Yang Liu 33756ac899 Initial submission for starlingx pytest framework.
- util modules. such as table_parser, ssh/localhost clients, cli module,
exception, logger, etc. Util modules are mostly used by keywords.
- keywords modules. These are helper functions that are used directly by
test functions.
- platform (with platform or platform_sanity marker) and stx-openstack
(with sanity, sx_sanity, cpe_sanity, or storage_sanity marker) sanity
- pytest config conftest, and test fixture modules
- test config file template/example

Required packages:
- python3.4 or python3.5
- pytest >=3.10,<4.0
- pexpect
- requests
- pyyaml
- selenium (firefox, ffmpeg, pyvirtualdisplay, Xvfb or Xephyr or Xvnc)

- Anything that requires copying from Test File Server will not work until
a public share is configured to shared test files. Tests skipped for now.

Co-Authored-By: Maria Yousaf <maria.yousaf@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Marvin Huang <marvin.huang@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Yosief Gebremariam <yosief.gebremariam@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Paul Warner <paul.warner@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Xueguang Ma <Xueguang.Ma@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Charles Chen <charles.chen@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Daniel Graziano <Daniel.Graziano@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Jordan Li <jordan.li@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Nimalini Rasa <nimalini.rasa@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Senthil Mukundakumar <senthil.mukundakumar@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Anuejyan Manokeran <anujeyan.manokeran@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Peng Peng <peng.peng@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Chris Winnicki <chris.winnicki@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Joe Vimar <Joe.Vimar@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Alex Kozyrev <alex.kozyrev@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Jack Ding <jack.ding@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Ming Lei <ming.lei@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Ankit Jain <ankit.jain@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Eric Barrett <eric.barrett@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: William Jia <william.jia@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Joseph Richard <Joseph.Richard@windriver.com>
Co-Authored-By: Aldo Mcfarlane <aldo.mcfarlane@windriver.com>

