This test case verifies lock and unlock operations on a 'Compute' type node in a Central controller. Change-Id: I90e4b5a0b9cdd56357d4528a4c1284fccf2cd1f9
1067 lines
61 KiB
1067 lines
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import time
import pytest
from config.configuration_manager import ConfigurationManager
from config.lab.objects.node import Node
from framework.logging.automation_logger import get_logger
from framework.resources.resource_finder import get_stx_resource_path
from framework.ssh.secure_transfer_file.secure_transfer_file import SecureTransferFile
from framework.ssh.secure_transfer_file.secure_transfer_file_enum import TransferDirection
from framework.ssh.secure_transfer_file.secure_transfer_file_input_object import SecureTransferFileInputObject
from framework.ssh.ssh_connection import SSHConnection
from framework.web.webdriver_core import WebDriverCore
from keywords.cloud_platform.dcmanager.dcmanager_alarm_summary_keywords import DcManagerAlarmSummaryKeywords
from keywords.cloud_platform.dcmanager.dcmanager_subcloud_list_keywords import DcManagerSubcloudListKeywords
from keywords.cloud_platform.dcmanager.dcmanager_subcloud_manager_keywords import DcManagerSubcloudManagerKeywords
from keywords.cloud_platform.dcmanager.objects.dcmanager_subcloud_list_object_filter import DcManagerSubcloudListObjectFilter
from keywords.cloud_platform.fault_management.alarms.alarm_list_keywords import AlarmListKeywords
from keywords.cloud_platform.fault_management.fm_client_cli.fm_client_cli_keywords import FaultManagementClientCLIKeywords
from keywords.cloud_platform.fault_management.fm_client_cli.object.fm_client_cli_object import FaultManagementClientCLIObject
from keywords.cloud_platform.ssh.lab_connection_keywords import LabConnectionKeywords
from keywords.cloud_platform.system.application.object.system_application_apply_input import SystemApplicationApplyInput
from keywords.cloud_platform.system.application.object.system_application_delete_input import SystemApplicationDeleteInput
from keywords.cloud_platform.system.application.object.system_application_remove_input import SystemApplicationRemoveInput
from keywords.cloud_platform.system.application.object.system_application_status_enum import SystemApplicationStatusEnum
from keywords.cloud_platform.system.application.object.system_application_upload_input import SystemApplicationUploadInput
from keywords.cloud_platform.system.application.system_application_apply_keywords import SystemApplicationApplyKeywords
from keywords.cloud_platform.system.application.system_application_delete_keywords import SystemApplicationDeleteKeywords
from keywords.cloud_platform.system.application.system_application_list_keywords import SystemApplicationListKeywords
from keywords.cloud_platform.system.application.system_application_remove_keywords import SystemApplicationRemoveKeywords
from keywords.cloud_platform.system.application.system_application_upload_keywords import SystemApplicationUploadKeywords
from keywords.cloud_platform.system.host.system_host_list_keywords import SystemHostListKeywords
from keywords.cloud_platform.system.host.system_host_lock_keywords import SystemHostLockKeywords
from keywords.cloud_platform.system.host.system_host_reboot_keywords import SystemHostRebootKeywords
from keywords.cloud_platform.system.host.system_host_swact_keywords import SystemHostSwactKeywords
from keywords.cloud_platform.system.storage.system_storage_backend_keywords import SystemStorageBackendKeywords
from keywords.files.file_keywords import FileKeywords
from keywords.k8s.deployments.kubectl_delete_deployments_keywords import KubectlDeleteDeploymentsKeywords
from keywords.k8s.pods.kubectl_create_pods_keywords import KubectlCreatePodsKeywords
from keywords.k8s.pods.kubectl_delete_pods_keywords import KubectlDeletePodsKeywords
from keywords.k8s.pods.kubectl_get_pods_keywords import KubectlGetPodsKeywords
from pytest import mark
from web_pages.horizon.admin.platform.horizon_host_inventory_page import HorizonHostInventoryPage
from web_pages.horizon.login.horizon_login_page import HorizonLoginPage
def test_check_alarms():
Testcase to verify there are no alarms on the system
Test Steps:
- connect to active controller
- run command fm alarm-list
- verify that no alarms exist
ssh_connection = LabConnectionKeywords().get_active_controller_ssh()
alarms = AlarmListKeywords(ssh_connection).alarm_list()
assert not alarms, "There were alarms found on the system"
def test_check_all_pods_healthy():
Testcase to verify that all pods are healthy
Test Steps:
- connect to active controller
- run kubectl -o wide get pods --all-namespaces
- validate that all pods are in 'Running, 'Succeeded' or 'Completed' state
ssh_connection = LabConnectionKeywords().get_active_controller_ssh()
healthy_status = ['Running', 'Succeeded', 'Completed']
is_healthy = KubectlGetPodsKeywords(ssh_connection).wait_for_all_pods_status(healthy_status, timeout=300)
assert is_healthy
def test_platform_integ_apps_applied():
Test to validate platform integ apps have been applied
Test Steps:
- connect to active controller
- run system cmd - system application-list
- validate that platform integ apps are in applied state
ssh_connection = LabConnectionKeywords().get_active_controller_ssh()
system_applications = SystemApplicationListKeywords(ssh_connection).get_system_application_list()
platform_integ_apps_status = system_applications.get_application('platform-integ-apps').get_status()
assert platform_integ_apps_status == 'applied', f'platform-integ-apps was not applied. Status was {platform_integ_apps_status}'
def test_cert_manager_applied():
Test to validate cert manager app has been applied
Test Steps:
- connect to active controller
- run system cmd - system application-list
- validate that cert manager is in applied state
ssh_connection = LabConnectionKeywords().get_active_controller_ssh()
system_applications = SystemApplicationListKeywords(ssh_connection).get_system_application_list()
application_status = system_applications.get_application('cert-manager').get_status()
assert application_status == 'applied', f'cert-manager was not applied. Status was {application_status}'
def test_nginx_ingress_controller_applied():
Test to validate nginx ingress controller has been applied
Test Steps:
- connect to active controller
- run system cmd - system application-list
- validate that nginx ingress controller is in applied state
ssh_connection = LabConnectionKeywords().get_active_controller_ssh()
system_applications = SystemApplicationListKeywords(ssh_connection).get_system_application_list()
application_status = system_applications.get_application('nginx-ingress-controller').get_status()
assert application_status == 'applied', f'nginx-ingress-controller was not applied. Status was {application_status}'
def test_lock_unlock_simplex():
Test case to validate a simplex can be locked and unlocked successfully
Test Steps:
- connect to simplex controller
- run 'system host-lock' and wait for lock to complete
- run 'system host-unlock' and wait for unlock to complete successfully
ssh_connection = LabConnectionKeywords().get_active_controller_ssh()
lock_success = SystemHostLockKeywords(ssh_connection).lock_host("controller-0")
assert lock_success, "Controller was not locked successfully."
