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This section contains a guidance on verifying and troubleshooting Mistral Fuel Plugin and Mistral deployed by the plugin.

Mistral role is not available

If Mistral role is not available in Fuel UI when adding new node verify the plugin is installed and enabled. To verify in Fuel UI navigate to Settings tab -> Other section


The plugin must be present and enabled. If not present check install.

Mistral configuration files and logs

Mistral API service runs on Controller nodes. Mistral Executor and Engine services run on Mistral nodes.

Mistral configuration files are located in /etc/mistral on Controller and Mistral nodes. /etc/mistral/mistral.conf is the main configuration file.

Logs can be found in /var/log/mistral directory.

Verifying Mistral operation

  1. Login to primary Contraller node

  2. Source openrc

    # source openrc
  3. Verify Mistral

    # openstack workflow list
    | ID ...   | Name ... | Proj...| Tags   | Input...  | Cre...| Upd...|
    | 9e2...bc | std.d... | <def...| <none> | insta...n | 201...| Non...|
    | a80...63 | std.c... | <def...| <none> | name,...  | 201...| Non...|