
2.0 KiB

Diagnostic info collection tools

Configuring ansible logs and plugins

Ansible logs and plugins are configured with the preinstall role and playbook located in the utils/kargo directory.

In order to make changes to logs configuration without running the kargo_deploy.sh completely, run the following Ansible command:

export ws=~/workspace
/usr/bin/ansible-playbook --ssh-extra-args '-o\ StrictHostKeyChecking=no' \
-u vagrant -b --become-user=root -i ~/${ws}inventory/inventory.cfg \
-e @${ws}kargo/inventory/group_vars/all.yml \
-e @${ws}utils/kargo/roles/configure_logs/defaults/main.yml \

Note that the ws var should point to the actual admin workspace directory.

Collecting diagnostic info

There is a diagnostic info helper script located in the /usr/local/bin/collect_logs.sh directory. It issues commands and collects files given in the ${ws}utils/kargo/roles/configure_logs/defaults/main.yml file, from all of the cluster nodes online. Results are aggregated to the admin node in the logs.tar.gz tarball.

In order to re-build the tarball with fresh info, run:

VARS="-e @${ws}utils/kargo/roles/configure_logs/defaults/main.yml" \

If you deploy from the vagrantfile, you may want to use its NFS mount for the installer repo and adjust the commands above like this:

export ws=/home/vagrant
/usr/bin/ansible-playbook --ssh-extra-args '-o\ StrictHostKeyChecking=no' \
-u vagrant -b --become-user=root -i ~/${ws}inventory/inventory.cfg \
-e @${ws}kargo/inventory/group_vars/all.yml \
-e @/vagrant/utils/kargo/roles/configure_logs/defaults/main.yml \

VARS="-e @/vagrant/utils/kargo/roles/configure_logs/defaults/main.yml" \