unlock_success = SystemHostLockKeywords(ssh_connection).unlock_host("controller-0")
assert unlock_success, "Controller was not unlocked successfully."
def test_lock_unlock_standby_controller():
Test case that lock/unlocks a standby controller
Test Steps:
- connect to active controller ssh
- get the standby controller name
- run 'system host-lock <standby-controller>' and wait for lock to complete
- run 'system host-unlock <standby-controller>' and wait for unlock to complete
ssh_connection = LabConnectionKeywords().get_active_controller_ssh()
standby_controller = SystemHostListKeywords(ssh_connection).get_standby_controller()
lock_success = SystemHostLockKeywords(ssh_connection).lock_host(standby_controller.get_host_name())
assert lock_success, "Controller was not locked successfully."
unlock_success = SystemHostLockKeywords(ssh_connection).unlock_host(standby_controller.get_host_name())
assert unlock_success, "Controller was not unlocked successfully."
def test_lock_unlock_compute():
Test case that lock/unlocks a compute
Test Steps:
- connect to active controller ssh
- get the compute name
- run 'system host-lock <compute>' and wait for lock to complete
- run 'system host-unlock <compute>' and wait for unlock to complete
ssh_connection = LabConnectionKeywords().get_active_controller_ssh()
computes = SystemHostListKeywords(ssh_connection).get_compute()
assert len(computes) > 0, "No computes were found"
lock_success = SystemHostLockKeywords(ssh_connection).lock_host(computes[0].get_host_name())
assert lock_success, "Compute was not locked successfully."
unlock_success = SystemHostLockKeywords(ssh_connection).unlock_host(computes[0].get_host_name())
assert unlock_success, "Compute was not unlocked successfully."
def test_swact():
Test to validate swact action
Test Steps:
- connect to active controller ssh
- run 'system host-swact <controller-name>'
- validate that swact complete successfully and that active controller is now standby and standby is now active
ssh_connection = LabConnectionKeywords().get_active_controller_ssh()
swact_success = SystemHostSwactKeywords(ssh_connection).host_swact()
assert swact_success, "Swact was not completed successfully"
def test_reboot():
Test for reboot of host from system command
Test Steps:
- get active controller ssh
- get name of standby controller
- lock standby controller
- run 'system host-reboot <standby-controller>
- validate reboot comes back successfully
- unlock standby controller
- validate unlock is successful
ssh_connection = LabConnectionKeywords().get_active_controller_ssh()
standby_controller = SystemHostListKeywords(ssh_connection).get_standby_controller()
lock_success = SystemHostLockKeywords(ssh_connection).lock_host(standby_controller.get_host_name())
assert lock_success, "Controller was not locked successfully."
reboot_success = SystemHostRebootKeywords(ssh_connection).host_reboot(standby_controller.get_host_name())
assert reboot_success, "Controller was not rebooted successfully."
unlock_success = SystemHostLockKeywords(ssh_connection).unlock_host(standby_controller.get_host_name())
assert unlock_success, "Controller was not unlocked successfully."
def test_horizon_host_inventory_display_active_controller(request):
This test case validates that we can see the correct information regarding the active controller
in the Horizon Host Inventory page.
Test Steps:
- Login to Horizon
- Navigate to the Admin -> Platform -> Host Inventory page
- Validate that the Controller Hosts table has the correct headers.
- Validate that the active controller is in the Controller Hosts table.
- Validate that each column entry for the active controller is as expected. This is done
by comparing the values with the output of the 'system host-list' command line.
driver = WebDriverCore()
request.addfinalizer(lambda: driver.close())
login_page = HorizonLoginPage(driver)
host_inventory = HorizonHostInventoryPage(driver)
# Validate the Headers of the Controller Table
all_controller_headers = host_inventory.get_controller_hosts_table_headers()
assert len(all_controller_headers) == 8, "There should be exactly 8 table headers"
assert all_controller_headers[0], "Host Name header is missing."
assert all_controller_headers[1], "Personality header is missing."
assert all_controller_headers[2], "Admin State header is missing."
assert all_controller_headers[3], "Operational State header is missing."
assert all_controller_headers[4], "Availability State header is missing."
assert all_controller_headers[5], "Uptime header is missing."
assert all_controller_headers[6], "Status header is missing."
assert all_controller_headers[7], "Actions header is missing."
get_logger().log_info("Validated the headers of the Controllers Table.")
# Get the active Controller information from the command line.
ssh_connection = LabConnectionKeywords().get_active_controller_ssh()
system_host_list_keywords = SystemHostListKeywords(ssh_connection)
active_controller_output = system_host_list_keywords.get_active_controller()
active_host_name = active_controller_output.get_host_name()
# Compare the values in the active controller in the Host Inventory table with the output of system host-list.
horizon_host_information = host_inventory.get_controller_host_information(active_host_name)
assert (
active_controller_output.get_host_name().lower() == horizon_host_information.get_host_name().lower()
), f"Host Name mismatch. Expecting: {active_controller_output.get_host_name().lower()}, Observed: {horizon_host_information.get_host_name().lower()}"
assert "Controller-Active" == horizon_host_information.get_personality(), f"Expecting Personality: Controller-Active, Observed: {horizon_host_information.get_personality()}"
assert (
active_controller_output.get_administrative().lower() == horizon_host_information.get_admin_state().lower()
), f"Admin State mismatch. Expecting: {active_controller_output.get_administrative().lower()}, Observed: {horizon_host_information.get_admin_state().lower()}"
assert (
active_controller_output.get_operational().lower() == horizon_host_information.get_operational_state().lower()
), f"Operational State mismatch. Expecting: {active_controller_output.get_operational().lower()}, Observed: {horizon_host_information.get_operational_state().lower()}"
assert (
active_controller_output.get_availability().lower() == horizon_host_information.get_availability_state().lower()
), f"Availability State mismatch. Expecting: {active_controller_output.get_availability().lower()}, Observed: {horizon_host_information.get_availability_state().lower()}"
assert (
'minute' in horizon_host_information.get_uptime()
or 'hour' in horizon_host_information.get_uptime()
or 'day' in horizon_host_information.get_uptime()
or 'week' in horizon_host_information.get_uptime()
), f"Uptime doesn't follow the expected format '* weeks, * days, * hours, * minutes'. Observed: {horizon_host_information.get_uptime()}"
assert horizon_host_information.get_status() is None, "Status Column should be empty."
