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Set up for system tests.
Deploy environment in DualHypervisors mode with 1 controller, 1 compute-vmware and 2 compute nodes. Nova Compute instances are running on controller nodes.
1. Install DVS plugin on master node.
2. Create a new environment with following parameters:
* Compute: KVM/QEMU with vCenter
* Networking: Neutron with VLAN segmentation
* Storage: default
* Additional services: default
3. Add nodes with following roles:
* Controller
* Compute
* Compute
* ComputeVMware
4. Configure interfaces on nodes.
5. Configure network settings.
6. Enable and configure DVS plugin.
7. Enable VMware vCenter/ESXi datastore for images (Glance).
8. Configure VMware vCenter Settings. Add 2 vSphere clusters and configure Nova Compute instances on controllers and compute-vmware.
9. Verify networks.
10. Deploy cluster.
11. Run OSTF.
Expected result
Cluster should be deployed and all OSTF test cases should be passed.
Check abilities to create and terminate networks on DVS.
Check abilities to create and terminate networks on DVS.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Log in to Horizon Dashboard.
3. Add private networks net_01 and net_02.
4. Check that networks are present in the vSphere.
5. Remove private network net_01.
6. Check that network net_01 is not present in the vSphere.
7. Add private network net_01.
8. Check that networks is present in the vSphere.
Expected result
Networks were successfully created and presented in Horizon and vSphere.
Check abilities to update network name
Check abilities to update network name.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Log in to Horizon.
3. Create network net_1.
4. Update network name net_1 to net_2.
5. Update name of default network to 'spring'.
Expected result
Network name should be changed successfully.
Check abilities to bind port on DVS to instance, disable and enable this port.
Check abilities to bind port on DVS to instance, disable and enable this port.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Log in to Horizon Dashboard.
3. Navigate to Project -> Compute -> Instances
4. Launch instance VM_1 with image TestVM, availability zone nova and flavor m1.micro.
5. Launch instance VM_2 with image TestVM-VMDK, availability zone vcenter and flavor m1.micro.
6. Verify that instances communicate between each other: check that VM_1 and VM_2 can ping each other.
7. Disable interface of VM_1.
8. Verify that instances don't communicate between each other: check that VM_1 and VM_2 can not ping each other.
9. Enable interface of VM_1.
10. Verify that instances communicate between each other: check that VM_1 and VM_2 can ping each other.
Expected result
We can enable/disable interfaces of instances via Horizon.
Check abilities to assign multiple vNIC to a single instance.
Check abilities to assign multiple vNIC to a single instance.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Log in to Horizon Dashboard.
3. Add two private networks (net01, and net02).
4. Add one subnet (net01_subnet01:, net02_subnet01, to each network.
5. Launch instance VM_1 with image TestVM and flavor m1.micro in nova availability zone.
6. Launch instance VM_2 with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.micro vcenter availability zone.
7. Check abilities to assign multiple vNIC net01 and net02 to VM_1.
8. Check abilities to assign multiple vNIC net01 and net02 to VM_2.
9. Check that both interfaces on each instance have an IP address. To activate second interface on cirros edit the /etc/network/interfaces and restart network: "sudo /etc/init.d/S40network restart"
10. check that VM_1 and VM_2 can ping each other.
Expected result
VM_1 and VM_2 should be attached to multiple vNIC net01 and net02. Pings should get a response.
Check connection between instances in one default tenant.
Check connectivity between instances in default tenant which works in different availability zones: on KVM/QEMU and on vCenter.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Navigate to Project -> Compute -> Instances.
3. Launch instance VM_1 with image TestVM and flavor m1.micro in nova availability zone.
4. Launch instance VM_2 with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.micro in vcenter availability zone.
5. Verify that VM_1 and VM_2 on different hypervisors communicate between each other: check that instances can ping each other.
Expected result
Pings should get a response.
Check connection between instances in one non default network.
Check connection between instances in one non default network.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Log in to Horizon Dashboard.
3. Create tenant net_01 with subnet.
4. Navigate to Project -> Compute -> Instances.
5. Launch instance VM_1 with image TestVM and flavor m1.micro in nova availability zone in net_01
6. Launch instance VM_2 with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.micro in vcenter availability zone in net_01
7. Verify that instances on same tenants communicate between each other. check that VM_1 and VM_2 can ping each other.
Expected result
Pings should get a response.
