
1263 lines
42 KiB

import re
import copy
import ast
from utils import exceptions
from utils.tis_log import LOG
"""Collection of utilities for parsing CLI clients output."""
delimiter_line = re.compile(r'^\+-[+\-]+-\+$')
kute_sep = re.compile(r'\s\s[^\s]')
def __details_multiple(output_lines, with_label=False):
"""Return list of dicts with item details from cli output tables.
If with_label is True, key '__label' is added to each items dict.
For more about 'label' see OutputParser.tables().
items = []
tables_ = tables(output_lines)
for table_ in tables_:
if 'Property' not in table_['headers'] or 'Value' not in \
raise exceptions.InvalidStructure()
item = {}
for value in table_['values']:
item[value[0]] = value[1]
if with_label:
item['__label'] = table_['label']
return items
def __details(output_lines, with_label=False):
"""Return dict with details of first item (table_) found in output."""
items = __details_multiple(output_lines, with_label)
return items[0]
def listing(output_lines):
"""Return list of dicts with basic item info parsed from cli output."""
items = []
table_ = table(output_lines)
for row in table_['values']:
item = {}
for col_idx, col_key in enumerate(table_['headers']):
item[col_key] = row[col_idx]
return items
def tables(output_lines, combine_multiline_entry=False):
"""Find all ascii-tables in output and parse them.
Return list of tables parsed from cli output as dicts.
(see OutputParser.table())
And, if found, label key (separated line preceding the table_)
is added to each tables dict.
Returns (list):
tables_ = []
table_ = []
label = None
start = False
header = False
if not isinstance(output_lines, list):
output_lines = output_lines.split('\n')
for line in output_lines:
if delimiter_line.match(line):
if not start:
start = True
elif not header:
# we are after head area
header = True
# table ends here
start = header = None
parsed = table(table_,
parsed['label'] = label
table_ = []
label = None
if start:
if label is None:
label = line
LOG.warning('Invalid line between tables: %s' % line)
if len(table_) > 0:
LOG.warning('Missing end of table')
return tables_
def __table(output_lines, rstrip_value=False):
"""Parse single table from cli output.
Return dict with list of column names in 'headers' key and
rows in 'values' key.
table_ = {'headers': [], 'values': []}
columns = []
if not isinstance(output_lines, list):
output_lines = output_lines.split('\n')
if not output_lines[-1]:
# skip last line if empty (just newline at the end)
output_lines = output_lines[:-1]
delimiter_line_num = 0
header_rows = []
for line in output_lines:
if delimiter_line.match(line):
columns = __table_columns(line)
delimiter_line_num += 1
if '|' not in line:
LOG.debug('skipping invalid table line: %s' % line)
row = []
for col in columns:
raw_row = line[col[0]:col[1]]
stripped_row = raw_row.rstrip() if rstrip_value else raw_row.strip()
if table_['values']:
if not header_rows:
if row[0] == '':
headers_ = [list(filter(None, list(t))) for t in zip(*header_rows)]
table_['headers'] = [''.join(item) for item in headers_]
return table_
def __table_columns(first_table_row):
"""Find column ranges in output line.
Return list of tuples (start,end) for each column
detected by plus (+) characters in delimiter line.
positions = []
start = 1 # there is '+' at 0
while start < len(first_table_row):
end = first_table_row.find('+', start)
if end == -1:
positions.append((start, end))
start = end + 1
return positions
# Above are contents from tempest_lib #
TWO_COLUMN_TABLE_HEADERS = [['Field', 'Value'], ['Property', 'Value']]
def __convert_multilines_values(values, merge_lines=False):
line_count = len(values)
if line_count == 1:
return values
entries = []
start_index = 0 # start_index for first entry
for i in range(line_count): # line_count > 1 if code can get here.