assert horizon_host_information.get_actions() == "Edit Host", f"Actions button should have a label of 'Edit Host' - Observed: {horizon_host_information.get_actions()}"
get_logger().log_info("Validated the the table entries for the Active Controller")
def deploy_pods(request, ssh_connection: SSHConnection):
Deploys pods needed by some suites in this suite
request (): request needed for adding teardown
ssh_connection (): the ssh connection
file_keywords = FileKeywords(ssh_connection)
# Cleanup any old pods
file_keywords.upload_file(get_stx_resource_path('resources/cloud_platform/sanity/pods/client-pod1.yaml'), '/home/sysadmin/client-pod1.yaml')
file_keywords.upload_file(get_stx_resource_path('resources/cloud_platform/sanity/pods/client-pod2.yaml'), '/home/sysadmin/client-pod2.yaml')
file_keywords.upload_file(get_stx_resource_path('resources/cloud_platform/sanity/pods/server_pod.yaml'), '/home/sysadmin/server_pod.yaml')
kubectl_create_pods_keyword = KubectlCreatePodsKeywords(ssh_connection)
# Create teardown to remove pods
def remove_deployments_and_pods():
Finalizer to remove deployments and pods
rc = KubectlDeleteDeploymentsKeywords(ssh_connection).cleanup_deployment('server-pod-dep')
rc += KubectlDeletePodsKeywords(ssh_connection).cleanup_pod('client-pod1')
rc += KubectlDeletePodsKeywords(ssh_connection).cleanup_pod('client-pod2')
assert rc == 0
pods = KubectlGetPodsKeywords(ssh_connection).get_pods()
# get the server pod names
server_pods = pods.get_pods_start_with('server-pod-dep')
assert len(server_pods) == 2, "Incorrect number of server pods were created"
server_pod1_name = server_pods[0].get_name()
server_pod2_name = server_pods[1].get_name()
# wait for all pods to be running
kubectl_get_pods_keywords = KubectlGetPodsKeywords(ssh_connection)
client_pod1_running = kubectl_get_pods_keywords.wait_for_pod_status('client-pod1', 'Running')
assert client_pod1_running, "Client pod1 did not reach running status in expected time"
client_pod2_running = kubectl_get_pods_keywords.wait_for_pod_status('client-pod2', 'Running')
assert client_pod2_running, "Client pod2 did not reach running status in expected time"
server_pod1_running = kubectl_get_pods_keywords.wait_for_pod_status(server_pod1_name, 'Running')
assert server_pod1_running, "Server pod1 did not reach running status in expected time"
server_pod2_running = kubectl_get_pods_keywords.wait_for_pod_status(server_pod2_name, 'Running')
assert server_pod2_running, "Server pod2 did not reach running status in expected time"
# return the pods with the latest status
return kubectl_get_pods_keywords.get_pods()
def test_dc_alarm_aggregation_managed():
Test Alarm Aggregation on Distributed Cloud
- Make sure there is consistency between alarm summary on
Central Cloud and on subclouds.
Test Steps (for each subcloud in the central cloud):
- Ensure an alarm with the sama alarm id does not exist in the subcloud.
- Get the numbers of summarized alarms for a subcloud in the central cloud.
- Raise an alarm at subcloud;
- Ensure relative alarm raised on subcloud
- Ensure system alarm-summary on subcloud matches dcmanager alarm summary on system
- Clean alarm at subcloud
- Ensure relative alarm cleared on subcloud
- Ensure system alarm-summary on subcloud matches dcmanager alarm summary on system
subclouds_names = ConfigurationManager.get_lab_config().get_subcloud_names()
for subcloud_name in subclouds_names:
ssh_subcloud_connection = LabConnectionKeywords().get_subcloud_ssh(subcloud_name)
fm_client_cli_keywords = FaultManagementClientCLIKeywords(ssh_subcloud_connection)
# Gets the list of alarms in the subcloud. Maybe some alarms are present in the subcloud.
alarm_list_keywords = AlarmListKeywords(ssh_subcloud_connection)
subcloud_alarms = alarm_list_keywords.alarm_list()
# Asserts that an alarm with the same 'Alarm ID' used in this test case is not present in the subcloud.
subcloud_alarm = next((alarm for alarm in subcloud_alarms if alarm.alarm_id == FaultManagementClientCLIObject.DEFAULT_ALARM_ID), None)
assert subcloud_alarm is None
# Gets the summarized list of alarms in the dc cloud. Maybe there is some alarm for the subclouds there.
dc_manager_alarm_summary_keywords = DcManagerAlarmSummaryKeywords(LabConnectionKeywords().get_active_controller_ssh())
alarm_summary_list = dc_manager_alarm_summary_keywords.get_alarm_summary_list()
alarm_summary = next((alarm for alarm in alarm_summary_list if alarm.subcloud_name == subcloud_name), None)
num_previous_alarm = alarm_summary.get_major_alarms()
# Raises the alarm on subcloud.
fm_client_cli_object = FaultManagementClientCLIObject()
get_logger().log_info(f"Raise alarm on subcloud: {subcloud_name}")
# Asserts that the alarm present in the subcloud is the same as the one generated above.
subcloud_alarms = alarm_list_keywords.alarm_list()
subcloud_alarm = next((alarm for alarm in subcloud_alarms if alarm.alarm_id == fm_client_cli_object.get_alarm_id()), None)
assert subcloud_alarm is not None
assert subcloud_alarm.get_entity_id() == f"name={subcloud_name}"