Check connectivity between instances attached to different networks with and without a router between them.
Check connectivity between instances attached to different networks with and without a router between them.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Create private networks net01 and net02 with subnets.
3. Create Router_01, set gateway and add interface to external network.
4. Create Router_02, set gateway and add interface to external network.
5. Attach private networks to Router_01.
6. Attach private networks to Router_02.
7. Launch instances in the net01 with image TestVM and flavor m1.micro in nova az.
8. Launch instances in the net01 with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.micro in vcenter az.
9. Launch instances in the net02 with image TestVM and flavor m1.micro in nova az.
10. Launch instances in the net02 with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.micro in vcenter az.
11. Verify that instances of same networks communicate between each other via private ip.
Check that instances can ping each other.
12. Verify that instances of different networks don't communicate between each other via private ip.
13. Delete net_02 from Router_02 and add it to the Router_01.
14. Verify that instances of different networks communicate between each other via private ip.
Check that instances can ping each other.
Expected result
Network connectivity must conform to each of the scenarios.
Check isolation between instances in different tenants.
Check isolation between instances in different tenants.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Log in to Horizon Dashboard.
3. Create non-admin tenant with name 'test_tenant': Identity -> Projects-> Create Project. On tab Project Members add admin with admin and member.
4. Navigate to Project -> Network -> Networks
5. Create network with subnet.
6. Navigate to Project -> Compute -> Instances
7. Launch instance VM_1 with image TestVM-VMDK in the vcenter availability zone.
8. Navigate to test_tenant.
9. Navigate to Project -> Network -> Networks.
10. Create Router, set gateway and add interface.
11. Navigate to Project -> Compute -> Instances
12. Launch instance VM_2 with image TestVM-VMDK in the vcenter availability zone.
13. Verify that instances on different tenants don't communicate between each other. Check that instances can not ping each other.
Expected result
Pings should not get a response.
Check connectivity instances to public network without floating ip.
Check connectivity instances to public network without floating ip.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Log in to Horizon Dashboard.
3. Create net_01: net01_subnet, and attach it to default router.
4. Launch instance VM_1 of nova availability zone with image TestVM and flavor m1.micro in the default internal network.
5. Launch instance VM_2 of vcenter availability zone with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.micro in the net_01.
6. Send icmp request from instances VM_1 and VM_2 to or other outside ip and get related icmp reply.
Expected result
Pings should get a response
Check connectivity instances to public network with floating ip.
Check connectivity instances to public network with floating ip.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Log in to Horizon Dashboard.
3. Create net01: net01__subnet, and attach it to the default router.
4. Launch instance VM_1 of nova availability zone with image TestVM and flavor m1.micro in the default internal network. Associate floating ip.
5. Launch instance VM_2 of vcenter availability zone with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.micro in the net_01. Associate floating ip.
6. Send icmp request from instances VM_1 and VM_2 to or other outside ip and get related icmp reply.
Expected result
Instances have access to the internet.
Check abilities to create and delete security group.
Check abilities to create and delete security group.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Create non default network with subnet net_01.
3. Launch 2 instances of vcenter availability zone and 2 instances of nova availability zone in the tenant network net_01
4. Launch 2 instances of vcenter availability zone and 2 instances of nova availability zone in the internal tenant network.
5. Attach net_01 to default router.
6. Create security group SG_1 to allow ICMP traffic.
7. Add Ingress rule for ICMP protocol to SG_1.
8. Create security groups SG_2 to allow TCP traffic 22 port.
9. Add Ingress rule for TCP protocol to SG_2.
10. Remove default security group and attach SG_1 and SG_2 to VMs.
11. Check that instances can ping each other.
12. Check ssh connection is available between instances.
13. Delete all rules from SG_1 and SG_2.
14. Check that instances are not available via ssh.
15. Add Ingress and egress rules for TCP protocol to SG_2.
16. Check ssh connection is available between instances.
17. Check that instances can not ping each other.
18. Add Ingress and egress rules for ICMP protocol to SG_1.
19. Check that instances can ping each other.
20. Delete Ingress rule for ICMP protocol from SG_1 (for OS cirros skip this step).
21. Add Ingress rule for ICMP ipv6 to SG_1 (for OS cirros skip this step).
22. Check ping6 is available between instances. (for OS cirros skip this step).
23. Delete SG1 and SG2 security groups.
24. Attach instances to default security group.
25. Check that instances can ping each other.
26. Check ssh is available between instances.
Expected result
We should have the ability to send ICMP and TCP traffic between instances in different tenants.
Verify that only the associated MAC and IP addresses can communicate on the logical port.
Verify that only the associated MAC and IP addresses can communicate on the logical port.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Log in to Horizon Dashboard.
3. Launch 2 instances on each hypervisor (one in vcenter az and another one in nova az).
4. Verify that traffic can be successfully sent from and received on the MAC and IP address associated with the logical port.
5. Configure a new IP address on the instance associated with the logical port.
6. Confirm that the instance cannot communicate with that IP address.
Expected result
Each instance should not communicate with new ip address but it should
communicate with old ip address.
Check connectivity between instances with same ip in different tenants.
Check connectivity between instances with same ip in different tenants.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Log in to Horizon Dashboard.
3. Create 2 non-admin tenants "test_1" and "test_2": Identity -> Projects -> Create Project. On tab Project Members add admin with admin and member.
4. In tenant 'test_1' create net1 and subnet1 with CIDR
5. In tenant 'test_1' create Router 'router_01' with external floating network
6. In tenant 'test_1' attach interface of 'net1', 'subnet1' to 'router_1'
7. In tenant 'test_1' create security group "SG_1" and add rule that allows ingress icmp traffic.
8. In tenant 'test_1' launch instance:
* name: VM_1
* AZ: vcenter
* image: TestVM-VMDK
* flavor: m1.micro
* network: net1 with ip
* SG: SG_1
9. In tenant 'test_1' launch instance:
* name: VM_2
* AZ: nova
* image: TestVM
* flavor: m1.micro
* network: net1 with ip
* SG: SG_1
10. In tenant 'test_2' create net2 and subnet2 with CIDR
11. In tenant 'test_2' create Router 'router_2' with external floating network
12. In tenant 'test_2' attach interface of net2, subnet2 to router_2
13. In tenant "test_2" create security group "SG_2" and add rule that allows ingress icmp traffic.
14. In tenant "test_2" launch instance:
* name: VM_3
* AZ: nova
* image: TestVM
* flavor: m1.micro
* network: net2 with ip
* SG: SG_2
15. In tenant "test_2" launch instance:
* name: VM_4
* AZ: vcenter
* image: TestVM-VMDK
* flavor: m1.micro
* network: net2 with ip
* SG: SG_2
16. Assign floating ips for each instance.
17. Check instances in tenant_1 communicate between each other by internal ip.
18. Check instances in tenant_2 communicate between each other by internal ip.
19. Check instances in different tenants communicate between each other by floating ip.
Expected result
Pings should get a response.
Check creation instance in the one group simultaneously.
Create a batch of instances.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Navigate to Project -> Compute -> Instances.
3. Launch few instances simultaneously with image TestVM and flavor m1.micro in nova availability zone in default internal network.
4. Launch few instances simultaneously with image TestVM-VMDK and flavor m1.micro in vcenter availability zone in default internal network.
5. Check connection between instances (ping, ssh).
6. Delete all instances from Horizon simultaneously.
Expected result
All instances should be created and deleted without any error.
Create volumes in different availability zones and attach them to appropriate instances.
Create volumes in different availability zones and attach them to appropriate instances.
1. Install plugin on master node.
2. Create a new environment with following parameters:
* Compute: KVM/QEMU with vCenter
* Networking: Neutron with VLAN segmentation
* Storage: default
* Additional services: default
3. Add nodes with following roles:
* Controller
* Compute
* Cinder
* CinderVMware
4. Configure interfaces on nodes.
5. Configure network settings.
6. Enable and configure DVS plugin.
7. Configure VMware vCenter Settings. Add 1 vSphere clusters and configure Nova Compute instances on controllers.
8. Verify networks.
9. Deploy cluster.
10. Create instances for each of hypervisor's type
11. Create 2 volumes each in his own availability zone.
12. Attach each volume to his instance.
Expected result
Each volume should be attached to its instance.
Check abilities to create stack heat from template.
Check abilities to stack heat from template.
1. Create stack with heat template.
2. Check that stack was created.
Expected result
Stack was successfully created.
Deploy cluster with DVS plugin, Neutron, Ceph and network template
Deploy cluster with DVS plugin, Neutron, Ceph and network template.
1. Upload plugins to the master node.
2. Install plugin.
3. Create cluster with vcenter.
4. Set CephOSD as backend for Glance and Cinder.
5. Add nodes with following roles:
* Controller
* Compute-VMware
* Compute-VMware
* Compute
* Ceph-OSD
* Ceph-OSD
* Ceph-OSD
6. Upload network template.
7. Check network configuration.
8. Deploy the cluster.
9. Run OSTF.
Expected result
Cluster should be deployed and all OSTF test cases should be passed.
Security group rules with remote group id.
Verify that network traffic is allowed/prohibited to instances according security groups rules.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Launch ubuntu cloud image.
3. Create net_1: net01__subnet,, and attach it to the default router.
4. Create security groups:
5. Delete all default egress rules from
6. Add rules to SG_web:
Ingress rule with ip protocol 'http', port range 80-80, ip range
Ingress rule with ip protocol 'tcp', port range 3306-3306, SG group 'SG_db'
Ingress rule with ip protocol 'tcp', port range 22-22, SG group 'SG_man
Egress rule with ip protocol 'http', port range 80-80, ip range
Egress rule with ip protocol 'tcp', port range 3306-3306, SG group 'SG_db'
Egress rule with ip protocol 'tcp', port range 22-22, SG group 'SG_man
7. Add rules to SG_db:
Egress rule with ip protocol 'http', port range 80-80, ip range
Egress rule with ip protocol 'https', port range 443-443, ip range
Ingress rule with ip protocol 'http', port range 80-80, ip range
Ingress rule with ip protocol 'https', port range 443-443, ip range
Ingress rule with ip protocol 'tcp', port range 3306-3306, SG group 'SG_web'
Ingress rule with ip protocol 'tcp', port range 22-22, SG group 'SG_man'
Egress rule with ip protocol 'tcp', port range 3306-3306, SG group 'SG_web'
Egress rule with ip protocol 'tcp', port range 22-22, SG group 'SG_man'
8. Add rules to SG_DNS:
Ingress rule with ip protocol 'udp', port range 53-53, ip-prefix 'ip DNS server'
Egress rule with ip protocol 'udp', port range 53-53, ip-prefix 'ip DNS server'
Ingress rule with ip protocol 'tcp', port range 53-53, ip-prefix 'ip DNS server'
Egress rule with ip protocol 'tcp', port range 53-53, ip-prefix 'ip DNS server'
9. Add rules to SG_man:
Ingress rule with ip protocol 'tcp', port range 22-22, ip range
Egress rule with ip protocol 'tcp', port range 22-22, ip range
10. Launch following instances in net_1 from image 'ubuntu':
instance 'webserver' of vcenter az with SG_web, SG_DNS
instance 'mysqldb ' of vcenter az with SG_db, SG_DNS
instance 'manage' of nova az with SG_man, SG_DNS
11. Verify that traffic is enabled to instance 'webserver' from external network by http port 80.
12. Verify that traffic is enabled to instance 'webserver' from VM 'manage' by tcp port 22.
13. Verify that traffic is enabled to instance 'webserver' from VM 'mysqldb' by tcp port 3306.
14. Verify that traffic is enabled to internet from instance 'mysqldb' by https port 443.
15. Verify that traffic is enabled to instance 'mysqldb' from VM 'manage' by tcp port 22.
16. Verify that traffic is enabled to instance 'manage' from internet by tcp port 22.
17. Verify that traffic is not enabled to instance 'webserver' from internet by tcp port 22.
18. Verify that traffic is not enabled to instance 'mysqldb' from internet by tcp port 3306.
19. Verify that traffic is not enabled to instance 'manage' from internet by http port 80.
20. Verify that traffic is enabled to all instances from DNS server by udp/tcp port 53 and vice versa.
Expected result
Network traffic is allowed/prohibited to instances according security groups rules.
Security group rules with remote group id simple.
Verify that network traffic is allowed/prohibited to instances according security groups rules.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Create net_1: net01__subnet,, and attach it to the default router.
3. Create security groups:
4. Delete all defaults egress rules of SG1 and SG2.
5. Add icmp rule to SG1:
Ingress rule with ip protocol 'icmp', port range any, SG group 'SG1'
Egress rule with ip protocol 'icmp', port range any, SG group 'SG1'
6. Add icmp rule to SG2:
Ingress rule with ip protocol 'icmp', port range any, SG group 'SG2'
Egress rule with ip protocol 'icmp', port range any, SG group 'SG2'
7. Launch 2 instance of vcenter az with SG1 in net1.
Launch 2 instance of nova az with SG1 in net1.
8. Launch 2 instance of vcenter az with SG2 in net1.
Launch 2 instance of nova az with SG2 in net1.
9. Check that instances from SG1 can ping each other.
10. Check that instances from SG2 can ping each other.
11. Check that instances from SG1 can not ping instances from SG2 and vice versa.
Expected result
Network traffic is allowed/prohibited to instances according security groups rules.
Check attached/detached ports with security groups.
Check attached/detached ports with security groups.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Create net_1: net01__subnet,, and attach it to the default router.
3. Create security group SG1 with rules:
Ingress rule with ip protocol 'icmp', port range any, SG group 'SG1'
Egress rule with ip protocol 'icmp', port range any, SG group 'SG1'
Ingress rule with ssh protocol 'tcp', port range 22, SG group 'SG1'
Egress rule with ssh protocol 'tcp', port range 22, SG group 'SG1'
4. Launch 2 instances with SG1 in net_1.
5. Launch 2 instances with Default SG in net_1.
6. Verify that icmp/ssh is enabled between instances from SG1.
7. Verify that icmp/ssh isn't allowed to instances of SG1 from instances of Default SG.
8. Detach ports of all instances from net_1.
9. Attach ports of all instances to default internal net. To activate new interface on cirros restart network: "sudo /etc/init.d/S40network restart"
10. Check that all instances are in Default SG.
11. Verify that icmp/ssh is enabled between instances.
12. Change for some instances Default SG to SG1.
13. Verify that icmp/ssh is enabled between instances from SG1.
14. Verify that icmp/ssh isn't allowed to instances of SG1 from instances of Default SG.
Expected result
Verify that network traffic is allowed/prohibited to instances according security groups rules.
Check launch and remove instances in the one group simultaneously with few security groups.
Check launch and remove instances in the one group simultaneously with few security groups.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Create net_1: net01__subnet,, and attach it to the default router.
3. Create security SG1 group with rules:
Ingress rule with ip protocol 'icmp', port range any, SG group 'SG1'
Egress rule with ip protocol 'icmp', port range any, SG group 'SG1'
Ingress rule with ssh protocol 'tcp', port range 22, SG group 'SG1'
Egress rule with ssh protocol 'tcp', port range 22, SG group 'SG1'
4. Create security SG2 group with rules:
Ingress rule with ssh protocol 'tcp', port range 22, SG group 'SG2'
Egress rule with ssh protocol 'tcp', port range 22, SG group 'SG2'
5. Launch a few instances of vcenter availability zone with Default SG + SG1 + SG2 in net_1 in one batch.
6. Launch a few instances of nova availability zone with Default SG + SG1 + SG2 in net_1 in one batch.
7. Verify that icmp/ssh is enabled between instances.
8. Remove all instances.
9. Launch a few instances of nova availability zone with Default SG + SG1 + SG2 in net_1 in one batch.
10. Launch a few instances of vcenter availability zone with Default SG + SG1 + SG2 in net_1 in one batch.
11. Verify that icmp/ssh is enabled between instances.
12. Remove all instances.
Expected result
Verify that network traffic is allowed/prohibited to instances according security groups rules.
Security group rules with remote ip prefix.
Check connection between instances according security group rules with remote ip prefix.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Create net_1: net01__subnet,, and attach it to the default router.
3. Create instance 'VM1' of vcenter availability zone in the default internal network. Associate floating ip.
4. Create instance 'VM2' of nova availability zone in the 'net1'network.
5. Create security groups:
6. Delete all defaults egress rules of SG1 and SG2.
7. Add icmp rule to SG1:
Ingress rule with ip protocol 'icmp', port range any, remote ip prefix <floating ip of VM1>
Egress rule with ip protocol 'icmp', port range any, remote ip prefix <floating ip of VM1>
8. Add ssh rule to SG2:
Ingress rule with ip protocol 'tcp', port range any, <internal ip of VM2>
Egress rule with ip protocol 'tcp', port range any, <internal ip of VM2>
9. Launch 2 instance 'VM3' and 'VM4' of vcenter az with SG1 and SG2 in net1.
Launch 2 instance 'VM5' and 'VM6' of nova az with SG1 and SG2 in net1.
