309 lines
9.5 KiB
Executable File
309 lines
9.5 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
import time
import traceback as tb
from devstack import actions
from devstack import cfg
from devstack import cfg_helpers
from devstack import colorizer
from devstack import date
from devstack import distro
from devstack import env
from devstack import env_rc
from devstack import log as logging
from devstack import opts
from devstack import passwords
from devstack import persona
from devstack import settings
from devstack import shell as sh
from devstack import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger("devstack.stack")
# The grouping of our pretty printing of config
cfg_helpers.make_id('passwords', None): 'Passwords',
cfg_helpers.make_id('db', None): 'Database info',
# Catch all
cfg_helpers.make_id(None, None): 'Misc configs',
# The order in which we will pretty print our config cache
CFG_ORDERING = sorted(CFG_GROUPS.keys())
# Which rc files we will attempt to load
def load_rc_files():
Loads the desired set of rc files that stack will use to
pre-populate its environment settings from.
Arguments: N/A
Returns: the number of files loaded
loaded_am = 0
for fn in RC_FILES:
LOG.info("Attempting to load file %s which has your environment settings.", colorizer.quote(fn))
am_loaded = env_rc.RcReader().load(fn)
LOG.info("Loaded %s settings.", colorizer.quote(am_loaded))
loaded_am += 1
except IOError:
LOG.warn('Error reading file located at %s. Skipping loading it.', colorizer.quote(fn))
return loaded_am
def load_verify_persona(fn, distro_instance):
Loads and verifies the given persona under the given distro.
fn: persona file name/path
distro_instance: the distrobution object to use for verification
Returns: the persona instance from that file (verified)
instance = persona.Persona.load_file(fn)
return instance
def setup_root(root_dir):
Ensures the root dir is created and setup as desired.
root_dir: the location of the desired root install directory
Returns: N/A
if not sh.isdir(root_dir):
def find_config(args):
Finds the stack configuration file.
args: command line args
Returns: the file location or None if not found
locs = []
locs.append(sh.joinpths("/etc", "devstack", "stack.ini"))
locs.append(sh.joinpths(settings.STACK_CONFIG_DIR, "stack.ini"))
for path in locs:
LOG.debug("Looking for devstack configuration in: %r", path)
if sh.isfile(path):
LOG.debug("Found devstack configuration in: %r", path)
return path
return None
def establish_config(args):
Creates the stack configuration object using the set of
desired configuration resolvers to be used and returns
the wrapper that knows how to activate those resolvers.
args: command line args
base_config = None
config_location = find_config(args)
if config_location:
base_config = cfg.IgnoreMissingConfigParser()
with open(config_location, "r") as fh:
proxy_config = cfg.ProxyConfig()
if base_config:
cfg_resolver = cfg.ConfigResolver(base_config)
header="Config lookup will use the following resolvers:",
return proxy_config
def establish_passwords(config, args):
pw_gen = passwords.PasswordGenerator(config, args.get('prompt_for_passwords', True))
header="Password finding will use the following lookups:",
return pw_gen
def run(args):
Starts the execution of devstackpy after
args have been parsed and logging has been setup.
Arguments: N/A
Returns: True for success to run, False for failure to start
(repeat_string, line_max_len) = utils.welcome()
print(utils.center_text("Action Runner", repeat_string, line_max_len))
action = args.pop("action", '').strip().lower()
if action not in actions.get_action_names():
print(colorizer.color("No valid action specified!", "red"))
return False
loaded_rcs = False
root_dir = args.pop("dir")
if not root_dir:
loaded_rcs = True
root_dir = env.get_key(env_rc.INSTALL_ROOT)
if not root_dir:
root_dir = sh.joinpths(sh.gethomedir(), 'openstack')
root_dir = sh.abspth(root_dir)
persona_fn = args.pop('persona_fn')
if not persona_fn or not sh.isfile(persona_fn):
print(colorizer.color("No valid persona file name specified!", "red"))
return False
persona_fn = sh.abspth(persona_fn)
# !!
# Here on out we should be using the logger (and not print)!!
# !!
# If we didn't load them before, load them now
if not loaded_rcs:
loaded_rcs = True
# Stash the dryrun value (if any) into the global configuration
sh.set_dryrun(args.get('dryrun', False))
# Params for the runner...
dist = distro.Distro.get_current()
persona_inst = load_verify_persona(persona_fn, dist)
config = establish_config(args)
pw_gen = establish_passwords(config, args)
runner_factory = actions.get_runner_factory(action)
runner = runner_factory(dist,
LOG.info("Starting action %s on %s for distro: %s",
colorizer.quote(action), colorizer.quote(date.rcf8222date()), colorizer.quote(dist.name))
LOG.info("Using persona: %s", colorizer.quote(persona_fn))
LOG.info("In root directory: %s", colorizer.quote(root_dir))
start_time = time.time()
end_time = time.time()
pretty_time = utils.format_time(end_time - start_time)
LOG.info("It took %s seconds or %s minutes to complete action %s.",
colorizer.quote(pretty_time['seconds']), colorizer.quote(pretty_time['minutes']), colorizer.quote(action))
LOG.info("After action %s your settings which were created or read are:", colorizer.quote(action))
return True
def construct_log_level(verbosity_level, dry_run=False):
log_level = logging.INFO
if verbosity_level >= 3:
log_level = logging.DEBUG
elif verbosity_level == 2 or dry_run:
log_level = logging.AUDIT
return log_level
def main():
Starts the execution of devstack py without
injecting variables into the global namespace. Ensures that
logging is setup and that sudo access is available and in-use.
Arguments: N/A
Returns: 1 for success, 0 for failure
# Do this first so people can see the help message...
args = opts.parse()
prog_name = sys.argv[0]
# Configure logging
log_level = construct_log_level(args['verbosity'], args['dryrun'])
LOG.debug("Command line options %s" % (args))
LOG.debug("Log level is: %s" % (log_level))
# Will need root to setup openstack
if not sh.got_root():
rest_args = sys.argv[1:]
print("This program requires a user with sudo access.")
msg = "Perhaps you should try %s %s" % \
(colorizer.color("sudo %s" % (prog_name), "red", True), " ".join(rest_args))
return 1
# Drop to usermode
started_ok = run(args)
if not started_ok:
me = colorizer.color(prog_name, "red", True)
me += " " + colorizer.color('--help', 'red')
print("Perhaps you should try %s" % (me))
return 1
return 0
except Exception:
traceback = None
if log_level < logging.INFO:
# See: http://docs.python.org/library/traceback.html
# When its not none u get more detailed info about the exception
traceback = sys.exc_traceback
tb.print_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value,
traceback, file=sys.stdout)
return 1
if __name__ == "__main__":