Bin Hu 7b51c0828a Cherry Pick - Update Gluon Installation Instruction
Because we already have stable/ocata branch, the installation
instruction needs update so that users will only clone from
stable/ocata branch. Thus the option of cloning from master
branch is removed.

Change-Id: I8307929ad4b0cc55e243a9df083fc6e1cb3acb42
Signed-off-by: Bin Hu <>
(cherry picked from commit ec3fcb10d9)
2017-03-04 17:19:26 +00:00

164 lines
4.2 KiB

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Convention for heading levels in Gluon documentation:
======= Heading 0 (reserved for the title in a document)
------- Heading 1
~~~~~~~ Heading 2
+++++++ Heading 3
''''''' Heading 4
(Avoid deeper levels because they do not render well.)
Install Gluon Plugin and Proton Server
Here the assumption is that ``etcd`` cluster is already installed. Otherwise,
please refer to [1]_.
On Controller
Assume the user logged in with sudo privileges. On an Ubuntu system:
**STEP-1**: Clone Gluon Repository ``stable/ocata`` branch:
.. code-block:: bash
$ cd ~
$ git clone -b stable/ocata
**STEP-2**: Create user and group for gluon and proton users
.. code-block:: bash
$ sudo adduser --system --group proton
**STEP-3**: Create directories
.. code-block:: bash
$ sudo mkdir /opt/proton
$ sudo chown proton /opt/proton
$ sudo mkdir /etc/proton
**STEP-4**: Setup ``iptables``
.. code-block:: bash
$ sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --ports 2705 -m comment --comment gluon -j ACCEPT
$ sudo invoke-rc.d iptables-persistent save
# Note: for Ubuntu 16.04, you may have to use netfilter-persistent as follows:
# sudo apt-get install netfilter-persistent
# sudo invoke-rc.d netfilter-persistent save
**STEP-5**: Create config files and set permissions
.. code-block:: bash
$ sudo cat > /etc/proton/proton.conf <<EOF
state_path = /opt/proton
$ sudo chown -R proton /etc/proton
$ sudo chmod -R go+w /etc/proton
**STEP-6**: Install Gluon package
.. code-block:: bash
$ cd ~/gluon
$ python build
$ sudo python develop
$ sudo python install
**STEP-7**: Setup service for ``proton-server``
.. code-block:: bash
$ sudo cp ~/gluon/scripts/proton-server.conf /etc/init
$ sudo start proton-server
**STEP-8**: Test installation
You should now have the ``proton-server`` running. Test by running the
following command:
.. code-block:: bash
$ protonclient baseport-list
# The output should look like:
**STEP-9**: Modify ``neutron.conf`` to point to the ``gluon plugin``
.. code-block:: bash
# Edit /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. Change the core_plugin:
core_plugin = gluon.plugin.core.GluonPlugin
**STEP-10**: Restart ``neutron-server``
.. code-block:: bash
$ service neutron-server restart
Or in a devstack environment, do the following:
.. code-block:: bash
# do "screen -x"
# goto the screen for q-svc
# do "Ctrl C" to kill the service
# use arrow key to recollect the previous command and enter
**STEP-11**: Create Gluon Dummy Objects in Neutron:
.. code-block:: bash
# Source the openrc file for the admin user (depends on your system)
# Create the dummy Gluon Network:
$ neutron net-create --shared --provider:network_type local GluonNetwork
# Create the dummy GluonSubnet:
$ neutron subnet-create --name GluonSubnet --no-gateway --disable-dhcp GluonNetwork
**STEP-12**: Restart ``neutron-server``
.. code-block:: bash
service neutron-server restart
** The controller should be setup now**
**STEP-13**: Running the Sample Shim Layer Server
Please refer to vendor documentation for specific implementations and
installation procedure.
A test shim server is included in the gluon package. You need to:
.. code-block:: bash
# Modify host list for shim server
# Create br-gluon bridge
.. [1] install_etcd