Proskurin Kirill a910a2e523 Add docker doc
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.. _docker:
CCP Docker images guide
This guide covers CCP specific requirements for defining Docker images.
Docker files location
All docker files should be located in ``docker/<component_name>`` directory,
for example:
The docker directory may contain multiple components.
Docker directory structure
Each docker directory should contain a ``Dockerfile.j2`` file. Dockerfile.j2
is a file which contains Docker build instructions in a `Jinja2 template`_
format. You can add additional files, which will be used in Dockerfile.j2,
but only Dockerfile.j2 can be a Jinja2 template in this directory.
.. _Jinja2 template: http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/dev/
Dockerfile format
Please refer to the official `Docker documentation`_ which covers the
Dockerfile format. CCP has some additional requirements, which is:
#. Use as few `layers`_ as possible. Each command in Dockerfile creates a
layer, so make sure you're grouping multiple RUN commands into one.
#. If it's possible, please run container from the non-root user.
#. If you need to copy some scripts into the image, please place them into the
``/opt/ccp/bin`` directory.
#. Only one process should be started inside container. Do not use runit,
supervisord or any other init systems, which will allow to spawn multiple
processes in container.
#. Do not use CMD and ENTRYPOINT commands in Dockerfile.j2.
#. All OpenStack services should use ``openstack-base`` parent image in FROM
section. All non-OpenStack services should use ``base-tools`` parent image
in FROM section.
Here is an example of valid Dockerfile.j2: `Keystone Dockerfile`_
.. _Docker documentation: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder
.. _layers: https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/storagedriver/imagesandcontainers/
.. _Keystone Dockerfile : https://github.com/openstack/fuel-ccp-keystone/blob/master/docker/keystone/Dockerfile.j2
Supported Jinja2 variables
Only specific variables can actually be used in Dockerfile.j2:
#. ``namespace`` - Used in the FROM section, renders into image namespace, by
default into ``ccp``.
#. ``tag`` - Used in the FROM section, renders into image tag, by default into
#. ``maintainer`` - Used in the MAINTAINER section, renders into maintainer
email, by default into "MOS Microservices
#. ``copy_sources`` - Used anywhere in the Dockerfile. please refer to
corresponding documentation section below.
#. Additionaly, you could use variables with software versions, please refer
to :doc:`app_def_guide` for details.
The CCP CLI provides additional feature for Docker images creation, which will
help to use git repositories inside Dockerfile, it's called ``copy_sources``.
This feature uses configuration from ``service/files/defaults.yaml`` from the
same repository or from global config, please refer to :doc:`app_def_guide` for
After making any changes in docker directory, you should test it via build and
To test building, please run:
ccp build -c <component_name>
For example:
ccp build -c keystone
Make sure that image is built without errors.
To test the deployment, please build new images using the steps above and after
ccp deploy
Please refer to :doc:`quickstart` for additional information.