Modify README document to keep the same as Build Guide. Story: 2005440 Task: 30482 Change-Id: I445d3e8dcf7c6ed3edea688a591c8534e955ca13 Signed-off-by: hutianhao <hu.tianhao@99cloud.net>
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377 lines
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StarlingX Build Tools
The StarlingX build process is tightly tied to CentOS in a number of
ways, doing the build inside a Docker container makes this much easier
on other flavors of Linux. Basically, the StarlingX ISO image creation
flow involves the following general steps.
1. Build the StarlingX docker image.
2. Package mirror creation.
3. Build packages/ISO creation.
Build the Starlingx docker image
StarlingX docker image handles all steps related to StarlingX ISO
creation. This section describes how to customize the docker image
building process.
Container build image customization
You can start by customizing values for the StarlingX docker image
build process. There are a pair of useful files that help to do this.
- ``buildrc``
- ``localrc``
The ``buildrc`` file is a shell script that is used to set the default
configuration values. It is contained in the tbuilder repo and should
not need to be modified by users as it reads a ``localrc`` file that
will not be overwritten by tbuilder updates. This is where users should
alter the default settings. This is a sample of a ``localrc`` file:
.. code-block:: bash
# tbuilder localrc
MYUNAME=<your user name>
This project contains a Makefile that can be used to automate the build
lifecycle of a container. The Makefile will read the contents of the
``buildrc`` file.
StarlingX Builder container image are tied to your UID so image names
should include your username.
Build image
Once the configuration files have been customized, it is possible to build
the docker image. This process is automated by the ``tb.sh`` script.
.. code-block:: bash
./tb.sh create
- Do NOT change the UID to be different from the one you have on your
host or things will go poorly. i.e. do not change
``--build-arg MYUID=$(id -u)``
- The Dockerfile needs MYUID and MYUNAME defined, the rest of the
configuration is copied in via buildrc/localrc.
Package mirror creation
Once the StarlingX docker image has been built, you must create a mirror
before creating the ISO image. Basically, a mirror is a directory that
contains a series of packages. The packages are organized to be consumed
by the ISO creation scripts.
The ``HOST_MIRROR_DIR`` variable provides the path to the mirror. The
``buildrc`` file sets the value of this variable unless the ``localrc``
file has modified it.
The mirror creation involves a set of scripts and configuration files
required to download a group of RPMs, SRPMs, source code packages and
so forth. These tools live inside ``centos-mirror-tools`` directory.
.. code-block :: bash
$ cd centos-mirror-tools
All items included in this directory must be visble inside the container
environment. Then the container shall be run from the same directory where
these tools are stored. Basically, we run a container with the previously
created StarlingX docker image, using the following configuration:
.. code-block :: bash
$ docker run -it -v $(pwd):/localdisk <your_docker_image_name>:<your_image_version> bash
As ``/localdisk`` is defined as the workdir of the container, the same
folder name should be used to define the volume. The container will
start to run and populate ``logs`` and ``output`` folders in this
Download packages
Inside the Docker container, enter the following commands to download
the required packages to populate the CentOS mirror repository:
.. code-block :: bash
$ cd localdisk && bash download_mirror.sh
Monitor the download of packages until it is complete. When the download
is complete, the following message appears:
.. code-block :: bash
totally 17 files are downloaded!
step #3: done successfully
IMPORTANT: The following 3 files are just bootstrap versions. Based on them, the workable images
for StarlingX could be generated by running "update-pxe-network-installer" command after "build-iso"
- out/stx-r1/CentOS/pike/Binary/LiveOS/squashfs.img
- out/stx-r1/CentOS/pike/Binary/images/pxeboot/initrd.img
- out/stx-r1/CentOS/pike/Binary/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz
Verify packages
Verify no missing or failed packages exist:
.. code-block :: bash
$ cat logs/*_missing_*.log
$ cat logs/*_failmove_*.log
In case missing or failed packages do exist, which is usually caused by
network instability (or timeout), you need to download the packages
Doing so assures you get all RPMs listed in
Copy the files to the mirror
After all downloads are complete, copy the downloaded files to mirror.
.. code-block :: bash
$ find ./output -name "*.i686.rpm" | xargs rm -f
$ chown 751:751 -R ./output
$ cp -rf output/stx-r1/ <your_mirror_folder>/
In this case, ``<your_mirror_folder>`` can be whatever folder you want to
use as mirror.
Tweaks in the StarlingX build system.
NOTE: You do not need to do the following step if you've synced the latest codebase.
Go into the StarlingX build system (i.e. *another* container that hosts the
cgcs build system) and perform the following steps:
Build packages/ISO creation
StarlingX ISO image creation required some customized packages. In this step,
a set of patches and customizations are applied to the source code to create
the RPM packages. We have an script called ``tb.sh`` that helps with
the process.
