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  • rabbitmq_connections, total number of connections.
  • rabbitmq_consumers, total number of consumers.
  • rabbitmq_channels, total number of channels.
  • rabbitmq_exchanges, total number of exchanges.
  • rabbitmq_messages, total number of messages which are ready to be consumed or not yet acknowledged.
  • rabbitmq_queues, total number of queues.
  • rabbitmq_running_nodes, total number of running nodes in the cluster.
  • rabbitmq_disk_free, the disk free space.
  • rabbitmq_disk_free_limit, the minimum amount of free disk for RabbitMQ. When rabbitmq_disk_free drops below this value, all producers are blocked.
  • rabbitmq_remaining_disk, the difference between rabbitmq_disk_free and rabbitmq_disk_free_limit.
  • rabbitmq_used_memory, bytes of memory used by the whole RabbitMQ process.
  • rabbitmq_vm_memory_limit, the maximum amount of memory allocated for RabbitMQ. When rabbitmq_used_memory uses more than this value, all producers are blocked.
  • rabbitmq_remaining_memory, the difference between rabbitmq_vm_memory_limit and rabbitmq_used_memory.