# Asserts that the alarm generated above was summarized in the dc cloud ('dcmanager alarm summary' command).
# The alarm takes some time to be summarized. Experimentally, 60 seconds is considered a maximum safe period for
# the alarm to be summarized.
check_interval = 3
timeout_seconds = 60
end_time = time.time() + timeout_seconds
while time.time() < end_time:
alarm_summary_list = dc_manager_alarm_summary_keywords.get_alarm_summary_list()
alarm_summary = next((alarm for alarm in alarm_summary_list if alarm.subcloud_name == subcloud_name), None)
if alarm_summary is not None and alarm_summary.get_major_alarms() - num_previous_alarm == 1:
assert alarm_summary is not None
assert alarm_summary.get_major_alarms() - num_previous_alarm == 1
# Delete the alarm from the subcloud.
get_logger().log_info(f"Delete the alarm from subcloud: {subcloud_name}")
# Asserts the alarm is not present in the subcloud anymore.
subcloud_alarms = alarm_list_keywords.alarm_list()
subcloud_alarm = next((alarm for alarm in subcloud_alarms if alarm.alarm_id == fm_client_cli_object.get_alarm_id()), None)
assert subcloud_alarm is None
# Asserts that the alarm generated above is not summarized in the dc cloud ('dcmanager alarm summary' command).
# The summarized alarms list takes some time to be updated. Experimentally, 60 seconds is considered a maximum
# safe period for that list to be updated.
end_time = time.time() + timeout_seconds
while time.time() < end_time:
alarm_summary_list = dc_manager_alarm_summary_keywords.get_alarm_summary_list()
alarm_summary = next((alarm for alarm in alarm_summary_list if alarm.subcloud_name == subcloud_name), None)
if alarm_summary is not None and alarm_summary.get_major_alarms() == num_previous_alarm:
assert alarm_summary is not None
assert alarm_summary.get_major_alarms() == num_previous_alarm
def test_dc_install_custom_app():
Test upload, apply, remove, delete custom app via system cmd
on Distributed Cloud
Test Steps:
Step 1: Transfer the app file to the active controller (setup)
- Copy test files from local to the SystemController.
- Check the copies on the SystemController.
Step 2: Upload the app file to the active controller
- Upload the custom app on the SystemController.
- Check the upload on the SystemController.
Step 3: Apply the custom app on the active controller
- Apply the custom app on the SystemController.
- Check the application on the SystemController.
- Check the Docker image stored in the SystemController registry.local.
Step 4: Clean the active controller
- Remove the custom app from the active controller.
- Check the custom app uninstallation.
- Delete the custom app from the active controller.
- Check the custom app deletion.
Step 5: Transfer the app file to the subclouds (setup)
- Copy test files from local to the subclouds.
- Check the copies on the subclouds.
Step 6: Upload the app file to the subclouds
- Upload the custom app on the subclouds.
- Check the upload on the subclouds.
Step 7: Apply the custom app on the subclouds
- Apply the custom app on the subclouds.
- Check the application on the subclouds.
- Check the Docker image stored in the subclouds registry.local.
Step 8: Clean the subclouds
- Remove the custom app from the subclouds.
- Check the custom app uninstallation.
- Delete the custom app from the subclouds.
- Check the custom app deletion.
# Step 1: Transfer the app file to the active controller
# Defines application name, application file name, source (local) and destination (remote) file paths.
app_name = 'hello-kitty'
app_file_name = 'hello-kitty-min-k8s-version.tgz'
local_path = get_stx_resource_path(f'resources/cloud_platform/containers/{app_file_name}')
remote_path = f'/home/{ConfigurationManager.get_lab_config().get_admin_credentials().get_user_name()}/{app_file_name}'
# Opens an SSH session to active controller.
ssh_connection = LabConnectionKeywords().get_active_controller_ssh()
# Opens an SFTP session to active controller.
sftp_client = ssh_connection.get_sftp_client()
# Sets the parameters for the app file transfer through a new instance of SecureTransferFileInputObject.
secure_transfer_file_input_object = SecureTransferFileInputObject()
# Transfers the app file from local path to remote path.
secure_transfer_file = SecureTransferFile(secure_transfer_file_input_object)
file_transfer_succeeded = secure_transfer_file.transfer_file()
# Asserts the file was really transferred.
assert file_transfer_succeeded
# Step 2: Upload the app file to the active controller
# Setups the upload input object.
system_application_upload_input = SystemApplicationUploadInput()
# Uploads the app file to the active controller.
system_application_upload_output = SystemApplicationUploadKeywords(ssh_connection).system_application_upload(system_application_upload_input)
# Asserts that the uploading process concluded successfully
system_application_object = system_application_upload_output.get_system_application_object()
assert system_application_object is not None, f"Expecting 'system_application_object' as not None, Observed: {system_application_object}."
assert system_application_object.get_name() == app_name, f"Expecting 'app_name' = {app_name}, Observed: {system_application_object.get_name()}."
assert (
system_application_object.get_status() == SystemApplicationStatusEnum.UPLOADED.value
), f"Expecting 'system_application_object.get_status()' = {SystemApplicationStatusEnum.UPLOADED.value}, Observed: {system_application_object.get_status()}."
# Step 3: Apply the custom app on the active controller
# Setups the apply input object.
system_application_apply_input = SystemApplicationApplyInput()
# Executes the application installation
system_application_apply_output = SystemApplicationApplyKeywords(ssh_connection).system_application_apply(system_application_apply_input)
# Asserts that the applying process concluded successfully
system_application_object = system_application_apply_output.get_system_application_object()
assert system_application_object is not None, f"Expecting 'system_application_object' as not None, Observed: {system_application_object}."
assert system_application_object.get_name() == app_name, f"Expecting 'app_name' = {app_name}, Observed: {system_application_object.get_name()}."
assert (
system_application_object.get_status() == SystemApplicationStatusEnum.APPLIED.value
), f"Expecting 'system_application_object.get_status()' = {SystemApplicationStatusEnum.APPLIED.value}, Observed: {system_application_object.get_status()}."
# Step 4: Clean the active controller
# Remove (uninstall) the application
system_application_remove_input = SystemApplicationRemoveInput()
system_application_output = SystemApplicationRemoveKeywords(ssh_connection).system_application_remove(system_application_remove_input)
assert (
system_application_output.get_system_application_object().get_status() == SystemApplicationStatusEnum.UPLOADED.value
), f"Expecting 'system_application_output.get_system_application_object().get_status()' = {SystemApplicationStatusEnum.UPLOADED.value}, Observed: {system_application_output.get_system_application_object().get_status()}."
# Deletes the application
system_application_delete_input = SystemApplicationDeleteInput()
delete_msg = SystemApplicationDeleteKeywords(ssh_connection).get_system_application_delete(system_application_delete_input)
assert delete_msg == f"Application {app_name} deleted.\n", f"Expecting delete_msg = 'Application {app_name} deleted.\n', Observed: {delete_msg}."
