
1.2 KiB

Installation Guide

How to install the plugin

Per the Requirements section <plugin_requirements>, Contact Talligent to get access to the Talligent Sharefile account for downloading Openbook and the Openbook 'How to guide'.

Please refer to the Install Fuel Plugins section from the Fuel Installation Guide for installation of the plugin. You can also refer to the CLI command reference for Fuel Plugins.

  1. Copy the plugin file to the Fuel Master node.

    scp openbook*rpm root@<Fuel Master node IP address>:
  2. Install the plugin using the fuel command line:

    ssh root@<Fuel Master node IP address>
    fuel plugins --install openbook*.rpm
  3. Verify that the plugin is installed correctly:

    [root@fuel ~]# fuel plugins
    id | name     | version | package_version
    1  | openbook | 1.3.0   | 4.0.0