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High Level Design


Gluon brings a Networking Service Framework that enables Telecom Service Providers to provide their customers with networking services on-demand. Gluon uses a model-driven approach to generate Networking Service APIs (including objects, database schema, and RESTful API endpoints) from a YAML file which models the Networking Service. When a Telecom Service Provider needs to launch a new Networking Service, it only needs to model the new service in a YAML file. The Gluon framework generates the APIs accordingly. Thus Gluon helps Telecom Service Providers accelerate the time-to-market and achieve business agility through its extensibility and scalability in generating APIs for new use-cases and services.


Gluon is the port arbiter that maintains a list of ports and bindings of different networking backends. A Proton Server is the API server that hosts multiple Protons, i.e. multiple sets of APIs. Gluon uses backend drivers to interact with the Proton Server for port binding and other operations. The backend drivers are specified in setup.cfg, and loaded at runtime.

For example, the driver for L3VPN is named net-l3vpn, and implemented in gluon.backends.models.net_l3vpn:Provider. This driver in turn updates the Port object which is stored in the Proton Server's object database upon the bind, unbind and other operations.

When the Proton Server receives port binding and other operations requests, it broadcasts those requests to etcd. The Shim Layers of respective SDN Controllers listen to etcd, and get the notification from etcd. Based on the type of operations, parameter data, and its own deployment and policy configuration, SDN Controllers act upon accordingly. This mechanism is similar to Neutron's Hierarchical Port Binding (HPB), and provides the flexibility and scalability when a port operation needs to be supported by multiple SDN Controllers in collaborative and interoperable way.

Integration with Neutron

Gluon currently integrates with Neutron by means of extending Neutron's core plugin as a subclass, namely Extended ML2 Plugin for Gluon (a.k.a. Gluon Wrapper Plugin). This replaces the original Neutron's core plugin in neutron.conf. The Gluon Plugin differentiates Proton ports from Neutron ports based on a Proton's record in etcd, and sends the port binding and other operations requests to either Proton Server or its superclass (i.e. the original Neutron's core plugin).

Proton and Proton Server

A Proton is a set of APIs of a particular NFV Networking Service.

A Proton Server is the API server that hosts multiple Protons, i.e. multiple sets of APIs.

A Proton is created by Particle Generator based on a YAML file modeled for this particular NFV Networking Service. When a Proton is created, the objects, database schema, and RESTful APIs of this Proton are created. Then the Proton specific driver would be loaded into Gluon. In case of L3VPN net-l3vpn, the driver is gluon.backends.models.net_l3vpn:Provider.

Currently the net-l3vpn driver is created manually. Automation of this could be future work.

A port, namely port, is created when an application uses the northbound RESTful API of the Proton. The Proton will store the port and all related information in its database and update the record in etcd. The Shim Layers of respective SDN Controllers listen to etcd, and get the notification from etcd. Then the Shim Layer will pick up the information from etcd.

The ports can be viewed using the command:

$ protonclient --api net-l3vpn port-list

More generic command is something like:

# protonclient --api <api-name> [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS] ...

Please refer to User Guide1 for more details.

As previously mentioned, when a bind operation is requested, Gluon uses the driver of the selected Proton (e.g. net-l3vpn) to bind a port to a VM.

Proton of L3VPN

When an L3VPN is created through a L3VPN Proton, the Proton creates a vpn object and stores it in its database. This can be viewed using the command:

$ protonclient --api net-l3vpn vpn-list

For more generic command, please refer to User Guide2.

Furthermore, the API of the L3VPN allows for creating service bindings between a port and a vpn service. This service binding, namely vpnbinding, can be viewed using the command:

$ protonclient --api net-l3vpn vpnbinding-list

All objects (interfaces, vpns, ports, and vpnbindings) are stored into the Proton Server's database. This information is then copied into etcd. The Shim layers monitor the etcd data store and take appropriate actions in the networking backend upon an update. Currently, Proton Server database is not HA, but it can be stored in the same database backend as the other OpenStack services, thereby inheriting the same level of HA as those services.

Networking Backends (SDN Controllers)

A Proton is built to enable the set of APIs for a particular NFV Networking service that is supported by one or multiple networking backends. A networking backend can be considered Open Daylight, or others. A Shim Layer is created for a networking backend to be able to use the Proton. The Shim Layer monitors changes in the data model stored in etcd, and performs appropriate actions in the respective SDN Controller backend, for instance creating a VPN service or binding a port. In an example of using Open Daylight, if a bind operation request occurs, the Shim Layer is responsible for understanding the request in the data model and updating the Flow Entries on the OVS of that particular compute where the Virtual Machine resides.

The data model of Shim Layer, e.g. L3VPN, and respective backend drivers of ShimLayer for specific SDN Controllers are specified in setup.cfg, and loaded at runtime.


  1. ../usage.rst↩︎

  2. ../usage.rst↩︎