Merge "Select most requested when equivalent scores"

This commit is contained in:
Jenkins 2014-03-28 08:02:34 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit cc1c99c791

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@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ def conflict_scorer(versioned):
return score
def find_best_match(versioned, scorer_func):
def find_best_match(versioned, counts, scorer_func):
"""Iterates over all combinations of the given version and comparator in
the provided lists and finds the one with the best score (closest to zero
with the maximum number of elements).
@ -178,6 +178,8 @@ def find_best_match(versioned, scorer_func):
scored = []
for combo in iter_combinations(versioned):
scored.append((combo, scorer_func(combo)))
if len(scored) == 0:
raise ValueError("No version combinations scored")
# Find the lowest score with the highest number of elements.
min_score = sys.maxint
@ -185,13 +187,29 @@ def find_best_match(versioned, scorer_func):
if combo_score < min_score:
min_score = combo_score
max_elems = -1
best_match = []
best_matches = []
for (combo, combo_score) in scored:
if min_score == combo_score:
if len(combo) > max_elems:
best_match = combo
best_matches = [combo]
max_elems = len(combo)
if len(combo) == max_elems:
if len(best_matches) == 1:
best_match = best_matches[0]
# If equivalent scores, then select the one that has the most requests
# for its combinations over ones that have less requests.
best_score = -1
best_match = None
for match in best_matches:
match_score = 0
for combo in match:
match_score += counts.get(combo, 0)
if match_score > best_score:
best_score = match_score
best_match = match
incompatibles = set()
for (combo, combo_score) in scored:
for spec in combo:
@ -215,7 +233,7 @@ def best_match(req_key, req_list):
for req in req_list:
if not all_specs:
return (req_list[0], [])
return (req_list, [])
def spec_sort(spec1, spec2):
(op1, version1) = spec1
@ -235,14 +253,17 @@ def best_match(req_key, req_list):
# exact spec, if so then just return that as the requirement, if not
# create a requirement instead.
specs = tuple(cleaned_specs)
sources = []
for req in req_list:
if fetch_specs(req) == specs:
return req
spec_pieces = []
for (op, version) in specs:
spec_pieces.append("%s%s" % (op, version))
spec = "%s%s" % (req_key, ",".join(spec_pieces))
return pip.req.InstallRequirement.from_line(spec, 'compiled')
if not sources:
spec_pieces = []
for (op, version) in specs:
spec_pieces.append("%s%s" % (op, version))
spec = "%s%s" % (req_key, ",".join(spec_pieces))
sources.append(pip.req.InstallRequirement.from_line(spec, 'compiled'))
return sources
def reform_incompatibles(incompatible_specs, versions):
causes = []
@ -268,17 +289,19 @@ def best_match(req_key, req_list):
versions = {}
versioned = set()
counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
for (op, version) in all_specs:
parsed_version = pkg_resources.parse_version(version)
versioned.add((op, parsed_version))
versions[parsed_version] = version
counts[(op, parsed_version)] += 1
versioned = list(sorted(versioned, cmp=spec_sort))
initial_score = conflict_scorer(versioned)
if initial_score == 0:
incompatibles = []
match = versioned
match, incompatibles = find_best_match(versioned, conflict_scorer)
match, incompatibles = find_best_match(versioned, counts, conflict_scorer)
return (reform(match, versions),
reform_incompatibles(incompatibles, versions))
@ -326,8 +349,8 @@ def join_requirements(requirements, ignored_requirements):
for (req_key, req_list) in six.iteritems(requirements):
if req_key in skip_keys:
match, req_incompatibles = best_match(req_key, req_list)
joined_requirements[req_key] = match
req_matches, req_incompatibles = best_match(req_key, req_list)
joined_requirements[req_key] = req_matches
if req_incompatibles:
incompatibles[req_key] = req_incompatibles
return (joined_requirements, incompatibles)
@ -336,7 +359,7 @@ def join_requirements(requirements, ignored_requirements):
def print_requirements(joined_requirements):
formatted_requirements = []
for req_key in sorted(six.iterkeys(joined_requirements)):
req = joined_requirements[req_key]
req = joined_requirements[req_key][0]
if req.url:
req = "%s#egg=%s" % (req.url, req.req)
@ -353,11 +376,13 @@ def print_incompatibles(incompatibles, joined_requirements):
print("%s: incompatible requirements" % (req_key),
chosen = joined_requirements[req_key]
print("Choosing:", file=sys.stderr)
print("\t%s: %s" % (chosen.comes_from,
chosen_reqs = joined_requirements.get(req_key, [])
if chosen_reqs:
print("Choosing:", file=sys.stderr)
for chosen in chosen_reqs:
print("\t%s: %s" % (chosen.comes_from,
print("Conflicting:", file=sys.stderr)
for conflicting in req_incompatibles:
print("\t%s: %s" % (conflicting.comes_from,