Maria Zlatkova 0b0aba09ec [docs] Edits the InfluxDB-Grafana plugin
Edits the StackLight InfluxDB-Grafana plugin documentation.

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Plugin configuration

To configure the StackLight InfluxDB-Grafana plugin:

  1. Create a new environment as described in Create a new OpenStack environment.

  2. In the Fuel web UI, click the Settings tab and select the Other category.

  3. Scroll down through the settings until you find The InfluxDB-Grafana Server Plugin section. You should see a page like this:


  4. Select The InfluxDB-Grafana Server Plugin and fill in the required fields as indicated below.

    1. Specify the number of days of retention for your data.
    2. Specify the InfluxDB admin password (called root password in the InfluxDB documentation.
    3. Specify the database name (the default is lma).
    4. Specify the InfluxDB username and password.
    5. Specify the Grafana username and password.
  5. The plugin uses a MySQL database to store its configuration data, such as the dashboard templates.

    1. Select Local MySQL if you want to create the Grafana database using the MySQL server of the OpenStack control plane. Otherwise, select Remote server and specify the fully qualified name or the IP address of the MySQL server you want to use.
    2. Specify the MySQL database name, username, and password that will be used to access that database.
  6. Select Enable TLS for Grafana if you want to encrypt your Grafana credentials (username, password). Then, fill in the required fields as indicated below.


    1. Specify the DNS name of the Grafana server. This parameter is used to create a link in the Fuel dashboard to the Grafana server.
    2. Specify the location of a PEM file that contains the certificate and the private key of the Grafana server that will be used in TLS handchecks with the client.
  7. Select Use LDAP for Grafana authentication if you want to authenticate to Grafana through LDAP. Then, fill in the required fields as indicated below.


    1. Select LDAPS if you want to enable LDAP authentication over SSL.
    2. Specify one or several LDAP server addresses separated by space. These addresses must be accessible from the node where Grafana is installed. Addresses outside the management network are not routable by default (see the note below).
    3. Specify the LDAP server port number or leave it empty to use the defaults.
    4. Specify the Bind DN of a user who has search privileges on the LDAP server.
    5. Specify the password of the user identified by the Bind DN above.
    6. Specify the User search base DN in the Directory Information Tree (DIT) from where to search for users.
    7. Specify a valid user search filter, for example, (uid=%s). The result of the search should be a unique user entry.

    You can further restrict access to Grafana to those users who are members of a specific LDAP group.

    1. Select Enable group-based authorization.
    2. Specify the LDAP group Base DN in the DIT from where to search for groups.
    3. Specify the LDAP group search filter. For example, (&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid=%s)).
    4. Specify the CN of the LDAP group that will be mapped to the admin role.
    5. Specify the CN of the LDAP group that will be mapped to the viewer role.

    Users who have the admin role can modify the Grafana dashboards or create new ones. Users who have the viewer role can only visualize the Grafana dashboards.

  8. Configure your environment as described in Configure your Environment.


    By default, StackLight is configured to use the management network of the so-called Default Node Network Group. While this default setup may be appropriate for small deployments or evaluation purposes, it is recommended that you not use this network for StackLight in production. Instead, create a network dedicated to StackLight using the networking templates Fuel capability. Using a dedicated network for StackLight will improve performance and reduce the monitoring footprint on the control plane. It will also facilitate access to the Gafana UI after deployment, as the management network is not routable.

  9. Click the Nodes tab and assign the InfluxDB_Grafana role to the node or multiple nodes where you want to install the plugin.

    The example below shows that the InfluxDB_Grafana role is assigned to three nodes alongside with the Alerting_Infrastructure and the Elasticsearch_Kibana roles. The three plugins of the LMA toolchain back-end servers are installed on the same nodes. You can assign the InfluxDB_Grafana role to either one node (standalone install) or three nodes for HA.



    Currently, installing the InfluxDB server on more than three nodes is not possible using the Fuel plugin. Similarly, installing the InfluxDB server on two nodes is not recommended to avoid split-brain situations in the Raft consensus of the InfluxDB cluster, as well as the Pacemaker cluster, which is responsible for the VIP address failover. It is possible to add or remove nodes with the InfluxDB_Grafana role in the cluster after deployment.

  10. If required, adjust the disk partitioning as described in Configure disk partitioning.

    By default, the InfluxDB-Grafana Plugin allocates:

    • 20% of the first available disk for the operating system by honoring a range of 15 GB minimum to 50 GB maximum.
    • 10 GB for /var/log.
    • At least 30 GB for the InfluxDB database in /var/lib/influxdb.
  11. Deploy your environment as described in Deploy an OpenStack environment.