# if first value for the NEXT row is not empty string, then next row
# is the start of a new entry,
# and the current row is the last row of current entry
if i == line_count - 1 or values[i + 1][0]:
end_index = i
if start_index == end_index: # single-line entry
entry = values[start_index]
else: # multi-line entry
entry_lines = [values[index] for index in
range(start_index, end_index + 1)]
# each column value is a list
entry_combined = [list(filter(None, list(t))) for t in
if merge_lines:
entry = [' '.join(item) for item in entry_combined]
# convert column value to string if list len is 1
entry = [item if len(item) > 1 else ' '.join(item) for item
in entry_combined]
LOG.debug("Multi-row entry found for: {}".format(entry[0]))
start_index = i + 1 # start_index for next entry
return entries
def table(output_lines, combine_multiline_entry=False, rstrip_value=False):
Tempest table does not take into account when multiple lines are used for
one entry. Such as neutron net-list -- if
a net has multiple subnets, then tempest table will create multiple
entries in table_['values']
param output_lines: output from cli command
return: Dictionary of a table with.multi-line entry taken into
account.table_['values'] is list of entries. If
multi-line entry, then this entry itself is a list.
table_ = __table(output_lines, rstrip_value=rstrip_value)
rows = get_all_rows(table_)
if not rows:
if not table_['headers']:
LOG.debug('No table returned')
LOG.debug("Empty table returned")
return table_
values = __convert_multilines_values(values=rows,
table_['values'] = values
return table_
def get_all_rows(table_):
table_ (dict): Dictionary of a table parsed by tempest.
Example: table =
'headers': ["Field", "Value"];
'values': [['name', 'internal-subnet0'], ['id', '36864844783']]}
Return rows as a list. Each row itself is an sub-list.
e.g.,[['name', 'internal-subnet0'], ['id', '36864844783']]
if table_ and not isinstance(table_, dict):
raise ValueError(
"Input has to be a dictionary. Input: {}".format(table_))
return table_['values'] if table_ else None
def __get_column_index(table_, header):
Get the index of a column that has the given header. E.g., return 0 if
'id' column is the first column in a table
This is normally used for a multi-columns table. i.e., not the
two-column(Field/Value) table.
:param table_: table as a dictionary
:param header: header of the column in interest
:return: Return the index value of a given header
headers = table_['headers']
headers = [str(item).lower().strip() for item in headers]
header = header.strip().lower()
return headers.index(header)
except ValueError:
return headers.index(header.replace('_', ' '))
# return headers.index(header.lower()) # ValueError if not found
def __get_id(table_, row_index=None):
Get id. If it's a two-column table_, find the id row, and return the
value. Else if it's a multi-column table_, the
row_index needs to be supplied, then for a specific row, return the value
under the id column.
:param table_: output table as dictionary parsed by tempest
:param row_index: row_index for a multi-column table. row_index should
exclude the header row.
:return: return the id value
return __get_value(table_, 'id', row_index)
def __get_value(table_, field, row_index=None):
table_: output table as dictionary parsed by tempest
field: field of the item. such as id, name, gateway_ip, etc
row_index: row_index for a multi-column table. This is not required
for a two-column table. Following table
is considered to have only one row, and the row_index for that
row is 0.
| ID | Name | Status |
Networks |
| 1ab2c401-7863-42ab-8d2b-c2b7e8fa3adb | wrl5-avp-0 | ACTIVE |
internal-net0=,;public-net0= |
return the value for a specific field (on a specific row if it's a
multi-column table_)
if __is_table_two_column(table_):
if row_index is not None:
"Two-column table found, row_index {} will not be used to "
"locate {} field".format(row_index, field))
for row in table_['values']:
if row[0] == field:
return row[1]
raise ValueError("Value for {} not found in table_".format(field))
else: # table is a multi-column table
if row_index is None:
raise ValueError("row_index needs to be supplied!")
col_index = __get_column_index(table_, field)
return_value = table_['values'][row_index][col_index]
"return value for {} field is: {}".format(field, return_value))
return return_value
def __is_table_two_column(table_):
return True if table_['headers'] in TWO_COLUMN_TABLE_HEADERS else False
def get_column(table_, header, merge_lines=False, parser=None, evaluate=False):
Get a whole column with customized header as a list. The header itself is
table_ (dict): Dictionary of a table parsed by tempest.
Example: table =
'headers': ["Field", "Value"];
'values': [['name', 'internal-subnet0'], ['id', '36864844783']]}
header (str): header of a column
merge_lines (bool): whether to merge lines if multi-line entry found
parser (func|None)
evaluate (bool): used only if parser is not used
Returns (list): target column. Each item is a string.