# Executes similar tests on the subclouds.
# Retrieves the subclouds. Considers only subclouds that are online, managed, and synced.
dcmanager_subcloud_list_input = DcManagerSubcloudListObjectFilter.get_healthy_subcloud_filter()
dcmanager_subcloud_list_keywords = DcManagerSubcloudListKeywords(ssh_connection)
dcmanager_subcloud_list_objects_filtered = dcmanager_subcloud_list_keywords.get_dcmanager_subcloud_list().get_dcmanager_subcloud_list_objects_filtered(dcmanager_subcloud_list_input)
if not dcmanager_subcloud_list_objects_filtered:
get_logger().log_info(f"Currently, there are no subclouds that are online, managed, sync-in, and deploy completed on {ssh_connection}.")
# Tests each filtered subcloud.
for subcloud_list_object in dcmanager_subcloud_list_objects_filtered:
# Step 5: Transfers the app file to the current subcloud.
# Opens an SSH connection to the current subcloud.
subcloud_name = subcloud_list_object.get_name()
ssh_subcloud_connection = LabConnectionKeywords().get_subcloud_ssh(subcloud_name)
get_logger().log_info(f"Opened connection to subcloud {ssh_subcloud_connection.get_name()}.")
# Opens an SFTP session to the current subcloud.
sftp_client = ssh_subcloud_connection.get_sftp_client()
# Changes only the 'sftp_client' property value; other properties can remain as previously configured.
# Transfer the app file to the current subcloud.
secure_transfer_file = SecureTransferFile(secure_transfer_file_input_object)
file_transfer_succeeded = secure_transfer_file.transfer_file()
# Asserts the file was really transferred to the current subcloud.
assert file_transfer_succeeded
# Step 6: Uploads the app file to the current subcloud.
# There is no need to change anything in the upload input object 'system_application_upload_input'.
system_application_upload_output = SystemApplicationUploadKeywords(ssh_subcloud_connection).system_application_upload(system_application_upload_input)
# Asserts that the uploading process concluded successfully.
system_application_object = system_application_upload_output.get_system_application_object()
assert system_application_object is not None, f"Expecting 'system_application_object' as not None, Observed: {system_application_object}"
assert system_application_object.get_name() == app_name, f"Expecting 'app_name' = {app_name}, Observed: {system_application_object.get_name()}"
assert (
system_application_object.get_status() == SystemApplicationStatusEnum.UPLOADED.value
), f"Expecting 'system_application_object.get_status()' = {SystemApplicationStatusEnum.UPLOADED.value}, Observed: {system_application_object.get_status()}"
# Step 7: Apply the custom app on the current subcloud.
# Executes the application installation. There is no need to change anything in the apply input object 'system_application_apply_input'.
system_application_apply_output = SystemApplicationApplyKeywords(ssh_subcloud_connection).system_application_apply(system_application_apply_input)
# Asserts that the applying process concluded successfully on the current subcloud.
system_application_object = system_application_apply_output.get_system_application_object()
assert system_application_object is not None, f"Expecting 'system_application_object' as not None, Observed: {system_application_object}."
assert system_application_object.get_name() == app_name, f"Expecting app_name = {app_name}, Observed: {system_application_object.get_name()}."
assert (
system_application_object.get_status() == SystemApplicationStatusEnum.APPLIED.value
), f"Expecting 'system_application_object.get_status()' = {SystemApplicationStatusEnum.APPLIED.value}, Observed: {system_application_object.get_status()}."
# Step 8: Clean the current subcloud.
# Remove (uninstall) the application on the current subcloud.
system_application_remove_input = SystemApplicationRemoveInput()
system_application_output = SystemApplicationRemoveKeywords(ssh_subcloud_connection).system_application_remove(system_application_remove_input)
assert (
system_application_output.get_system_application_object().get_status() == SystemApplicationStatusEnum.UPLOADED.value
), f"Expecting 'system_application_output.get_system_application_object().get_status()' = {SystemApplicationStatusEnum.UPLOADED.value}, Observed: {system_application_output.get_system_application_object().get_status()}."
# Deletes the application
system_application_delete_input = SystemApplicationDeleteInput()
delete_msg = SystemApplicationDeleteKeywords(ssh_subcloud_connection).get_system_application_delete(system_application_delete_input)
assert delete_msg == f"Application {app_name} deleted.\n", f"Expecting delete_msg = 'Application {app_name} deleted.\n', Observed: {delete_msg}."
def test_dc_swact_host(request):
Test host swact to verify if the subclouds remain in the 'managed' state even after a 'swact' occurs.
_ Gets the managed, online, and synchronized subcloud with the lowest id (the lowest subcloud).
_ Unmanages the lowest subcloud.
_ Check the other subclouds are managed and online.
Test Steps:
_ Swact the host.
_ Verify that the lowest subcloud are still unmanaged.
_ Verify that the other subclouds are still managed.
_ Reestablishes the 'managed' status on the lowest subcloud.
_ Reestablishes the active/standby host configuration.
get_logger().log_info("Starting 'test_dc_swact_host' test case.")
# Time in seconds for a subcloud to change its state from 'managed' to 'unmanaged' and vice versa.
change_state_timeout = 60
# Gets the SSH connection to the active controller of the central cloud.
ssh_connection = LabConnectionKeywords().get_active_controller_ssh()
# Gets the lowest subcloud (the subcloud with the lowest id).
get_logger().log_info("Obtaining subcloud with the lowest ID.")
dcmanager_subcloud_list_keywords = DcManagerSubcloudListKeywords(ssh_connection)
lowest_subcloud = dcmanager_subcloud_list_keywords.get_dcmanager_subcloud_list().get_healthy_subcloud_with_lowest_id()
get_logger().log_info(f"Subcloud with the lowest ID obtained: ID={lowest_subcloud.get_id()}, Name={lowest_subcloud.get_name()}, Management state={lowest_subcloud.get_management()}")
# Unmanages the lowest subcloud.
get_logger().log_info(f"Changing the management state of the subcloud {lowest_subcloud.get_name()}, which is the subcloud with the lowest ID, to 'unmanaged'.")
dcmanager_subcloud_unmanage_keywords = DcManagerSubcloudManagerKeywords(ssh_connection)
# Changes the state of lowest_subcloud to 'unmanaged' within a period of 'change_state_timeout'
dcmanager_subcloud_manage_output = dcmanager_subcloud_unmanage_keywords.get_dcmanager_subcloud_unmanage(lowest_subcloud.get_name(), change_state_timeout)
f"The management state of the subcloud {lowest_subcloud.get_name()} was changed to {dcmanager_subcloud_manage_output.get_dcmanager_subcloud_manage_object().get_management()}."
