When adding a pre-install or post-install script to the patch, we rename it to "pre-install.sh" or "post-install.sh" to facilitate the use of the patch afterwards. This change makes the metadata inside the patch reflect this. Together with this change we move PATCH_SCRIPTS constant to separate file as the same will be call in different files. Test plan: PASS: Create patch without any scripts PASS: Create patch with only pre-install script PASS: Create patch with only post-install script PASS: Create patch with all scripts PASS: Install patch with all scripts in a running AIO-SX, check if scripts are present in /opt/software/software-scripts/ PASS: Delete patch with all scripts in a running AIO-SX, check if scripts are not present in /opt/software/software-scripts/ Story: 2010676 Task: 50926 Change-Id: I639ff15e306ec69ed1bbbfea8c99aa96affa1dec Signed-off-by: Dostoievski Batista <dostoievski.albinobatista@windriver.com>
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# Copyright (c) 2023 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Class that holds the patch metadata information
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
import utils
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from lxml import etree
from xml.dom import minidom
import constants
logger = logging.getLogger('metadata_parser')
INPUT_XML_SCHEMA = f'{PATCH_BUILDER_PATH}/config/patch-recipe-schema.xsd'
# Metadata components
PATCH_ROOT_TAG = 'patch'
PATCH_ID = 'id'
SW_VERSION = 'sw_version'
COMPONENT = 'component'
STATUS = 'status'
SUMMARY = 'summary'
DESCRIPTION = 'description'
INSTALL_INSTRUCTIONS = 'install_instructions'
WARNINGS = 'warnings'
REBOOT_REQUIRED = 'reboot_required'
PRE_INSTALL = 'pre_install'
POST_INSTALL = 'post_install'
UNREMOVABLE = 'unremovable'
REQUIRES = 'requires'
REQUIRES_PATCH_ID = 'req_patch_id'
PACKAGES = 'packages'
STX_PACKAGES = 'stx_packages'
BINARY_PACKAGES = 'binary_packages'
SEMANTICS = 'semantics'
class PatchMetadata(object):
def __init__(self, patch_recipe_file):
self.patch_recipe_file = patch_recipe_file
self.stx_packages = []
self.binary_packages = []
self.requires = []
# Verify if the path to the patch builder folder is set
raise Exception("Environment variable PATCH_BUILDER_PATH is not set.")
def __str__(self):
return json.dumps(self.__dict__)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __add_text_tag_to_xml(self, parent, name, text):
Utility function for adding a text tag to an XML object
:param parent: Parent element
:param name: Element name
:param text: Text value
:return:The created element
tag = ET.SubElement(parent, name)
tag.text = text
return tag
def __xml_to_dict(self, element):
Converts xml into a dict
:param xml element
if len(element) == 0:
return element.text.strip() if element.text else ""
result = {}
for child in element:
child_data = self.__xml_to_dict(child)
# Verify if child.tag is comment
if child.tag == etree.Comment:
if child.tag in result:
if isinstance(result[child.tag], list):
result[child.tag] = [result[child.tag], child_data]
result[child.tag] = child_data
return result
def generate_patch_metadata(self, file_path):
# Generate patch metadata.xml
top_tag = ET.Element(PATCH_ROOT_TAG)
self.__add_text_tag_to_xml(top_tag, PATCH_ID, self.patch_id)
self.__add_text_tag_to_xml(top_tag, SW_VERSION, self.sw_version)
self.__add_text_tag_to_xml(top_tag, COMPONENT, self.component)
self.__add_text_tag_to_xml(top_tag, SUMMARY, self.summary)
self.__add_text_tag_to_xml(top_tag, DESCRIPTION, self.description)
self.__add_text_tag_to_xml(top_tag, INSTALL_INSTRUCTIONS, self.install_instructions)
self.__add_text_tag_to_xml(top_tag, WARNINGS, self.warnings)
self.__add_text_tag_to_xml(top_tag, STATUS, self.status)
if self.unremovable.upper() in ["Y","N"]:
self.__add_text_tag_to_xml(top_tag, UNREMOVABLE, self.unremovable.upper())
raise Exception('Supported values for "Unremovable" are Y or N, for "Yes" or "No" respectively')
if self.reboot_required.upper() in ["Y","N"]:
self.__add_text_tag_to_xml(top_tag, REBOOT_REQUIRED, self.reboot_required.upper())
raise Exception('Supported values for "Reboot Required" are Y or N, for "Yes" or "No" respectively')
self.__add_text_tag_to_xml(top_tag, SEMANTICS, self.semantics)
requires_atg = ET.SubElement(top_tag, REQUIRES)
for req_patch in sorted(self.requires):
self.__add_text_tag_to_xml(requires_atg, REQUIRES_PATCH_ID, req_patch)
if self.pre_install:
self.__add_text_tag_to_xml(top_tag, PRE_INSTALL,
self.__add_text_tag_to_xml(top_tag, PRE_INSTALL, "")
if self.post_install:
self.__add_text_tag_to_xml(top_tag, POST_INSTALL,
self.__add_text_tag_to_xml(top_tag, POST_INSTALL, "")
packages_tag = ET.SubElement(top_tag, PACKAGES)
for package in sorted(self.debs):
self.__add_text_tag_to_xml(packages_tag, "deb", package)
# Save xml
outfile = open(file_path, "w")
tree = ET.tostring(top_tag)
outfile.write(minidom.parseString(tree).toprettyxml(indent=" "))
def __tag_to_list(self, tag_content):
if type(tag_content) != list:
return [tag_content]
return tag_content
def parse_metadata(self, patch_recipe):
self.patch_id = f"{patch_recipe[COMPONENT]}-{patch_recipe[SW_VERSION]}"
self.sw_version = patch_recipe[SW_VERSION]
self.component = patch_recipe[COMPONENT]
self.summary = patch_recipe[SUMMARY]
self.description = patch_recipe[DESCRIPTION]
if 'package' in patch_recipe[STX_PACKAGES]:
self.stx_packages = self.__tag_to_list(patch_recipe[STX_PACKAGES]['package'])
if 'package' in patch_recipe[BINARY_PACKAGES]:
self.binary_packages = self.__tag_to_list(patch_recipe[BINARY_PACKAGES]['package'])
self.install_instructions = patch_recipe[INSTALL_INSTRUCTIONS]
self.warnings = patch_recipe[WARNINGS]
self.reboot_required = patch_recipe[REBOOT_REQUIRED]
self.pre_install = self.check_script_path(patch_recipe[PRE_INSTALL])
self.post_install = self.check_script_path(patch_recipe[POST_INSTALL])
self.unremovable = patch_recipe[UNREMOVABLE]
self.status = patch_recipe[STATUS]
if 'id' in patch_recipe[REQUIRES]:
self.requires = self.__tag_to_list(patch_recipe[REQUIRES]['id'])
self.semantics = patch_recipe[SEMANTICS]
self.debs = []
if self.status != 'DEV' and self.status != 'REL':
raise Exception('Supported status are DEV and REL, selected')
logger.debug("Metadata parsed: %s", self)
def parse_input_xml_data(self):
# Parse and validate the XML
xml_tree = etree.parse(self.patch_recipe_file)
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error while parsing the input xml {e}")
root = xml_tree.getroot()
xml_schema = etree.XMLSchema(etree.parse(INPUT_XML_SCHEMA))
# Validate the XML against the schema
is_valid = xml_schema.validate(root)
xml_dict = {}
if is_valid:
logger.info("XML is valid against the schema.")
xml_dict = self.__xml_to_dict(root)
logger.error("XML is not valid against the schema. Validation errors:")
for error in xml_schema.error_log:
logger.error(f"Line {error.line}: {error.message}")
def check_script_path(self, script_path):
if not script_path:
# No scripts provided
return None
if not os.path.isabs(script_path):
script_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), script_path)
if not os.path.isfile(script_path):
erro_msg = f"Install script {script_path} not found"
raise FileNotFoundError(erro_msg)
return script_path
if __name__ == "__main__":
patch_recipe_file = f"${PATCH_BUILDER_PATH}/EXAMPLES/patch-recipe-sample.xml"
patch_metadata = PatchMetadata(patch_recipe_file)