if not table_['headers']:
return []
rows = get_all_rows(table_)
index = __get_column_index(table_, header)
column = []
for row in rows:
value = row[index]
if merge_lines and isinstance(value, list):
value = ''.join(value)
if parser:
value = __parse_value(value, parser=parser)
elif evaluate:
value = __evaluate_value(value)
return column
def __get_row_indexes_string(table_, header, value, strict=False,
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
value = [v.strip().lower() for v in value]
if not strict:
value = ','.join(value)
if not isinstance(value, str):
value = str(value)
value = value.strip().lower()
header = header.strip().lower()
column = get_column(table_, header, merge_lines=True)
row_index = []
for i in range(len(column)):
actual_val = column[i]
if isinstance(actual_val, list):
actual_val = ''.join(actual_val)
actual_val = actual_val.strip().lower()
if strict:
is_valid = actual_val == value if isinstance(value, str) \
else actual_val in value
is_valid = value in actual_val
if is_valid is not exclude:
return row_index
def _get_values(table_, header1, value1, header2, strict=False, regex=False):
Returns (list):
# get a list of rows where header1 contains value1
column1 = get_column(table_, header1)
row_indexes = []
if regex:
for i in range(len(column1)):
if strict:
res_ = re.match(value1, column1[i])
res_ = re.search(value1, column1[i])
if res_:
row_indexes = __get_row_indexes_string(table_, header1, value1, strict)
column2 = get_column(table_, header2)
value2 = [column2[i] for i in row_indexes]
LOG.debug("Returning matching {} value(s): {}".format(header2, value2))
return value2
def get_values(table_, target_header, strict=True, regex=False,
merge_lines=False, exclude=False, evaluate=False,
parsers=None, **kwargs):
Return a list of cell(s) that matches the given criteria. Criteria were
given via kwargs.
table_ (dict): cli output table in dict format
target_header: target header to return value(s) for. Used to filter
out the target column.
regex (bool): whether value(s) in kwargs are regular string or regex
strict (bool): this param applies to value(s) in kwargs. (i.e.,
does not apply to the header(s))
For string operation:
strict True will attempt to match the whole string of the
given value to actual value,
strict False will attempt to match the given value to any
substring of the actual value
For regex operation:
strict True will attempt to match from the start of the value
strict False will attempt to search for a match from anywhere
of the actual value
when True: if a value spread into multiple lines, merge them into
one line string
Examples: 'capabilities' field in system host-show
when False, if a value spread into multiple lines, this value
will be presented as a list with
each line being a string item in this list
Examples: 'subnets' in neutron net-list
exclude (bool): whether to exclude the values filtered out
evaluate (bool)
parsers (dict): {<parser_func>: <applicable_field>}
**kwargs: header/value pair(s) as search criteria. Used to filter out
the target row(s).
When multiple header/value pairs are given, they will be in 'AND'
i.e., only table cell(s) that matches all the criteria will be
Examples of criteria:
personality='controller', networks=r'192.168.\d{1-3}.\d{1-3}'
if field has space in it, such as 'Tenant ID', replace space with
underscore, such as Tenant_ID=id;
or compose the complete **kwargs like this: **{'Tenant ID': 123,
'Name': 'my name'}
get_values(table_, 'ID', Tenant_ID=123, Name='my name')
get_values(table_, 'ID', **{'Tenant ID': 123, 'Name': 'my
Returns (list): a list of matching values for target header
if not table_['headers']:
return []
new_kwargs = {}
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if v is not None:
new_kwargs[k] = v
parser = None
if parsers:
for func, valid_fields in parsers.items():
if isinstance(valid_fields, str):
valid_fields = (valid_fields,)
if target_header.lower().strip() in [field_.lower().strip() for
field_ in valid_fields]:
parser = func
if not new_kwargs:
return get_column(table_, target_header, merge_lines=merge_lines,
parser=parser, evaluate=evaluate)
row_indexes = []
for header, values in new_kwargs.items():
if isinstance(values, tuple):
values = list(values)
elif not isinstance(values, list):
values = [values]
kwarg_row_indexes = []
for value in values:
kwarg_row_indexes += _get_row_indexes(table_, header, value,
strict=strict, regex=regex)
len_ = len(row_indexes)
target_row_indexes = []
if len_ == 1:
target_row_indexes = row_indexes[0]
elif len_ > 1:
# Check every item in the first row_index list and see if it's also
# in the rest of the row_index lists
for item in row_indexes[0]:
for i in range(1, len_):
if item not in row_indexes[i]:
target_column = get_column(table_, target_header)
target_values = []
if exclude:
total_row_indexes = list(range(len(target_column)))
target_row_indexes = list(
(set(total_row_indexes) - set(target_row_indexes)))
for i in target_row_indexes:
target_value = target_column[i]
# handle extra parsing of the value
if isinstance(target_value, list) and merge_lines:
target_value = ''.join(target_value)
if parser:
target_value = __parse_value(target_value, parser=parser)
elif evaluate:
target_value = __evaluate_value(target_value)
LOG.debug("Returning matching {} value(s): {}".format(target_header,
return target_values
def __evaluate_value(value):
convert = False
if isinstance(value, str):
value = [value]
convert = True
eval_vals = []
for val_ in value:
val_ = ast.literal_eval(
val_.replace('true', 'True').replace('false', 'False').replace(
'none', 'None'))
except (ValueError, SyntaxError):
if convert:
eval_vals = eval_vals[0]
return eval_vals
def __parse_value(value, parser):
convert = False
if isinstance(value, str):
value = [value]
convert = True
parsed_vals = []
for val_ in value:
if convert:
return parsed_vals[0]
return parsed_vals
def get_value_two_col_table(table_, field, strict=True, regex=False,
merge_lines=False, parsers=None, evaluate=False):
Get value of specified field from a two column table.
