Fresh start for the StarlingX automation framework. Change-Id: Ie265e0791024f45f71faad6315c2b91b022934d1
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420 lines
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import codecs
import time
from typing import List
import paramiko
from config.host.objects.host_configuration import HostConfiguration
from framework.logging.automation_logger import get_logger
from framework.ssh.prompt_response import PromptResponse
from framework.threading.thread_manager import ThreadManager
from paramiko.client import SSHClient
from paramiko.sftp_client import SFTPClient
class SSHConnection:
This class holds information and actions for an ssh connection
def __init__(
name: str,
host: str,
user: str,
password: str,
timeout: int = 30,
ssh_port: int = 22,
jump_host: HostConfiguration = None,
Initialization of ssh connection
name: the name of the connection
host: the host of the connection
user: the user to connect with
password: the password
timeout: Amount of time to wait for the connection to the lab
jump_host: the configuration of the jump host if it's needed
self.client = SSHClient()
self.name = name
self.host = host
self.user = user
self.password = password
self.timeout = timeout
self.ssh_port = ssh_port
self.jump_host = jump_host
self.is_connected = False
self.last_return_code = None # The last Return Code
def _connect_to_jump_host(self, allow_agent=True, look_for_keys=True):
This function will connect to the jump_host
allow_agent: connect to SSH agent (Paramiko arg). True by default
look_for_keys: Re-use saved private keys. (Paramiko arg).
Returns: None
host = self.jump_host.get_host()
user_name = self.jump_host.get_credentials().get_user_name()
password = self.jump_host.get_credentials().get_password()
jump_host_ssh_port = self.jump_host.get_ssh_port()
except BaseException as exception:
get_logger().log_error(f"Failed to Connect to Jump-Host {host} with username/password =" f" {user_name}/{password} with timeout {self.timeout}s")
get_logger().log_error(f"Exception: {exception}")
raise BaseException("Failed to connect to Jump-Host")
def connect(self, allow_agent=True, look_for_keys=True) -> bool:
Creates a connection
allow_agent: connect to SSH agent (Paramiko arg). True by default
look_for_keys: Re-use saved private keys. (Paramiko arg).
Returns: True if the connection was successful, false otherwise.
is_connection_success = True
sock = None
# if a jump host is configured, create that connection first
if self.jump_host:
self._connect_to_jump_host(allow_agent, look_for_keys)
sock = self.client.get_transport().open_channel("direct-tcpip", (self.host, self.ssh_port), ('', 0), timeout=self.timeout)
self.is_connected = True
except BaseException as exception:
get_logger().log_error(f"Failed to Connect to host {self.host} with username/password =" f" {self.user}/{self.password} with timeout {self.timeout}s")
get_logger().log_error(f"Exception: {exception}")
is_connection_success = False
# connection failed but if a jump host is used, we may still have that connection. Reset the client object
self.client = SSHClient()
self.is_connected = False
return is_connection_success
def send(self, cmd: str, reconnect_timeout: int = 600) -> str:
Sends a command and returns the output. Waits for the reconnect timeout in case of ssh disconnects
cmd (): the cmd to send
reconnect_timeout (): the amount of time in secs to wait for ssh connection
Returns: the output of the command
return self._execute_command("SEND", cmd, reconnect_timeout=reconnect_timeout)
def send_as_sudo(self, cmd: str, reconnect_timeout: int = 600) -> str:
Sends a command using sudo and returns the output. Waits for the reconnect timeout in case of ssh disconnects
cmd (): the cmd to send
reconnect_timeout (): the amount of time in secs to wait for ssh connection
Returns: the output of the command
return self._execute_command("SEND_SUDO", cmd, reconnect_timeout=reconnect_timeout)
def send_expect_prompts(self, cmd: str, prompts: List[PromptResponse], reconnect_timeout: int = 600) -> str:
Sends a command, waits for prompts and returns the output. Wait for the reconnect timeout in case of ssh disconnects
cmd (): the cmd to send
prompts: the prompts to expect
reconnect_timeout (): the amount of time in secs to wait for ssh connection
Returns: the output of the command
return self._execute_command("SEND_EXPECT_PROMPTS", cmd, prompts=prompts, reconnect_timeout=reconnect_timeout)
def _execute_command(
action: str,
cmd: str,
reconnect_timeout: int = 600,
prompts: List[PromptResponse] = None,
) -> str:
Executes the given action with the given command. Waits for reconnect timeout for ssh connection
action (): the actions ex. SEND, SEND_SUDO, SEND_EXPECT_PROMPTS
cmd (): the cmd to run
reconnect_timeout (): the time to wait for ssh connection
prompts (): expected prompts if any
Returns:the output of the command
timeout = time.time() + reconnect_timeout
refresh_timeout = 5
while time.time() < timeout:
if not self.is_connected:
thread_manager = ThreadManager(timeout=reconnect_timeout / 10)
if action == 'SEND':
thread_manager.start_thread("SSH_Command", self._send, cmd)
elif action == 'SEND_SUDO':
thread_manager.start_thread("SSH_Command", self._send_as_sudo, cmd)
elif action == 'SEND_EXPECT_PROMPTS':
thread_manager.start_thread("SSH_Command", self._send_expect_prompts, cmd, prompts)
raise ValueError(f"{action} is not a supported command for an SSHConnection.")
output = thread_manager.get_thread_object("SSH_Command").get_result()
return output
except Exception as e:
get_logger().log_info(f"SSH command failed to execute. Reconnecting and trying again in {refresh_timeout} seconds. " f"Exception: {str(e)}")
self.is_connected = False
def _send(self, cmd: str, timeout: int = 30) -> str:
Sends the given cmd with the given timeout
cmd: the command to send
timeout: the timeout
Returns: the output
stdin, stdout, stderr = self.client.exec_command(cmd, timeout=timeout)
self.last_return_code = stdout.channel.recv_exit_status()
output = stdout.readlines()
for line in output:
clean_line = line.rstrip('\n')
return output
def _send_as_sudo(self, cmd: str) -> str:
This function will send the command specified as sudo and answer the password prompt.
cmd: The command to be executed. "sudo cmd"
Returns (str): The output of the command.