# Refreshes the variable representing 'lowest_subcloud'.
subcloud_id_filter = DcManagerSubcloudListObjectFilter()
lowest_subcloud = dcmanager_subcloud_list_keywords.get_dcmanager_subcloud_list().get_dcmanager_subcloud_list_objects_filtered(subcloud_id_filter)[0]
get_logger().log_info(f"The management state of the subcloud {lowest_subcloud.get_name()} was changed to '{lowest_subcloud.get_management()}'.")
# Tear Down function: reestablishes the 'managed' status on lowest subcloud.
def teardown_manage():
dcmanager_subcloud_manage_keywords = DcManagerSubcloudManagerKeywords(ssh_connection)
dcmanager_subcloud_manage_output = dcmanager_subcloud_manage_keywords.get_dcmanager_subcloud_manage(lowest_subcloud.get_name(), change_state_timeout)
f"The management state has been reestablished as {dcmanager_subcloud_manage_output.get_dcmanager_subcloud_manage_object().get_management()} on {lowest_subcloud.get_name()}"
# The teardown_manage function must be added at this point because the lowest_subcloud has just had its state changed to 'unmanaged'.
# Retrieves the managed subclouds before swact.
dcmanager_subcloud_list_filter = DcManagerSubcloudListObjectFilter.get_healthy_subcloud_filter()
managed_subclouds_before_swact = dcmanager_subcloud_list_keywords.get_dcmanager_subcloud_list().get_dcmanager_subcloud_list_objects_filtered(dcmanager_subcloud_list_filter)
# This test is finalized if there are no online, managed, and synchronized subclouds — that is, no healthy subclouds — on the central subcloud.
if len(managed_subclouds_before_swact) == 0:
message = f"There are no online, managed, and synchronized subclouds on {ssh_connection}. This test case will be finalized because it is intended, among other verifications, to check if the subclouds remain in the 'managed' state after the 'swact' operation."
# Registers the healthy subclouds in the log file.
for managed_subcloud_before_swact in managed_subclouds_before_swact:
get_logger().log_info(f"Management state of the subcloud {managed_subcloud_before_swact.get_name()} before swact operation: {managed_subcloud_before_swact.get_management()}.")
# Swact the host
system_host_list_keywords = SystemHostListKeywords(ssh_connection)
active_controller = system_host_list_keywords.get_active_controller()
standby_controller = system_host_list_keywords.get_standby_controller()
f"A 'swact' operation is about to be executed in {ssh_connection}. Current controllers' configuration before this operation: Active controller = {active_controller.get_host_name()}, Standby controller = {standby_controller.get_host_name()}."
system_host_swact_keywords = SystemHostSwactKeywords(ssh_connection)
swact_successfull = system_host_swact_keywords.wait_for_swact(active_controller, standby_controller)
# Gets the controllers after the execution of the swact operation.
active_controller_after_swact = system_host_list_keywords.get_active_controller()
standby_controller_after_swact = system_host_list_keywords.get_standby_controller()
# Verifies if the swact operation was successfully executed.
if not swact_successfull:
error_message = f"The swact operation failed to execute on {ssh_connection}. Current controllers' configuration before this operation: Active controller = {active_controller_after_swact.get_host_name()}, Standby controller = {standby_controller_after_swact.get_host_name()}. This test case will be finalized because, among other verifications, it is intended to check if the controllers are successfully interchanged after a 'swact' operation is successfully executed."
# Asserts that the swact was done as expected.
assert (
active_controller.get_id() == standby_controller_after_swact.get_id()
), f"The ID of the standby controller ({standby_controller_after_swact.get_id()}) after the execution of the 'swact' operation is not the same as the ID of the active controller ({active_controller.get_id()}) before that execution, as expected. It seems the 'swact' operation did not execute successfully."
assert (
standby_controller.get_id() == active_controller_after_swact.get_id()
), f"The ID of the active controller ({active_controller_after_swact.get_id()}) after the execution of the 'swact' operation is not the same as the ID of the standby controller ({standby_controller.get_id()}) before that execution, as expected. It seems the 'swact' operation did not execute successfully."
# Registers the controllers configuration in the log file.
f"The swact operation was successfully executed. Current controller's configuration: Previous active controller = {active_controller.get_host_name()}, Current active controller = {active_controller_after_swact.get_host_name()}, Previous standby controller = {standby_controller.get_host_name()}, Current standby controller = {standby_controller_after_swact.get_host_name()}."
# Tear Down function: reestablishes the active/standby host configuration.
def teardown_swact():
get_logger().log_info("Starting teardown_swact(). Reestablishing the previous active/standby configuration of the controllers.")
system_host_list_keyword = SystemHostListKeywords(ssh_connection)
active_controller_teardown_before_swact = system_host_list_keyword.get_active_controller()
standby_controller_teardown_before_swact = system_host_list_keyword.get_standby_controller()
f"Current controller's configuration: Active controller = {active_controller_teardown_before_swact.get_host_name()}, Standby controller = {standby_controller_teardown_before_swact.get_host_name()}."
system_host_swact_keywords_teardown = SystemHostSwactKeywords(ssh_connection)
swact_successfull = system_host_swact_keywords_teardown.wait_for_swact(active_controller_teardown_before_swact, standby_controller_teardown_before_swact)
active_controller_teardown_after_swact = system_host_list_keyword.get_active_controller()
standby_controller_teardown_after_swact = system_host_list_keyword.get_standby_controller()
current_conf_message = f"Current controllers' active/standby configuration after swact in teardown: Previous active controller = {active_controller_teardown_before_swact.get_host_name()}, Current active controller = {active_controller_teardown_after_swact}, Previous standby controller = {standby_controller_teardown_before_swact.get_host_name()}, Current standby controller = {standby_controller_teardown_after_swact.get_host_name()}."
if swact_successfull:
message = f"The reestablishment of the active/standby controllers' configuration was successful. {current_conf_message}"
error_message = f"The reestablishment of the active/standby controllers' configuration failed. If it is desired to reestablish that configuration, the 'system host-swact <active host name>' command will need to be executed manually. {current_conf_message}"
# The teardown_manage function must be added at this point because the 'swact' operation has just been executed.
# Retrieves the managed subclouds after swact.
managed_subclouds_after_swact = dcmanager_subcloud_list_keywords.get_dcmanager_subcloud_list().get_dcmanager_subcloud_list_objects_filtered(dcmanager_subcloud_list_filter)
# Asserts that the lowest subcloud is unmanaged.
dcmanager_subcloud_list_filter = DcManagerSubcloudListObjectFilter()
lowest_subcloud_after_swact = dcmanager_subcloud_list_keywords.get_dcmanager_subcloud_list().get_dcmanager_subcloud_list_objects_filtered(dcmanager_subcloud_list_filter)[0]
assert (
lowest_subcloud_after_swact.get_management() == 'unmanaged'
), f"The management state of subcloud {lowest_subcloud} is not 'unmanaged', as expected. Current management state of subcloud {lowest_subcloud}: '{lowest_subcloud.get_management()}'."