table_ (dict): two column table in dictionary format. Such as 'nova
show' table.
field (str): target field to return value for
regex (bool): When True, regex will be used for field name matching,
else string operation will be performed
strict (bool): If string operation, strict match will attempt to
match the whole string, while non-strict match
will attempt match substring. If regex, strict match will attempt
to find match from the beginning of the
field name, while non-strict match will attempt to search a match
anywhere in the field name.
when True: if the value spread into multiple lines, merge them
into one line string
Examples: 'capabilities' field in system host-show
when False, if the value spread into multiple lines, this value
will be presented as a list with
each line being a string item in this list
Examples: 'subnets' field in neutron net-show
parsers (dict): {<parser_func>: <applicable_field>}
evaluate (bool|None)
Returns (str): Value of specified filed. Return '' if field not found in
rows = get_all_rows(table_)
target_field = field.strip().lower()
for row in rows:
actual_field = row[0].strip().lower()
if regex:
if strict:
res_ = re.match(target_field, actual_field)
res_ = re.search(target_field, actual_field)
if res_:
val = row[1]
# if string
elif strict:
if target_field == actual_field:
val = row[1]
if target_field in actual_field:
val = row[1]
LOG.warning("Field {} is not found in table.".format(field))
val = ''
actual_field = None
# handle multi-line value
if merge_lines and isinstance(val, list):
val = ''.join(val)
parsed = False
if parsers and actual_field:
for func, valid_fields in parsers.items():
if isinstance(valid_fields, str):
valid_fields = (valid_fields,)
if actual_field in [field_.strip().lower() for field_ in
val = __parse_value(val, parser=func)
parsed = True
if evaluate and not parsed:
val = __evaluate_value(val)
return val
def __get_values(table_, header1, value1, header2):
row_indexes = __get_row_indexes_string(table_, header1, value1)
column = get_column(table_, header2)
value2 = [column[i] for i in row_indexes]
LOG.debug("Returning matching {} value(s): {}".format(header2, value2))
return value2
def __filter_table(table_, row_indexes):
table_ (dict):
Returns (dict):
all_rows = get_all_rows(table_)
target_rows = [all_rows[i] for i in row_indexes]
table_['values'] = target_rows
return table_
def _get_row_indexes(table_, field, value, strict=True, regex=False,
row_indexes = []
column = get_column(table_, field)
if regex:
for j in range(len(column)):
search_val = column[j]
if isinstance(search_val, list):
search_val = ''.join(search_val)
if isinstance(value, list):
value = ''.join(value)
if strict:
res_ = re.match(value, search_val)
res_ = re.search(value, search_val)
if bool(res_) != exclude:
row_indexes = __get_row_indexes_string(table_, field, value,
strict=strict, exclude=exclude)
return row_indexes
def filter_table(table_, strict=True, regex=False, exclude=False, **kwargs):
Filter out rows of a table with given criteria (via kwargs)
table_ (dict): Dictionary of a table parsed by tempest.
Example: table {
'headers': ["Field", "Value"];
'values': [['name', 'internal-subnet0'], ['id', '36864844783']]}
strict (bool):
regex (bool): Whether to use regex to find matching value(s)
exclude (bool): whether to exclude the rows filtered out
**kwargs: header/value pair(s) as search criteria. Used to filter out
the target row(s).
