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This repository contains resources for configuring kubernetes with calico networking plugin using Solar.

Recommended solar version is git checkout 1a33a7306d1485f503de967531c87a3b3aff5fcb.

Express Vagrant setup:

  1. Clone this repo and cd to it
  2. Download Fedora-Cloud-Base-Vagrant-23-20151030.x86_64.vagrant image for Virtualbox or Libvirt from https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/23/Cloud/x86_64/Images/
  3. Add fc23 vagrant box:
    • libvirt: vagrant box add fc23 Fedora-Cloud-Base-Vagrant-23-20151030.x86_64.vagrant-libvirt.box --provider libvirt --force
    • virtualbox: vagrant box add fc23 Fedora-Cloud-Base-Vagrant-23-20151030.x86_64.vagrant-virtualbox.box --provider virtualbox --force
  4. ./deploy/kube-up.sh
  5. vagrant ssh solar-dev1
  6. kubectl get pods

In config.yaml you can set:

  • login data for kubernetes master
  • ip for master
  • login data for kubernetes nodes
  • ip for nodes (as a list)
  • some global kubernetes settings like dns service ip and dns domain

Kubernetes version change:

  1. log in to solar master node (vagrant ssh)
  2. solar resource update kube-config k8s_version=v1.2.1
  3. solar changes stage
  4. solar changes process
  5. solar orch run-once
  6. watch solar orch report
  7. After a while, kubernetes will restart in desired version