# Registers the management state of lowest_subcloud in the log file.
f"Management state of the subcloud with lowest id before 'swact' operation: {lowest_subcloud.get_management()}. Management state of the subcloud with lowest id after 'swact' operation: {lowest_subcloud_after_swact.get_management()}."
# Asserts that the subclouds in subcloud_before_swact are the same as the subclouds in subcloud_after_swact, and
# that all these subclouds are in 'managed' status.
for subcloud_before_swact in managed_subclouds_before_swact:
subcloud_after_swact = next((subcloud for subcloud in managed_subclouds_after_swact if subcloud.get_id() == subcloud_before_swact.get_id()), None)
assert subcloud_after_swact is not None
assert subcloud_after_swact.get_management() == 'managed'
f"Management state of subcloud {subcloud_before_swact.get_name()} before 'swact' operation: {subcloud_before_swact.get_management()}. Management state of subcloud {subcloud_after_swact.get_name()} after 'swact' operation: {subcloud_after_swact.get_management()}."
get_logger().log_info("Completed the 'test_dc_swact_host' test case.")
def test_dc_system_health_pre_session():
Test the health of the DC System to guarantee the following requirements in the central cloud and in the subclouds:
_ Application 'platform-integ-apps' is in 'applied' status.
_ No alarms are present.
_ The health of Kubernetes pods.
_ Defines a reference to 'platform-integ-apps' app name.
_ Defines a list of opened SSH connections to the central cloud and to the subclouds.
_ For each SSH connection to a subcloud or to the central cloud in the list:
_ Asserts the status of the 'platform-integ-apps' application is 'applied'
_ Asserts that no alarms are present.
_ Assert the Kubernetes pods are healthy.
_ Not required.
# The application 'platform-integ-apps' is responsible for the installation, management, and integration
# of essential platform applications running on the underlying infrastructure. It must be in 'applied' status.
platform_app = 'platform-integ-apps'
# List of DC system SSH connections.
ssh_connections = []
# Opens an SSH session to the active controller.
ssh_connection_active_controller = LabConnectionKeywords().get_active_controller_ssh()
# Retrieves the subclouds. Considers only subclouds that are online, managed, deploy complete, and synchronized.
dcmanager_subcloud_list_object_filter = DcManagerSubcloudListObjectFilter().get_healthy_subcloud_filter()
dcmanager_subcloud_list_keywords = DcManagerSubcloudListKeywords(ssh_connection_active_controller)
dcmanager_subcloud_list = dcmanager_subcloud_list_keywords.get_dcmanager_subcloud_list()
dcmanager_subcloud_list_objects_filtered = dcmanager_subcloud_list.get_dcmanager_subcloud_list_objects_filtered(dcmanager_subcloud_list_object_filter)
# Adds the central subcloud SSH connection to the list of SSH connections.
# Adds the subcloud SSH connection to the list of SSH connections.
for subcloud in dcmanager_subcloud_list_objects_filtered:
for ssh_connection in ssh_connections:
# Asserts the status of the <platform_app> application in the current SSH connection is 'applied',
# provided the subcloud or central cloud has storage backends.
system_storage_backend_keywords = SystemStorageBackendKeywords(ssh_connection)
system_storage_backends = system_storage_backend_keywords.get_system_storage_backend_list().get_system_storage_backends()
if len(system_storage_backends) != 0:
system_application_list_keywords = SystemApplicationListKeywords(ssh_connection)
app_status = system_application_list_keywords.get_system_application_list().get_application(platform_app).get_status()
assert app_status == 'applied', f"The status of application '{platform_app}' is not 'applied'. Current status: {app_status}."
# Asserts that no alarms are present
alarm_list_keywords = AlarmListKeywords(ssh_connection)
# If this test case executed the line above with no exception, all alarms were cleared.
kubectl_get_pods_keywords = KubectlGetPodsKeywords(ssh_connection)
# If this test case executed the line above with no exception, all the pods are "Running".
def test_dc_unmanage_manage_subclouds(request):
Test unmanage/manage the subcloud with the lowest ID.
Note: It could be any subcloud. In particular, the subcloud with the lowest ID was chosen in this test case.
_ Ensure the subcloud is managed.
Test Steps:
_ Unmanage the subcloud with the lowest ID (it could be any).
_ Manage the subcloud chosen above.
_ Manage the unmanaged subcloud.
# The maximum time in seconds to wait for the subcloud to change its state from managed to unmanaged and vice versa.
change_state_timeout = 10
get_logger().log_info(f"This test case will wait for each subcloud changing its 'management' state for {change_state_timeout} seconds.")
# Gets the SSH connection to the active controller of the central subcloud.
ssh_connection = LabConnectionKeywords().get_active_controller_ssh()
get_logger().log_info(f"SSH connection to central subcloud: '{ssh_connection}'")
# This test case gets the subcloud with the lowest ID to check the unmanage/manage functionality. It could be any.
dcmanager_subcloud_list_keywords = DcManagerSubcloudListKeywords(ssh_connection)
dcmanager_subcloud_list = dcmanager_subcloud_list_keywords.get_dcmanager_subcloud_list()
subcloud = dcmanager_subcloud_list.get_healthy_subcloud_with_lowest_id()
subcloud_name = subcloud.get_name()
get_logger().log_info(f"The subcloud with the lowest ID will be considered in this test case. There is no special reason for that. It could be any subcloud. Subcloud chosen: name = {subcloud.get_name()}, ID = {subcloud.get_id()}.")