Examples: header_1 = [value1, value2, value3], header_2 = value_2
- kwargs are 'and' relation
- values for the same key are 'or' relation
e.g., if kwargs = {'id':[id_1, id_2], 'name': [name_1, name_3]},
a table with only item_2 will be returned
- See more details from **kwargs in get_values()
Returns (dict):
A table dictionary with original headers and filtered values(rows)
table_ = table_.copy()
kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None}
if not kwargs:
LOG.debug("No kwargs specified. Skip filtering")
return table_
if not table_['headers']:
return table_
row_indexes = []
first_iteration = True
for header, values in kwargs.items():
if not isinstance(values, (tuple, list)):
values = [values]
row_indexes_for_field = []
for value in values:
row_indexes_for_value = _get_row_indexes(
table_, field=header, value=value, strict=strict,
row_indexes_for_field = \
set(row_indexes_for_field) | set(row_indexes_for_value)
if row_indexes_for_field is []:
row_indexes = []
if first_iteration:
row_indexes = row_indexes_for_field
row_indexes = set(row_indexes) & set(row_indexes_for_field)
first_iteration = False
all_rows = get_all_rows(table_)
if exclude:
total_row_indexes = list(range(len(all_rows)))
row_indexes = list((set(total_row_indexes) - set(row_indexes)))
return __filter_table(table_, row_indexes)
def compare_tables(table_one, table_two):
table_one and table_two are two nested dict where header is a list and
values are nested list
table_one and table two are form of {'headers':['id','name',...],
This function compare the number of elements under 'headers' and 'values'
and see if they are same between two table
Check if the nested list are same length and contain same elements
between two table.
This function does not check any ordering
table1_keys = set(table_one.keys())
table2_keys = set(table_two.keys())
# compare number of keys in each set. They should be only 'headers' and
# 'values'
if len(table1_keys) == len(table2_keys) == 2:
if table1_keys - {'headers', 'values'} or table2_keys - {'headers',
return 1, "The keys of the two tables is different than expected " \
"{{'headers','values'}}, " \
"Table one contain {}. Table two contain " \
"{}".format(table1_keys, table2_keys)
return 2, "The number of keys is different between Table One and " \
"Table Two"
# compare values within the header and values
for key in table_one:
if key == 'headers':
table1_list = set(table_one[key])
table2_list = set(table_two[key])
# map nested list into tuples for easy comparison with other table
# key == 'values':
table1_list = set(map(tuple, table_one[key]))
table2_list = set(map(tuple, table_two[key]))
# values (in list form) under the dict of one table should have same
# length as the other table
if len(table1_list) == len(table2_list):
# they should also have no difference between each other as well
in1_not2 = table1_list - table2_list
in2_not1 = table2_list - table1_list
if len(in1_not2) > 0 or len(in2_not1) > 0:
msg = "The Value {} was found in table one under header '{}' " \
"but not in table two. " \
"The Value {} was found in table two under header '{}' " \
"but not in table one. " \
.format(in1_not2, key, in2_not1, key)
return 3, msg
return 4, "The number of elements under header '{}' different in " \
"Table one and Table two".format(key)
return 0, "Both Table contain same headers and values"
__sm_delimeter_line = re.compile(r'^-.*[\-]{3,}$')
__sm_category_line = re.compile(r'^-([A-Z].*[a-z])[\-]{3,}$')
__sm_item_line = re.compile(r'([a-z-]+)[\t\s$]')
def sm_dump_table(output_lines):
get sm dump table as dictionary
output_lines (output): output of sudo sm-dump command from a controller
Returns (dict): table with following headers.
{'headers': ["category", "name", "desired-state", "actual-state"];
'values': [
['Service_Groups', 'oam-services', 'active', 'active'],
['Service_Groups', 'controller-services', 'active', 'active']
['Services', 'oam-ip', 'enabled-active', 'enabled-active']
['Services', 'drbd-cinder, 'enabled-active', 'enabled-active']
headers = ['category', 'name', 'desired-state', 'actual-state']
table_ = {'headers': headers, 'values': []}
if not isinstance(output_lines, list):
output_lines = output_lines.split('\n')
if not output_lines[-1]:
# skip last line if empty (just newline at the end)
output_lines = output_lines[:-1]
category = ''
for line in output_lines:
if __sm_delimeter_line.match(line):
potential_category = __sm_category_line.findall(line)
if potential_category:
category = potential_category[0]
LOG.debug("skipping delimiter line: {}".format(line))
elif not line.strip():
LOG.debug('skipping empty table line')
row = [category]
row_contents = list(__sm_item_line.findall(line))[
:3] # Take the first 3 columns only. Could have up to 5.