# Deliberately skipping the "P" in the password as some prompts have
# different cases
sudo_password_prompt = PromptResponse("assword", self.password)
sudo_completed = PromptResponse("@")
sudo_prompts = [sudo_password_prompt, sudo_completed]
return self.send_expect_prompts("sudo {}".format(cmd), sudo_prompts)
def _send_expect_prompts(self, cmd: str, prompts: List[PromptResponse], timeout: int = 30) -> str:
This function will send the cmd specified and wait for the specified prompts in order.
cmd (str): The command to execute
prompts (list[PromptResponse]): An ordered list of prompts that we expect and the
associated responses
timeout (int): Timeout waiting for the output of our command
Returns (str): The SSH output generated before the last prompt.
If there are intermediate prompts, it will return the output between the
last two prompts
if not prompts or len(prompts) < 1:
raise ValueError("You must specify a list with at least one prompt to call this " "function. Otherwise, please call 'send' instead.")
# Open up a channel to control the SSH connection and send the command.
channel = self.client.invoke_shell()
self.__send_in_channel(channel, cmd)
# Keep going until we have matched every prompt in order
# Or we timeout from receiving output from the ssh connection
for prompt in prompts:
is_prompt_match = False
output_since_last_prompt = ""
while not is_prompt_match:
# Read the response from the server.
code, output_buffer = self.__read_from_channel(channel, timeout)
if code != 0:
print("Failed to match prompt of {}".format(prompt.get_prompt_substring()))
# Log the current console output.
print(output_buffer, end="")
# Add the currently read buffer to the output
output_since_last_prompt += output_buffer
is_prompt_match = prompt.get_prompt_substring() in output_since_last_prompt
# If we match the prompt, send the associated response if any.
if is_prompt_match and prompt.get_prompt_response():
self.__send_in_channel(channel, prompt.get_prompt_response())
complete_output = prompts[-1].get_complete_output()
# output is a long string, break into list using line breaks but add back the line break as it's needed
# for table parsing
output_list = [line + '\n' for line in complete_output.split('\n') if line]
return output_list
def __send_in_channel(self, ssh_channel, cmd: str):
Given a channel that was opened via self.client.invoke_shell(), this function
will send the 'cmd' specified to the channel.
ssh_channel: The ssh channel obtained from self.client.invoke_shell()
cmd: The command to send through the channel.
Returns: None
while not ssh_channel.send_ready():
time.sleep(0.009) # Avoid spamming the channel. Value taken from paramiko-expect.
def __read_from_channel(self, ssh_channel, timeout: int) -> (int, str):
Given a channel that was opened via self.client.invoke_shell(), this function
will read data returned from the channel.
ssh_channel: The ssh channel obtained from self.client.invoke_shell()
timeout (int): The amount of time in seconds to wait for a response from the channel.
Returns (int, str): Tuple(Return Code, Channel String Output)
---- Return Code; 0 is Success, -1 is timeout of connection closed.
---- String output sent from the channel.
# Setup Variables
decoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder("utf-8")()
base_time = time.time()
# Avoids paramiko hang when recv is not ready yet
while not ssh_channel.recv_ready():
time.sleep(0.009) # Avoid spamming the channel. Value taken from paramiko-expect.
if time.time() >= (base_time + timeout):
print('Timeout Exceeded waiting for SSH output to return: {}s'.format(timeout))
return -1, "Timeout Exceeded"
# Read some of the output
current_buffer = ssh_channel.recv(1024)
# If we have an empty buffer, then the SSH session has been closed
if len(current_buffer) == 0:
print('SSH Connection has been closed')
return -1, "Connection has been closed"
# Convert the buffer to our chosen encoding
current_buffer_decoded = decoder.decode(current_buffer)
# Strip all ugly \r (Ctrl-M making) characters from the current read
current_buffer_decoded = current_buffer_decoded.replace('\r', '')
return 0, current_buffer_decoded
def get_return_code(self) -> str:
This function will return the last return code captured by this SSH connection.
Returns: the last return code captured by this SSH connection.
return self.last_return_code
def close(self):
Closes the connection
def get_name(self) -> str:
Getter for the name
Returns: the name
return self.name
def get_sftp_client(self, reconnect_timeout: int = 600) -> SFTPClient:
Getter for sftp client for us in file operations
reconnect_timeout (): the reconnect timeout
Returns: the sftp_client
timeout = time.time() + reconnect_timeout
refresh_timeout = 5
sftp_client: SFTPClient = None
while time.time() < timeout:
if not self.is_connected:
sftp_client = self.client.open_sftp()
if sftp_client:
return sftp_client
raise "SFTP Client was None" # should be caught in the except block which tries to reconnect
except Exception as e:
get_logger().log_info(f"Failed to get sftp client. Reconnecting and trying again in {refresh_timeout} seconds. " f"Exception: {str(e)}")
self.is_connected = False
return sftp_client
def __str__(self):
Overwrites the default string representation.
Returns: String representation of this connection.
return f"ssh_con:{self.name}"