
elif dsc_line.startswith('Build-Depends-Arch:'):
build_depends_arch = dsc_line[20:-1]
self.logger.debug('%s build_depends_arch : %s',
dsc_name, build_depends_arch)
if build_depends_indep:
b_depends = build_depends + ', ' + build_depends_indep
if build_depends_arch:
b_depends = build_depends + ', ' + build_depends_arch
# Store binary depend_on relationship in dictionary "depend_on_b"
depend_on_b[dsc_name] = self.__get_depends(b_depends)
# Deal with "Binary", binary deb build from the dsc, store in "src"
build_list = build.replace(' ', '').split(',')
# assert len(depend_on_b[dsc_name]) != 0
assert len(build_list) != 0
for deb in build_list:
src[deb] = dsc_name
return None
# Scan a serials of dsc files and get their build relationships
# Input: file name of dsc list, two empty dictionaries
# Output: a set of dictionaries: depend_on and depend_by
# depend_on['a.dsc'] = {'b.dsc', 'c.dsc'} ==> a build_depend_on b and c
# depend_by['a.dsc'] = {'b.dsc', 'c.dsc'} ==> a build_depend_by b and c
def __scan_dsc_list(self, dsc_list_file):
# src['a.deb'] = 'b.dsc' ==> a.deb is build from b.dsc
src = dict()
depend_on_b = dict()
if not os.access(dsc_list_file, os.R_OK):
self.logger.error('dsc list file %s not read-able.', dsc_list_file)
return None
dsc_list = open(dsc_list_file, 'r')
# scan the dsc list
for list_line in dsc_list:
self.__scan_dsc_file(list_line, src, depend_on_b)
# Here we have two dictionaries: "depend_on_b" and "src"
# Construct dictionary "depend_on"
for dsc, deb_list in depend_on_b.items():
src_list = set()
for deb in deb_list:
if deb in src.keys():
self.depend_on[dsc] = src_list
# Construct dictionary "depend_by" from depend_on
for key, value in self.depend_on.items():
self.depend_by[key] = set()
for key, value in self.depend_on.items():
for pkg_by in value:
# Now, both depend_on and depend_by accomplished.
return None
# dump the build depended of all source packages including all packages of
# the dsc_list. Debug/develop only
def __dump_dependent(self):
self.logger.debug('%d relationshis pof DEPEND_ON', len(self.depend_on))
for key, value in self.depend_on.items():
if not value:
for pkg in value:
self.logger.debug('%s %d', pkg, self.prio[pkg])
self.logger.debug('%d relationships of DEPEND_BY', len(self.depend_by))
for key, value in self.depend_by.items():
self.logger.debug('%s %d DEPEND-BY', key, self.prio[key])
if not value:
for pkg in value:
self.logger.debug('%s %d', pkg, self.prio[pkg])
# dump packages can be build now. Debug/develop only
def __dump_build_able_pkg(self):
self.logger.info('Build-able source packages:')
for key, value in self.build_able_pkg.items():
if value < 0:
self.logger.info('%s is building', key)
self.logger.info('%s can be build, prio is %d', key, value)
return len(self.build_able_pkg)
# Get packages from build_able_list.
# Input: max number of packages want to get(0 < value < 100)
# Output: A set of dsc file name
def get_build_able_pkg(self, count):
pkgs = []
i = 0
if count < 1 or count > 99:
self.logger.warning('Need a positive integer smaller than 100')
return None
list_pkg = sorted(self.build_able_pkg.items(), key=lambda kv: (kv[1],
kv[0]), reverse=True)
if len(list_pkg) == 0:
self.logger.warning('No build-able package in list.')
return None
self.logger.debug('%d Build_able packages, try to get %d From them',
len(list_pkg), count)
while count > 0:
# prio < 0 ==> in building stage
if i >= len(list_pkg) or list_pkg[i][1] < 0:
self.logger.debug('No more packages can be build.')
pkg = list_pkg[i][0]
self.build_able_pkg[pkg] = self.build_able_pkg[pkg] - 10000
self.count['can_build'] = self.count['can_build'] - 1
self.count['building'] = self.count['building'] + 1
i = i + 1
count = count - 1
self.logger.debug('%d packages will be build', i)
return pkgs
# A source package is build OK.
# Input: the dsc file name that build accomplished
def pkg_accomplish(self, pkg_name):
if self.build_able_pkg.get(pkg_name):
self.count['accomplished'] = self.count['accomplished'] + 1
self.count['building'] = self.count['building'] - 1
self.logger.warning('%s not in building stage.', pkg_name)
return None
if self.depend_by[pkg_name]:
for pkg in self.depend_by[pkg_name]:
self.logger.debug('%s is depended by %s', pkg, pkg_name)
if not self.wait_on[pkg]:
self.logger.info('%s can be build.', pkg)
self.build_able_pkg[pkg] = self.prio[pkg]
self.count['can_build'] = self.count['can_build'] + 1
self.count['wait'] = self.count['wait'] - 1
return None
# A source package build failed, back to build-able package list
# Input: the dsc file name that build failed
def pkg_fail(self, pkg_name):
if self.build_able_pkg.get(pkg_name) \
and self.build_able_pkg[pkg_name] < 0:
self.build_able_pkg[pkg_name] += 10000
self.count['can_build'] += 1
self.count['building'] -= 1
self.logger.warning('%s not in building stage.', pkg_name)
# Dump packages that can't be build now. Debug/develop only
def __dump_wait_chain(self):
self.logger.info('%s packages are waiting for build dependent.',
for key, value in self.wait_on.items():
self.logger.info('%s ==> %d', key, value)
return len(self.wait_on)
# Get build status
# Output: [pkg_count,
# count_wait,
# count_can_build,
# count_building,
# count_accomplished
# ]
def get_state(self):
pkg_state = [self.count['pkg'], self.count['wait'],
self.count['can_build'], self.count['building'],
assert self.count['pkg'] == (self.count['wait'] +
self.count['can_build'] +
self.count['building'] +
self.logger.info('%d packages', self.count['pkg'])
self.logger.info('%d packages are waiting for build dependent',
self.logger.info('%d packages can be build, waiting for OBS',
self.logger.info('%d packages in building stage',
self.logger.info('%d packages accomplished',
return pkg_state