row += row_contents
return table_
def row_dict_table(table_, key_header, unique_key=True, eliminate_keys=None,
convert original table to a dictionary with a given column to be the keys.
table_ (dict): original table which in the format of {'headers': [
<headers>], 'values': [<rows>]}
key_header (str): chosen keys for the table
unique_key (bool): if key_header is unique for each row, such as
UUID, then value for each key will be dict
instead of list of dict
eliminate_keys (None|str|list): columns to eliminate
lower_case (bool): Return the dictionary in lowercase
Returns (dict): dictionary with value of the key_header as key, and the
complete row as the value.
The value itself is a list, number of items in the list depends on
how many rows has the same value for
given key_header.
Examples: system host-list on 2+2 system
row_dict_table(table_, 'hostname') will return following table:
'controller-0': {'id': 1, 'hostname': 'controller-0',
'personality': 'controller', ...}
'controller-1': {'id': 2, 'hostname': 'controller-1',
'personality': 'controller', ...}
'compute-0': ...
'compute-1': ...
row_dict_table(table_, 'personality') will return following table:
'controller': [{'id': 1, 'hostname': 'controller-0',
'personality': 'controller', ...},
{'id': 2, 'hostname': 'controller-1',
'personality': 'controller', ...}]
'compute': [{'id': 3, 'hostname': 'compute-0', 'personality':
'compute', ...},
{'id': 4, 'hostname': 'compute-1', 'personality':
'compute', ...}]
keys = get_column(table_, key_header)
all_headers = table_['headers']
if lower_case:
all_headers = [header.lower() for header in all_headers]
keys = [key.lower() for key in keys]
if eliminate_keys is None:
eliminate_keys = []
elif isinstance(eliminate_keys, str):
eliminate_keys = [eliminate_keys]
rtn_dict = {}
for header_val in keys:
tmp_table = filter_table(table_, **{key_header: header_val})
applicable_rows = get_all_rows(tmp_table)
values = []
for row_ in applicable_rows:
row_dict = dict(zip(all_headers, row_))
for key_to_rm in list(eliminate_keys):
row_dict.pop(key_to_rm, None)
if unique_key:
values = values[0]
rtn_dict[header_val] = values
"Converted table to dict with keys: {}".format(list(rtn_dict.keys())))
return rtn_dict
def remove_columns(table_, headers):
Remove header(s) and corresponding values from the table. If the supplied
header is not found, skips that header.
table_ (dict): original table which in the format of {'headers': [
<headers>], 'values': [<rows>]}
headers (str/list/tuple): chosen key(s) to remove
Returns (dict): A table dictionary without key_headers and corresponding
Examples: system host-list on 2+2 system
remove_columns(table_, 'hostname') will return following table:
'controller-0': [{'id': 1, 'personality': 'controller', ...}]
'controller-1': [{'id': 2, 'personality': 'controller', ...}]
'compute-0': ...
'compute-1': ...
remove_columns(table_, ['personality', 'hostname']) will return
following table:
'controller': [{'id': 1, ...},
{'id': 2, ...}]
'compute': [{'id': 3, ...},
{'id': 4, ...}]
if isinstance(headers, str):
headers = [headers]
if not isinstance(headers, (list, tuple)):
raise ValueError(
"key_headers is not a list/string/tuple: {}".format(headers))
new_table_ = copy.deepcopy(table_)
for key in headers:
column_id = __get_column_index(new_table_, key)
for row in new_table_['values']:
except ValueError:
return new_table_
def convert_value_to_dict(value):
In a client (e.g. cinderclient) CLI output, a dict type value can be either
a plain raw string (e.g. cinderclient Newton) or a "pretty formatted"
multiline dict (e.g. cinderclient Pike).
Respectively, value parsed from get_value_two_col_table() for these values
are either a plain raw string in dict format, or a list of key:value pairs.
