prithiv 994931559d Provides steps and documentations for installing
collectd-ceilometer-plugin with Kolla.

Change-Id: Ic23a8e9a13fac1141913c438f1f94b5ec1e7b447
Closes-Bug: #1628856
Co-Authored-By: Helena McGough
2016-12-06 20:19:19 +00:00

3.8 KiB


This document describes the steps required to install, configure and verify the operation of collectd with ceilometer plugin with Kolla.


  • Access to the internet
  • Keystaone and Ceilometer enabled

Installation of Kolla

Please refer to this doc for instructions about how to install kolla.

For the simplest installation follow the instructions for evaluation and development purposes.

Install Collectd with Kolla

To install collectd with kolla, edit the globals.yml file and change the following settings:

  • Enable collectd so that its container is created. Additionally, enable ceilometer and mongodb to ensure the ceilometer service is installed.
enable_collectd: "yes"
enable_ceilometer: "yes"
enable_mongodb: "yes"
  • Edit the network settings to suit your environment by changing the following:
  • To customize the images that are built with kolla change:

In the kolla-build.conf file uncomment/paste the following lines into the plugins section.

type = git
location =
reference = master

To build the collectd container with the collectd-ceilometer-plugin repository, copy the template-override.json file to a local directory. Run the following command to build the container.

kolla-build --template-override <path_to_template_override_file>

Verification of Collectd

To verify the successful build of the collectd image run the following command.

docker images | grep  -i collectd

Follow the steps in the Kolla documentation to install OpenStack, which are provided above. Run the following command to check if the collectd container is up and running.

docker ps |grep -i collectd

The status of the collectd container should be "Up".

Configure collectd-ceilometer-plugin

Edit the /kolla/etc/collectd-ceilometer-plugin.conf file and replace the varaiables with appropriate values. The passwords and endpoints will be provided by the operator. If these entries are not provided, run the post-deploy script as mentioned in the Kolla guide to generate the passwords and endpoints.

The other entries you need to edit in this file are outlined below:

  • Include the "ModulePath" to the collectd-ceilometer-plugin directory.
ModulePath "/path/to/module"
  • Specify your endpoint address, OS_AUTH_URL "<OS_AUTH_URL>". To determine this address, use your openstack client, run the following command and select the keystone internalURL.

    openstack catalog list
  • The CEILOMETER_URL_TYPE should be set for you, but if not set it to "internalURL".

Copy this config file to /etc/kolla/collectd/collectd.conf.d folder.

sudo cp collectd-ceilometer-plugin.conf /etc/kolla/collectd/collectd.conf.d

Restart the collectd container for the changes to take affect.

docker restart collectd

Verify the container is up and running.

Verification of collectd-ceilometer-plugin

To verify that the plugin is working, use the ceilometer client.

  • Source the credentials provided by the kolla post-deploy script.
  • To verify that the stats are going through to ceilometer, view the meter list created by ceilometer.
ceilometer meter-list

Check this list for the default meters that are enabled by collectd. One of these is "cpu.cpu". Check the ceilometer sample list for this meter, to confirm it is enabled.

ceilometer sample-list --meter cpu.cpu