Update vm_helper

Added boot_vm_openstack simmilar with boot_vm but using
  openstack create server instead of nova boot
In boot_vm set source_id into snapshot_id when provided
In resize_vm a formated string was using 2 arguments but 3 were provided
Modified NotImplemented into NotImplementedError in launch_vms and launch_vm_pair

Story: 2007472
Task: 39164

Patch Set 2:
  added space around opperator (pep8)

Patch Set 3:
  added Signed off by
  added Story
  added Task

Change-Id: I1ca8d44915f11d8c756561379f8d0bacb57c0946
Signed-off-by: George Postolache <george.postolache@intel.com>
This commit is contained in:
George Postolache 2020-03-19 10:45:06 +02:00
parent a98da79ef4
commit a27f38e54e

View File

@ -719,6 +719,309 @@ def _convert_vnics(nics, con_ssh, auth_info, cleanup):
return converted_nics
def boot_vm_openstack(name=None, flavor=None, block_device_mapping=None,
source=None, source_id=None, image_id=None,
image_property=None, security_groups=None, key_name=None,
inject_file=None, user_data=None, avail_zone=None,
nics=None, network=None, port=None, hint=None,
config_drive=False, min_count=None, max_count=None,
reuse_vol=False, guest_os='', wait=True,
fail_ok=False, auth_info=None, con_ssh=None, cleanup=None,
Boot a vm with given parameters using opnstack
name (str): New server name
flavor (str): Create server with this flavor (name or ID)
block_device_mapping (str): Create a block device on the server.
Block device mapping in the format
<dev-name>: block device name, like: vdb, xvdc (required)
<id>: Name or ID of the volume, volume snapshot or image (required)
<type>: volume, snapshot or image; default: volume (optional)
<size(GB)>: volume size if create from image or snapshot (optional)
<delete-on-terminate>: true or false; default: false (optional)
source (str): 'image', 'volume', 'snapshot'
source_id (str): id of the specified source. such as volume_id, image_id, or snapshot_id
image_id (str): id of glance image. Will not be used if source is image and source_id is
image_property (str): <key=value> Image property to be matched
security_groups (str|list|tuple): Security group/groups
to assign to this server (name or ID)
key_name (str): Keypair to inject into this server (optional extension)
inject_file (str|list|tuple): File/Files to inject into image before boot
user_data (str|list): User data file to serve from the metadata server
avail_zone (str): Select an availability zone for the server
nics (list|tuple): Create NIC's on the server.
each nic:
<net-id=net-uuid,v4-fixed-ip=ip-addr,v6-fixed-ip=ip-addr, port-id=port-uuid,auto,none>,
Examples: [{'net-id': <net_id1>, 'vif-model': <vif1>},
{'net-id': <net_id2>, 'vif-model': <vif2>}, ...]
Notes: valid vif-models:
virtio, avp, e1000, pci-passthrough, pci-sriov, rtl8139, ne2k_pci, pcnet
network (str|list|tuple): Create a NIC on the server and connect it to network.
This is a wrapper for the nic net-id=<network> parameter that provides simple syntax
for the standard use case of connecting a new server to a given network.
For more advanced use cases, refer to the nic parameter.
port (str|list|tuple): Create a NIC on the server and connect it to port.
This is a wrapper for the nic port-id=<port> parameter that provides simple syntax
for the standard use case of connecting a new server to a given port.
For more advanced use cases, refer to the nic parameter.
hint (dict): key/value pair(s) sent to scheduler for custom use, such as
config_drive (<config-drive-volume>|True): Use specified volume as the config drive,
or True to use an ephemeral drive
min_count (int): Minimum number of servers to launch (default=1)
max_count (int): Maximum number of servers to launch (default=1)
reuse_vol (bool): whether or not to reuse the existing volume (default False)
guest_os (str): Valid values: 'cgcs-guest', 'ubuntu_14', 'centos_6', 'centos_7', etc.
This will be overriden by image_id if specified.
wait (bool): Wait for build to complete (default True)
fail_ok (bool):
cleanup (str|None): valid values: 'module', 'session', 'function', 'class',
vm (and volume) will be deleted as part of teardown
Returns (tuple): (rtn_code(int), new_vm_id_if_any(str), message(str),
(0, vm_id, 'VM is booted successfully') # vm is created
successfully and in Active state.