# Object responsible for set the subclouds to 'managed'/'unmanaged' management state.
dcmanager_subcloud_manage_keywords = DcManagerSubcloudManagerKeywords(ssh_connection)
def teardown():
# Reestablishes the original management state of the subcloud, if necessary.
teardown_dcmanager_subcloud_list_keywords = DcManagerSubcloudListKeywords(ssh_connection)
teardown_dcmanager_subcloud_list = teardown_dcmanager_subcloud_list_keywords.get_dcmanager_subcloud_list()
teardown_subcloud = teardown_dcmanager_subcloud_list.get_subcloud_by_name(subcloud_name)
if teardown_subcloud.get_management() == 'unmanaged':
dcmanager_subcloud_manage_keywords.get_dcmanager_subcloud_manage(teardown_subcloud.get_name(), change_state_timeout)
get_logger().log_info(f"Teardown: The original management state of the subcloud '{teardown_subcloud.get_name()}' was reestablished to '{teardown_subcloud.get_management()}'.")
get_logger().log_info(f"Teardown: There's no need to reestablish the original management state of the subcloud '{teardown_subcloud.get_name()}', as it is already in the 'managed' state. Current management state: '{teardown_subcloud.get_management()}'")
get_logger().log_info(f"Starting the first step of this test case: 'Unmanage the subcloud'. Subcloud: {subcloud.get_name()}")
# Tries to change the state of the subcloud to 'unmanaged' and waits for it for 'change_state_timeout' seconds.
dcmanager_subcloud_manage_output = dcmanager_subcloud_manage_keywords.get_dcmanager_subcloud_unmanage(subcloud.get_name(), change_state_timeout)
assert dcmanager_subcloud_manage_output.get_dcmanager_subcloud_manage_object().get_management() == 'unmanaged', f"It was not possible to change the management state of the subcloud {subcloud.get_name()} to 'unmanaged'."
get_logger().log_info(f"Subcloud '{subcloud.get_name()}' had its management state changed to 'unmanaged' successfully.")
get_logger().log_info("The first step of this test case is concluded.")
get_logger().log_info(f"Starting the second step of this test case: 'Manage the subcloud'. Subcloud: {subcloud.get_name()}")
# Tries to change the state of the subcloud to 'managed' and waits for it for 'change_state_timeout' seconds.
dcmanager_subcloud_manage_output = dcmanager_subcloud_manage_keywords.get_dcmanager_subcloud_manage(subcloud.get_name(), change_state_timeout)
assert dcmanager_subcloud_manage_output.get_dcmanager_subcloud_manage_object().get_management() == 'managed', f"It was not possible to change the management state of the subcloud {subcloud.get_name()} to 'managed'."
get_logger().log_info(f"Subcloud '{subcloud.get_name()}' had its management state changed to 'managed' successfully.")
get_logger().log_info("The second and last step of this test case is concluded.")
def test_dc_central_lock_unlock_host(request):
Verify lock/unlock of hosts (standby and compute hosts).
Test Steps:
- Retrieve the standby controller.
- Lock standby controller and ensure it is successfully locked.
- Unlock standby controller and ensure it is successfully unlocked.
# Gets the SSH connection to the active controller.
ssh_connection = LabConnectionKeywords().get_active_controller_ssh()
get_logger().log_info(f"SSH connection to active controller: {ssh_connection}.")
# Gets the standby controller (represented by a SystemHostObject instance).
standby_controller = SystemHostListKeywords(ssh_connection).get_standby_controller()
get_logger().log_info(f"Standby controller retrieved. ID: {standby_controller.get_id()}.")
# Gets the host name of the standby controller.
standby_host_name = standby_controller.get_host_name()
get_logger().log_info(f"Standby controller's name: {standby_host_name}.")
# Gets the object responsible for lock/unlock the hosts under test.
system_host_lock_keywords = SystemHostLockKeywords(ssh_connection)
def teardown():
# Unlocks the standby host if it was locked in this test but not unlocked.
if system_host_lock_keywords.is_host_locked(standby_host_name):
get_logger().log_error(f"Teardown: The host {standby_host_name} was successfully unlocked.")
get_logger().log_info(f"Teardown: It was not necessary to unlock the host {standby_host_name}.")
# Tries to lock the standby host.
get_logger().log_info(f"The host {standby_host_name} will be set to the 'locked' state.")
assert system_host_lock_keywords.is_host_locked(standby_host_name), f"It was not possible to lock the host {standby_host_name}."
get_logger().log_info(f"The host {standby_host_name} was successfully set to 'locked' state.")
# Tries to unlock the standby host.
get_logger().log_info(f"The host {standby_host_name} will be set to 'unlocked' state.")
assert system_host_lock_keywords.is_host_unlocked(standby_host_name), f"It was not possible to unlock the host {standby_host_name}."
get_logger().log_info(f"The host {standby_host_name} was successfully set to 'unlocked' state.")
def test_dc_central_compute_lock_unlock(request):
Verify lock/unlock of 'Compute' type node in the Central controller.
Test Steps:
- Retrieves 'Compute' type node instance.
- Locks the node and ensure it is successfully locked.
- Unlocks the node and ensure it is successfully unlocked.
# Gets the SSH connection to the active controller.
ssh_connection = LabConnectionKeywords().get_active_controller_ssh()
get_logger().log_info(f"SSH connection to active controller: {ssh_connection}.")
# Gets the object responsible for lock/unlock the hosts under test.
system_host_lock_keywords = SystemHostLockKeywords(ssh_connection)
# Gets the first 'Compute' node.
lab_config = ConfigurationManager.get_lab_config()
computes = lab_config.get_computes()
assert len(computes) > 0, "This Central Controller has no nodes of type 'Compute'."
compute: Node = computes[0]
compute_name = compute.get_name()
def teardown():
# Unlocks the 'Compute' Node if it was locked in this test but not unlocked.
if system_host_lock_keywords.is_host_locked(compute_name):
get_logger().log_error(f"Teardown: The 'Compute' node {compute_name} was successfully unlocked.")
get_logger().log_info(f"Teardown: It was not necessary to unlock the 'Compute' node {compute_name}.")
# Tries to lock the 'Compute' node.
get_logger().log_info(f"The 'Compute' node {compute_name} will be set to the 'locked' state.")
assert system_host_lock_keywords.is_host_locked(
compute_name), f"It was not possible to lock the 'Compute' node {compute_name}."
get_logger().log_info(f"The 'Compute' node {compute_name} was successfully set to 'locked' state.")
# Tries to unlock the 'Compute' node.
get_logger().log_info(f"The 'Compute' node {compute_name} will be set to 'unlocked' state.")
assert system_host_lock_keywords.is_host_unlocked(
compute_name), f"It was not possible to unlock the 'Compute' node {compute_name}."
get_logger().log_info(f"The 'Compute' node {compute_name} was successfully set to 'unlocked' state.") |