chenyan a539b771cf Fix StringIO and ConfigParser import issue for Python2/3 compatible code.
Use io.StringIO to replace StringIO.StringIO, and use unicode as StringIO()
  can only handle unicode strings.

Story: 2003429
Task: 24618

Change-Id: Ie2ced7bba00d11b1698422cbe495abc0fbab7637
Signed-off-by: chenyan <yan.chen@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Sun Austin <austin.sun@intel.com>
2018-09-07 10:36:01 +08:00

125 lines
3.5 KiB

Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Wind River Systems, Inc.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import os
from six.moves import configparser
import io
import logging
import socket
import cgcs_patch.utils as utils
import cgcs_patch.constants as constants
import tsconfig.tsconfig as tsc
controller_mcast_group = None
agent_mcast_group = None
controller_port = 0
agent_port = 0
api_port = 0
mgmt_if = None
nodetype = None
platform_conf_mtime = 0
patching_conf_mtime = 0
patching_conf = '/etc/patching/patching.conf'
def read_config():
global patching_conf_mtime
global patching_conf
if patching_conf_mtime == os.stat(patching_conf).st_mtime:
# The file has not changed since it was last read
defaults = {
'controller_mcast_group': "",
'agent_mcast_group': "",
'api_port': "5487",
'controller_port': "5488",
'agent_port': "5489",
global controller_mcast_group
global agent_mcast_group
global api_port
global controller_port
global agent_port
config = configparser.SafeConfigParser(defaults)
patching_conf_mtime = os.stat(patching_conf).st_mtime
controller_mcast_group = config.get('runtime',
agent_mcast_group = config.get('runtime', 'agent_multicast')
api_port = config.getint('runtime', 'api_port')
controller_port = config.getint('runtime', 'controller_port')
agent_port = config.getint('runtime', 'agent_port')
# The platform.conf file has no section headers, which causes problems
# for ConfigParser. So we'll fake it out.
ini_str = u'[platform_conf]\n' + open(tsc.PLATFORM_CONF_FILE, 'r').read()
ini_fp = io.StringIO(ini_str)
value = config.get('platform_conf', 'nodetype')
global nodetype
nodetype = value
except configparser.Error:
logging.exception("Failed to read nodetype from config")
return False
def get_mgmt_ip():
# Check if initial config is complete
if not os.path.exists('/etc/platform/.initial_config_complete'):
return None
mgmt_hostname = socket.gethostname()
return utils.gethostbyname(mgmt_hostname)
# Because the patching daemons are launched before manifests are
# applied, the content of some settings in platform.conf can change,
# such as the management interface. As such, we can't just directly
# use tsc.management_interface
def get_mgmt_iface():
# Check if initial config is complete
if not os.path.exists(constants.INITIAL_CONFIG_COMPLETE_FLAG):
return None
global mgmt_if
global platform_conf_mtime
if mgmt_if is not None and \
platform_conf_mtime == os.stat(tsc.PLATFORM_CONF_FILE).st_mtime:
# The platform.conf file hasn't been modified since we read it,
# so return the cached value.
return mgmt_if
config = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
# The platform.conf file has no section headers, which causes problems
# for ConfigParser. So we'll fake it out.
ini_str = u'[platform_conf]\n' + open(tsc.PLATFORM_CONF_FILE, 'r').read()
ini_fp = io.StringIO(ini_str)
value = config.get('platform_conf', 'management_interface')
global nodetype
mgmt_if = value
platform_conf_mtime = os.stat(tsc.PLATFORM_CONF_FILE).st_mtime
except configparser.Error:
logging.exception("Failed to read management_interface from config")
return None
return mgmt_if