(1, vm_id, <stderr>) # boot vm cli command failed, but vm is
still booted
(2, vm_id, "VM boot started, check skipped (wait={}).") # boot vm cli
accepted, but vm building is not
100% completed. Only applicable when wait=False
(3, vm_id, "VM <uuid> did not reach ACTIVE state within <seconds>. VM
status: <status>")
# vm is not in Active state after created.
(4, '', <stderr>): create vm cli command failed, vm is not booted
# Prechecks
valid_cleanups = (None, 'function', 'class', 'module', 'session')
if cleanup not in valid_cleanups:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid scope provided. Choose from: {}".format(valid_cleanups))
if user_data is None and guest_os and not re.search(
GuestImages.TIS_GUEST_PATTERN, guest_os):
# create userdata cloud init file to run right after vm
# initialization to get ip on interfaces other than eth0.
user_data = _create_cloud_init_if_conf(guest_os, nics_num=len(nics))
if user_data and user_data.startswith('~'):
user_data = user_data.replace('~', HostLinuxUser.get_home(), 1)
if inject_file and inject_file.startswith('~'):
inject_file = inject_file.replace('~', HostLinuxUser.get_home(), 1)
if guest_os == 'vxworks':
LOG.tc_step("Add HPET Timer extra spec to flavor")
extra_specs = {FlavorSpec.HPET_TIMER: 'True'}
LOG.info("Processing boot_vm_openstack args...")
# Handle mandatory arg - name
tenant = common.get_tenant_name(auth_info=auth_info)
if name is None:
name = 'vm'
name = "{}-{}".format(tenant, name)
name = common.get_unique_name(name, resource_type='vm')
# Handle mandatory arg - key_name
key_name = key_name if key_name is not None else get_default_keypair(
auth_info=auth_info, con_ssh=con_ssh)
# Handle mandatory arg - flavor
if flavor is None:
flavor = nova_helper.get_basic_flavor(auth_info=auth_info,
# Handle mandatory arg - nics
if not nics:
mgmt_net_id = network_helper.get_mgmt_net_id(auth_info=auth_info,
if not mgmt_net_id:
raise exceptions.NeutronError("Cannot find management network")
nics = [{'net-id': mgmt_net_id}]
if 'edge' not in guest_os and 'vxworks' not in guest_os:
tenant_net_id = network_helper.get_tenant_net_id(
auth_info=auth_info, con_ssh=con_ssh)
if tenant_net_id:
nics.append({'net-id': tenant_net_id})
if isinstance(nics, dict):
nics = [nics]
nics = _convert_vnics(nics, con_ssh=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info,
# Handle mandatory arg - boot source
volume_id = snapshot_id = image = None
if source is None:
if min_count is None and max_count is None:
source = 'volume'
source = 'image'
elif source.lower() == 'snapshot' and not block_device_mapping:
snapshot_id = source_id
if not snapshot_id:
snapshot_id = cinder_helper.get_vol_snapshots(
auth_info=auth_info, con_ssh=con_ssh)
if not snapshot_id:
raise ValueError(
"snapshot id is required to boot vm; however no "
"snapshot exists on the system.")
snapshot_id = snapshot_id[0]
block_device_mapping = {"vdb": "{}:snapshot".format(snapshot_id)}
vol_size, vol_id = cinder_helper.get_volume_snapshot_values(snapshot_id, ["size", "volume_id"])
img_id = cinder_helper.get_volume_show_values(vol_id, "volume_image_metadata")[0]["image_id"]
image = img_id
if vol_size:
block_device_mapping["vdb"] = "{}:{}".format(block_device_mapping["vdb"], vol_size)
elif source.lower() == 'volume':
if source_id:
volume_id = source_id
vol_name = 'vol-' + name
if reuse_vol:
volume_id = cinder_helper.get_any_volume(
volume_id = cinder_helper.create_volume(
elif source.lower() == 'image':
# image property is not compatible with image
if not image_property:
image = source_id if source_id else image_id
if not image:
img_name = guest_os if guest_os else GuestImages.DEFAULT['guest']
image = glance_helper.get_image_id_from_name(img_name,
# create cmd
non_repeat_args = {'--flavor': flavor,
'--block-device-mapping': block_device_mapping,
'--image': image,
'--image_property': image_property,
'--volume': volume_id,
'--min-count': str(min_count) if min_count is not None else None,
'--max-count': str(max_count) if max_count is not None else None,
'--key-name': key_name,
'--user-data': user_data,
'--availability_zone': avail_zone,
'--config-drive': str(config_drive) if config_drive else None,
'--wait': wait,
non_repeat_args = common.parse_args(non_repeat_args, repeat_arg=False,