The ``tb.sh`` script is used to manage the run/stop lifecycle of working
containers. Copy it to somewhere on your ``PATH``, say ``$HOME/bin`` if
you have one, or maybe ``/usr/local/bin``.
The basic workflow is to create a working directory for a particular
build, say a specific branch or whatever. Copy the ``buildrc`` file from
the tbuilder repo to your work directory and create a ``localrc`` if you
need one. The current working directory is assumed to be this work
directory for all ``tb.sh`` commands. You switch projects by switching
By default ``LOCALDISK`` will be placed under the directory pointed to
by ``HOST_PREFIX``, which defaults to ``$HOME/starlingx``.
The ``tb.sh`` script uses sub-commands to select the operation: \*
``run`` - Runs the container in a shell. It will also create
``LOCALDISK`` if it does not exist. \* ``stop`` - Kills the running
shell. \* ``exec`` - Starts a shell inside the container.
You should name your running container with your username. tbuilder does
this automatically using the ``USER`` environment variable.
``tb.sh run`` will create ``LOCALDISK`` if it does not already exist
before starting the container.
Set the mirror directory to the shared mirror pointed to by
``HOST_MIRROR_DIR``. The mirror is LARGE, if you are on a shared machine
use the shared mirror. For example you could set the default value for
``HOST_MIRROR_DIR`` to ``/home/starlingx/mirror`` and share it.
Running the Container
Start the builder container:
.. code-block:: bash
tb.sh run
or by hand:
.. code-block:: bash
docker run -it --rm \
--detach \
-v ${HOST_MIRROR_DIR}:/import/mirrors:ro \
-v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro \
-v ~/.ssh:/mySSH:ro \
-e "container=docker" \
--security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
Running a Shell Inside the Container
Since running the container does not return to a shell prompt the exec
into the container must be done from a different shell:
.. code-block:: bash
tb.sh exec
or by hand:
.. code-block:: bash
docker exec -it --user=${MYUNAME} ${USER}-centos-builder bash
- The above will reusult in a running container in systemd mode. It
will have NO login.
- I tend to use tmux to keep a group of shells related to the build
- ``--user=${USER}`` is the default username, set ``MYUNAME`` in
``buildrc`` to change it.
Stop the Container
.. code-block:: bash
tb.sh stop
or by hand:
.. code-block:: bash
docker kill ${USER}-centos-builder
What to do to build from WITHIN the container
To make git cloning less painful
.. code-block:: bash
$ eval $(ssh-agent)
$ ssh-add
To start a fresh source tree
Initialize the source tree.
.. code-block:: bash
repo init -u https://opendev.org/starlingx/manifest.git -m default.xml
repo sync
To generate cgcs-centos-repo
The cgcs-centos-repo is a set of symbolic links to the packages in the
mirror and the mock configuration file. It is needed to create these
links if this is the first build or the mirror has been updated.
.. code-block:: bash
generate-cgcs-centos-repo.sh /import/mirrors/CentOS/pike
Where the argument to the script is the path of the mirror.
To build all packages:
.. code-block:: bash
$ cd $MY_REPO
$ build-pkgs or build-pkgs --clean <pkglist>; build-pkgs <pkglist>
To generate cgcs-tis-repo:
The cgcs-tis-repo has the dependency information that sequences the
build order; To generate or update the information the following command
needs to be executed after building modified or new packages.
.. code-block:: bash
$ generate-cgcs-tis-repo
To make an iso:
.. code-block:: bash
$ build-iso
First time build
The entire project builds as a bootable image which means that the
resulting ISO needs the boot files (initrd, vmlinuz, etc) that are also
built by this build system. The symptom of this issue is that even if
the build is successful, the ISO will be unable to boot.
For more specific instructions on how to solve this issue, please the
README on ``installer`` folder in ``metal`` repository.
- Due to a lack of full udev support in the current build container,
you need to do the following:
.. code-block:: bash
$ cd $MY_REPO
$ rm build-tools/update-efiboot-image
$ ln -s /usr/local/bin/update-efiboot-image $MY_REPO/build-tools/update-efiboot-image
- if you see complaints about udisksctl not being able to setup the
loop device or not being able to mount it, you need to make sure the
build-tools/update-efiboot-image is linked to the one in
- if you see:
.. code-block:: bash
Unit tmp.mount is bound to inactive unit dev-sdi2.device. Stopping, too.
- it's a docker bug. just kill the container and restart the it using a
different name.
- I usually switch between -centos-builder and -centos-builder2.
It's some kind of timeout (bind?) issue.