Story: 2005892
Task: 33750
Signed-off-by: Yang Liu <yang.liu@windriver.com>

Change-Id: I7a88a47e09733d39f024144530f5abb9aee8cad2
2019-07-15 15:30:00 -04:00

193 lines
9.2 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2019 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
class VCPUSchedulerErr:
CANNOT_SET_VCPU0 = "vcpu 0 cannot be specified"
VCPU_VAL_OUT_OF_RANGE = "vcpu value out of range"
INVALID_PRIORITY = "priority must be between 1-99"
PRIORITY_NOT_INTEGER = "priority must be an integer"
INVALID_FORMAT = "invalid format"
UNSUPPORTED_POLICY = "not a supported policy"
POLICY_MUST_SPECIFIED_LAST = "policy/priority for all vcpus must be " \
"specified last"
MISSING_PARAMETER = "missing required parameter"
TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS = "too many parameters"
VCPU_MULTIPLE_ASSIGNMENT = "specified multiple times, specification is " \
CPU_MODEL_UNAVAIL = "No valid host was found.*Host VCPU model.*required.*"
CPU_MODEL_CONFLICT = "Image vCPU model is not permitted to override " \
"configuration set against the flavor"
class NumaErr:
GENERAL_ERR_PIKE = 'Requested instance NUMA topology cannot fit the ' \
'given host NUMA topology'
# NUMA_AFFINITY_MISMATCH = " not match requested NUMA: {}"
NUMA_VSWITCH_MISMATCH = 'vswitch not configured.* does not match ' \
'requested NUMA'
NUMA_NODE_EXCLUDED = "NUMA: {} excluded"
# UNINITIALIZED = '(NUMATopologyFilter) Uninitialized'
TWO_NUMA_ONE_VSWITCH = 'vswitch not configured'
FLV_UNDEVISIBLE = 'ERROR (Conflict): flavor vcpus not evenly divisible ' \
'by the specified hw:numa_nodes value'
FLV_CPU_OR_MEM_UNSPECIFIED = 'ERROR (Conflict): CPU and memory ' \
'allocation must be provided for all ' \
'NUMA nodes'
INSUFFICIENT_CORES = 'Not enough free cores to schedule the instance'
class MinCPUErr:
VAL_LARGER_THAN_VCPUS = "min_vcpus must be less than or equal to " \
"the flavor vcpus value"
VAL_LESS_THAN_1 = "min_vcpus must be greater than or equal to 1"
CPU_POLICY_NOT_DEDICATED = "min_vcpus is only valid when hw:cpu_policy " \
"is dedicated"
class ScaleErr:
SCALE_LIMIT_HIT = "When scaling, cannot scale beyond limits"
class CpuAssignment:
VSWITCH_TOO_MANY_CORES = "The vswitch function can only be assigned up to" \
" 8 core"
TOTAL_TOO_MANY_CORES = "More total logical cores requested than present " \
"on 'Processor {}'"
NO_VM_CORE = "There must be at least one unused core for VMs."
VSWITCH_INSUFFICIENT_CORES = "The vswitch function must have at least {} " \
class CPUThreadErr:
INVALID_POLICY = "invalid hw:cpu_thread_policy '{}', must be one of " \
"prefer, isolate, require"
DEDICATED_CPU_REQUIRED_FLAVOR = 'ERROR (Conflict): hw:cpu_thread_policy ' \
'is only valid when hw:cpu_policy is ' \
'dedicated. Either unset ' \
'hw:cpu_thread_policy or set ' \
'hw:cpu_policy to dedicated.'
DEDICATED_CPU_REQUIRED_BOOT_VM = 'ERROR (BadRequest): Cannot set cpu ' \
'thread pinning policy in a non ' \
'dedicated ' \
'cpu pinning policy'
VCPU_NUM_UNDIVISIBLE = "(NUMATopologyFilter) Cannot use 'require' cpu " \
"threads policy as requested #VCPUs: {}, " \
"is not divisible by number of threads: 2"
INSUFFICIENT_CORES_FOR_ISOLATE = "{}: (NUMATopologyFilter) Cannot use " \
"isolate cpu thread policy as requested " \
"VCPUS: {} is greater than available " \
"CPUs with all siblings free"
HT_HOST_UNAVAIL = "(NUMATopologyFilter) Host not useable. Requested " \
"threads policy: '{}'; from flavor or image " \
"is not allowed on non-hyperthreaded host"
UNSET_SHARED_VCPU = "Cannot set hw:cpu_thread_policy to {} if " \
"hw:wrs:shared_vcpu is set. Either unset " \
"hw:cpu_thread_policy, set it to prefer, or unset " \
UNSET_MIN_VCPUS = "Cannot set hw:cpu_thread_policy to {} if " \
"hw:wrs:min_vcpus is set. Either unset " \
"hw:cpu_thread_policy, set it to another policy, " \
"or unset hw:wrs:min_vcpus"