repeat_args = {
'--nic': nics,
'--network': network,
'--port': port,
'--file': inject_file,
'--security-groups': security_groups,
'--hint': hint,
'--property': properties
repeat_args = common.parse_args(repeat_args, repeat_arg=True, vals_sep=',')
pre_boot_vms = []
if not (min_count is None and max_count is None):
name_str = name + '-'
pre_boot_vms = get_vms(auth_info=auth_info, con_ssh=con_ssh,
strict=False, name=name_str)
args_ = ' '.join([non_repeat_args, repeat_args, name])
LOG.info("Booting VM {} with args: {}".format(name, args_))
exitcode, output = cli.openstack('server create', positional_args=args_,
ssh_client=con_ssh, fail_ok=True,
if min_count is None and max_count is None:
table_ = table_parser.table(output)
vm_id = table_parser.get_value_two_col_table(table_, 'id')
if cleanup and vm_id:
ResourceCleanup.add('vm', vm_id, scope=cleanup, del_vm_vols=False)
# if source="snapshot":
# ResourceCleanup.add('snapshot', snapshot_id, scope=cleanup, del_vm_vols=False)
if exitcode == 1:
if vm_id:
# print out vm show for debugging purpose
cli.openstack('server show', vm_id, ssh_client=con_ssh,
if not fail_ok:
raise exceptions.VMOperationFailed(output)
if vm_id:
return 1, vm_id, output # vm_id = '' if cli is rejected
# without vm created
return 4, '', output
LOG.info("Post action check...")
vm_status = get_vm_values(vm_id, 'status', strict=True, con_ssh=con_ssh,
if wait:
if vm_status != VMStatus.ACTIVE:
message = "VM did not reach {} state: {}".format(VMStatus.ACTIVE, vm_status)
if fail_ok:
return 2, vm_id, message
raise exceptions.VMPostCheckFailed(message)
LOG.info("VM {} started to create, \
check skipped because of wait argument wait={}, \
vm status is: {}".format(vm_id, wait, vm_status))
return 2, vm_id, "VM boot started, \
check skipped (wait={}), \
vm status is: {}".format(wait, vm_status)
LOG.info("VM {} is booted successfully.".format(vm_id))
return 0, vm_id, 'VM is booted successfully'
name_str = name + '-'
post_boot_vms = get_vms(auth_info=auth_info, con_ssh=con_ssh,
strict=False, name=name_str)
vm_ids = list(set(post_boot_vms) - set(pre_boot_vms))
if cleanup and vm_ids:
ResourceCleanup.add('vm', vm_ids, scope=cleanup, del_vm_vols=False)
if exitcode == 1:
return 1, vm_ids, output
for instance_id in vm_ids:
vm_status = get_vm_values(instance_id, 'status', strict=True, con_ssh=con_ssh,
if wait:
if vm_status != VMStatus.ACTIVE:
msg = "VMs failed to reach {} state: {}".format(VMStatus.ACTIVE, vm_status)
if fail_ok:
return 3, vm_ids, msg
LOG.warning("VM {} started to create, \
check skipped because of wait argument wait={}, \
vm status is: {}".format(vm_id, wait, vm_status))
LOG.info("VMs booted successfully: {}".format(vm_ids))
return 0, vm_ids, "VMs are booted successfully"
def boot_vm(name=None, flavor=None, source=None, source_id=None, image_id=None,
min_count=None, nics=None, hint=None,
@ -888,6 +1191,7 @@ def boot_vm(name=None, flavor=None, source=None, source_id=None, image_id=None,
elif source.lower() == 'snapshot':
snapshot_id = source_id
if not snapshot_id:
snapshot_id = cinder_helper.get_vol_snapshots(
auth_info=auth_info, con_ssh=con_ssh)
@ -1564,7 +1868,7 @@ def resize_vm(vm_id, flavor_id, revert=False, con_ssh=None, fail_ok=False,
raise exceptions.VMPostCheckFailed(err_msg)
if not revert and after_flavor != flavor_id:
err_msg = "VM flavor is not changed to expected after resizing. " \
err_msg = "VM flavor {} is not changed to expected after resizing. " \
"Before flavor: {}, after flavor: {}".\
format(flavor_id, before_flavor, after_flavor)
if fail_ok:
@ -4832,7 +5136,7 @@ def launch_vms(vm_type, count=1, nics=None, flavor=None, storage_backing=None,
if not nics:
if vm_type in ['pci-sriov', 'pci-passthrough']:
raise NotImplemented("nics has to be provided for pci-sriov and "
raise NotImplementedError("nics has to be provided for pci-sriov and "
if vm_type in ['vswitch', 'dpdk', 'vhost']:
@ -5567,7 +5871,7 @@ def launch_vm_pair(vm_type='virtio', primary_kwargs=None, secondary_kwargs=None,
if 'nics' not in primary_kwargs or 'nics' not in secondary_kwargs:
if vm_type in ['pci-sriov', 'pci-passthrough']:
raise NotImplemented(
raise NotImplementedError(
"nics has to be provided for pci-sriov and pci-passthrough")
if vm_type in ['vswitch', 'dpdk', 'vhost']: