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Glare Client Installation Guide

To install python-glareclient, it is required to have pip (in most cases). Make sure that pip is installed. Then type:

$ pip install python-glareclient

Or, if it is needed to install python-glareclient from master branch, type:

$ pip install git+

After python-glareclient is installed you will see command glare in your environment.

Glare client also provides a plugin openstack artifact to OpenStack client. If glare client is supposed to be used with OpenStack cloud then additionally python-openstackclient has to be installed:

$ pip install python-openstackclient

Configure authentication against Keystone

If Keystone is used for authentication in Glare, then the interraction has to be organized with openstackclient plugin openstack artifact and the environment should have auth variables:

$ export OS_AUTH_URL=http://<Keystone_host>:5000/v3
$ export OS_TENANT_NAME=tenant
$ export OS_USERNAME=admin
$ export OS_PASSWORD=secret
$ export OS_GLARE_URL=http://<Glare host>:9494  (optional, by default URL=http://localhost:9494/)

And in the case when you are authenticating against keystone over https:

$ export OS_CACERT=<path_to_ca_cert>


In client, we can use both Keystone auth versions - v2.0 and v3. But server supports only v3.

You can see the list of available commands by typing:

$ openstack artifact --help

To make sure Glare client works, type:

$ openstack artifact type-list

Configure authentication against Keycloak

Glare also supports authentication against Keycloak server via OpenID Connect protocol. In this case glare command must be used. In order to use it on the client side the environment should look as follows:

$ export KEYCLOAK_AUTH_URL=https://<Keycloak-server-host>:<Keycloak-server-port>/auth
$ export KEYCLOAK_REALM_NAME=my_keycloak_realm
$ export KEYCLOAK_USERNAME=admin
$ export KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=secret
$ export OPENID_CLIENT_ID=my_keycloak_client
$ export OS_GLARE_URL=http://<GLARE host>:9494  (optional, by default URL=http://localhost:9494)


If KEYCLOAK_AUTH_URL is set then authentication against KeyCloak will be used

You can see the list of available commands by typing:

$ glare --help

To make sure Glare client works, type:

$ glare type-list

Send tokens directly without authentication

Glare has a possibility to send tokens directly. In order to use it on the client side the environment should look as follows:

$ export OS_GLARE_URL=http://<GLARE host>:9494  (optional, by default URL=http://localhost:9494)
$ export AUTH_TOKEN=secret_token


It's more convenient to specify token as a command parameter in format --auth-token, for example, glare --auth-token secret_token type-list