10. Check that instances 'VM3', 'VM4', 'VM5' and 'VM6' can ping VM1 and vice versa.
11. Check that instances 'VM3', 'VM4', 'VM5' and 'VM6' can not ping each other Verify that icmp ping is blocked between and vice versa.
12. Verify that ssh is enabled from 'VM3', 'VM4', 'VM5' and 'VM6' to VM2 and vice versa.
13. Verify that ssh is blocked between 'VM3', 'VM4', 'VM5' and 'VM6' and vice versa.
Expected result
Verify that network traffic is allowed/prohibited to instances according security groups rules.
Fuel create mirror and update core repos on cluster with DVS
Fuel create mirror and update core repos in cluster with DVS plugin
1. Setup for system tests
2. Log into controller node via Fuel CLI and get PID of services which were
launched by plugin and store them.
3. Launch the following command on the Fuel Master node:
`fuel-mirror create -P ubuntu -G mos ubuntu`
4. Run the command below on the Fuel Master node:
`fuel-mirror apply -P ubuntu -G mos ubuntu --env <env_id> --replace`
5. Run the command below on the Fuel Master node:
`fuel --env <env_id> node --node-id <node_ids_separeted_by_coma> --tasks setup_repositories`
And wait until task is done.
6. Log into controller node and check plugins services are alive and their PID are not changed.
7. Check all nodes remain in ready status.
8. Rerun OSTF.
Expected result
Cluster (nodes) should remain in ready state.
OSTF test should be passed on rerun
Modifying env with DVS plugin (removing/adding controller)
Adding and removing controllers for existing cluster with pre-installed DVS plugin.
1. Install DVS plugin.
2. Create a new environment with following parameters:
* Compute: KVM/QEMU with vCenter
* Networking: Neutron with VLAN segmentation + Neutron with DVS
* Storage: default
* Additional services: default
3. Add nodes with following roles:
* Controller
* Controller
* Controller
* Compute
* ComputeVMware
4. Configure networks.
5. Configure DVS plugin.
6. Configure VMware vCenter Settings.
7. Verify networks.
8. Deploy changes.
9. Run OSTF.
10. Remove controller on which DVS agent is run.
11. Deploy changes.
12. Rerun OSTF.
13. Add 1 nodes with controller role to the cluster.
14. Verify networks.
15. Redeploy changes.
16. Rerun OSTF.
Expected result
Cluster is deployed successfully and all OSTF tests are passed.
Modifying env with DVS plugin(removing/adding compute)
Adding and removing computes for existing cluster with pre-installed DVS plugin.
1. Set up for system tests.
2. Remove compute from the cluster.
3. Verify networks.
4. Deploy changes.
5. Rerun OSTF.
6. Add 1 node with compute role to the cluster.
7. Verify networks.
8. Redeploy changes.
9. Rerun OSTF.
Expected result
Cluster is deployed successfully and all OSTF tests are passed.
Modifying env with DVS plugin(removing/adding compute-vmware)
Adding and removing of compute-vmware for existing cluster with pre-installed DVS plugin.
1. Install DVS plugin.
2. Create a new environment with following parameters:
* Compute: KVM/QEMU with vCenter
* Networking: Neutron with VLAN segmentation
* Storage: default
* Additional services: default
3. Add nodes with following roles:
* Controller
* Controller
* Controller
4. Configure VMware vCenter Settings. Add vSphere clusters and configure Nova Compute instance on conroller.
5. Deploy the cluster.
6. Run OSTF tests.
7. Launch instance in vcenter az.
8. Add 1 node with compute-vmware role,configure Nova Compute instance on compute-vmware and redeploy cluster.
9. Verify that previously created instance is working.
10. Run OSTF tests.
11. Delete compute-vmware.
12. Redeploy changes.
13. Verify that previously created instance is working.
14. Run OSTF.
Expected result
Cluster is deployed successfully and all OSTF tests are passed.