This function convert either types to a dict. For latter type leading and
ending spaces removed for each key/value are removed in the process.
checksum='c1b6664df43550fd5684fe85cdd3ddc3', container_format='bare'
{'checksum': 'c1b6664df43550fd5684fe85cdd3ddc3',
'container_format': 'bare', 'min_disk': '0', 'store': 'file', 'size':
if isinstance(value, str):
if '{' in value:
return ast.literal_eval(value)
value = value.split(sep=', ')
parsed_dict = {}
for item in value:
if '=' not in str(item):
k, v = item.split('=')
v = v.strip()
v = v[1:-1] if v == "'{}'".format(v[1:-1]) else v
parsed_dict[k.strip()] = v
return parsed_dict
def get_columns(table_, headers):
if not isinstance(headers, list) and not isinstance(headers, set):
headers = [headers]
all_headers = table_['headers']
if not set(headers).issubset(all_headers):
LOG.error('Unknown column:{}'.format(
list(set(all_headers) - set(headers)) + list(
set(headers) - set(all_headers)))
return []
selected_column_positions = [i for i, header in enumerate(all_headers) if
header in headers]
results = []
for row in table_['values']:
results.append([row[i] for i in selected_column_positions])
return results
def table_kube(output_lines, merge_lines=False):
Parse single table from kubectl output.
output_lines (str|list): output of kubectl cmd
merge_lines (bool): if a value spans on multiple lines, whether to
join them or return as list
Return dict with list of column names in 'headers' key and
rows in 'values' key.
table_ = {'headers': [], 'values': []}
if not isinstance(output_lines, list):
output_lines = output_lines.split('\n')
if not output_lines or len(output_lines) < 2:
return table_
if not output_lines[-1]:
# skip last line if empty (just newline at the end)
output_lines = output_lines[:-1]
if not output_lines[0]:
output_lines = output_lines[1:]
if not output_lines:
return table_
for i in range(len(output_lines)):
line = output_lines[i]
if ' ' not in line:
LOG.debug('Invalid kube table line: {}'.format(line))
header_row = line
output_lines = output_lines[i + 1:]
return table_
table_['headers'] = re.split(r'\s[\s]+', header_row)
m = re.finditer(kute_sep, header_row)
starts = [0] + [sep.start() + 2 for sep in m]
col_count = len(starts)
for line in output_lines:
row = []
indices = list(starts) + [len(line)]
for i in range(col_count):
row.append(line[indices[i]:indices[i + 1]].strip())
if table_['values'] and len(table_['values'][0]) != len(table_['headers']):
raise exceptions.CommonError(
'Unable to parse given lines: \n{}'.format(output_lines))
table_['values'] = __convert_multilines_values(table_['values'],
return table_
def tables_kube(output_lines, merge_lines=False):
output_lines_list = output_lines.split('\n\n')
tables_ = []
for output_lines_ in output_lines_list:
tables_.append(table_kube(output_lines_, merge_lines=merge_lines))
return tables_
def get_multi_values(table_, fields, merge_lines=False, rtn_dict=False,
evaluate=False, dict_fields=None,
convert_single_field=True, zip_values=False, strict=True,
regex=False, parsers=None, exclude=False, **kwargs):
if kwargs:
table_ = filter_table(table_, strict=strict, regex=regex,
exclude=exclude, **kwargs)
func = get_values
return __get_multi_values(table_, fields=fields, func=func,
merge_lines=merge_lines, rtn_dict=rtn_dict,
zip_values=zip_values, evaluate=evaluate,
dict_fields=dict_fields, parsers=parsers)
def get_multi_values_two_col_table(table_, fields, merge_lines=False,
rtn_dict=False, strict=True, regex=False,
convert_single_field=False, zip_values=False,
evaluate=False, dict_fields=None,
func = get_value_two_col_table
return __get_multi_values(table_, fields=fields, func=func,
merge_lines=merge_lines, rtn_dict=rtn_dict,
strict=strict, regex=regex,
zip_values=zip_values, evaluate=evaluate,
dict_fields=dict_fields, parsers=parsers)
def __get_multi_values(table_, fields, func, evaluate=False, dict_fields=None,
zip_values=False, rtn_dict=False, parsers=None,
parsers (dict|None): {<parsing_func1>: <valid_fields>, ...}
convert = False
if isinstance(fields, str):
fields = (fields,)
convert = convert_single_field
values = []
if not parsers:
parsers = {}
if dict_fields:
parsers[convert_value_to_dict] = dict_fields
for header in fields:
value = func(table_, header, evaluate=evaluate, parsers=parsers,
if rtn_dict:
values = {fields[i]: values[i] for i in range(len(fields))}
elif convert:
values = values[0]
elif zip_values:
values = list(zip(*values))
return values