CONFLICT_FLV_IMG = "Image property 'hw_cpu_thread_policy' is not " \
"permitted to override CPU thread pinning policy " \
"set against the flavor"
class CPUPolicyErr:
CONFLICT_FLV_IMG = "Image property 'hw_cpu_policy' is not permitted to " \
"override CPU pinning policy set against " \
"the flavor "
class SharedCPUErr:
DEDICATED_CPU_REQUIRED = "hw:wrs:shared_vcpu is only valid when " \
"hw:cpu_policy is dedicated"
INVALID_VCPU_ID = "hw:wrs:shared_vcpu must be greater than or equal to 0"
MORE_THAN_FLAVOR = "hw:wrs:shared_vcpu value ({}) must be less than " \
"flavor vcpus ({})"
class ResizeVMErr:
RESIZE_ERR = "Error resizing server"
SHARED_NOT_ENABLED = 'Shared vCPU not enabled .*, required by instance ' \
'cell {}'
class ColdMigErr:
HT_HOST_REQUIRED = "(NUMATopologyFilter) Host not useable. Requested " \
"threads policy: '[{}, {}]'; from flavor or " \
"image is not allowed on non-hyperthreaded host"
class LiveMigErr:
BLOCK_MIG_UNSUPPORTED = "is not on local storage: Block migration can " \
"not be used with shared storage"
GENERAL_NO_HOST = "No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts " \
BLOCK_MIG_UNSUPPORTED_LVM = 'Block live migration is not supported for ' \
'hosts with LVM backed storage'
LVM_PRECHECK_ERROR = 'Live migration can not be used with LVM backed ' \
'storage except a booted from volume VM ' \
'which does not have a local disk'
class NetworkingErr:
INVALID_VXLAN_VNI_RANGE = "exceeds 16777215"
INVALID_MULTICAST_IP_ADDRESS = "is not a valid multicast IP address."
INVALID_VXLAN_PROVISION_PORTS = "Invalid input for port"
VXLAN_TTL_RANGE_MISSING = "VXLAN time-to-live attribute missing"
VXLAN_TTL_RANGE_TOO_LARGE = "is too large - must be no larger than '255'."
VXLAN_TTL_RANGE_TOO_SMALL = "is too small - must be at least '1'."
OVERLAP_SEGMENTATION_RANGE = "segmentation id range overlaps with"
INVALID_MTU_VALUE = "requires an interface MTU value of at least"
VXLAN_MISSING_IP_ON_INTERFACE = "requires an IP address"
WRONG_IF_ADDR_MODE = "interface address mode must be 'static'"
SET_IF_ADDR_MODE_WHEN_IP_EXIST = "addresses still exist on interfac"
NULL_IP_ADDR = "Address must not be null"
NULL_NETWORK_ADDR = "Network must not be null"
NULL_GATEWAY_ADDR = "Gateway address must not be null"
NULL_HOST_PARTION_ADDR = "Host bits must not be zero"
NOT_UNICAST_ADDR = "Address must be a unicast address"
NOT_BROADCAST_ADDR = "Address cannot be the network broadcast address"
DUPLICATE_IP_ADDR = "already exists"
INVALID_IP_OR_PREFIX = "Invalid IP address and prefix"
INVALID_IP_NETWORK = "Invalid IP network"
IP_VERSION_NOT_MATCH = "Network and gateway IP versions must match"
GATEWAY_IP_IN_SUBNET = "Gateway address must not be within destination " \
NETWORK_IP_EQUAL_TO_GATEWAY = "Network and gateway IP addresses must be " \
class PciAddrErr:
NONE_ZERO_DOMAIN = 'Only domain 0000 is supported'
LARGER_THAN_MAX_BUS = 'PCI bus maximum value is 8'
NONE_ZERO_FUNCTION = 'Only function 0 is supported'
RESERVED_SLOTS_BUS0 = 'Slots 0,1 are reserved for PCI bus 0'
RESERVED_SLOT_ANY_BUS = 'Slots 0 is reserved for any PCI bus'
LARGER_THAN_MAX_SLOT = 'PCI slot maximum value is 31'
BAD_FORMAT = 'Bad PCI address format'
WRONG_BUS_VAL = 'Wrong bus value for PCI address'
class SrvGrpErr:
EXCEEDS_GRP_SIZE = 'Action would result in server group {} exceeding the ' \
'group size of {}'
HOST_UNAVAIL_ANTI_AFFINITY = '(ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter) ' \
'Anti-affinity server group specified, ' \
'but this host is already used by that group'
class CpuRtErr:
RT_AND_ORD_REQUIRED = 'Realtime policy needs vCPU.* mask configured with ' \
'at least 1 RT vCPU and 1 ordinary vCPU'
DED_CPU_POL_REQUIRED = 'Cannot set realtime policy in a non dedicated cpu' \
' pinning policy'
RT_MASK_SHARED_VCPU_CONFLICT = 'hw:wrs:shared_vcpu .* is not a subset of ' \
'non-realtime vCPUs'