
10 KiB

Install Gluon Plugin and Proton Server

Here the assumption is that etcd cluster is already installed. Otherwise, please refer to1.

On Controller

Assume the user logged in with sudo privileges. On an Ubuntu system:

STEP-1: Clone Gluon Repository stable/pike branch:

$ cd ~
$ git clone -b stable/pike

STEP-2: Create user and group for gluon and proton users

$ sudo adduser --system --group proton

STEP-3: Create directories

$ sudo mkdir /opt/proton        # Proton working directory, for such as gluon.sqlite
$ sudo mkdir /etc/proton        # Proton configuration directory, for such as proton.conf
$ sudo mkdir /var/log/proton    # Proton logs

STEP-4: Setup iptables

$ sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --ports 2705 -m comment --comment gluon -j ACCEPT
$ sudo invoke-rc.d iptables-persistent save

# Note: for Ubuntu 16.04, you may have to use netfilter-persistent as follows:
# sudo apt-get install netfilter-persistent
# sudo invoke-rc.d netfilter-persistent save

STEP-5: Create config files and set permissions

# Copy ~/gluon/etc/proton/proton.conf to /etc/proton/proton.conf
# Copy ~/gluon/etc/proton/policy.json to /etc/proton/policy.json

$ sudo cp ~/gluon/etc/proton/proton.conf /etc/proton/
$ sudo cp ~/gluon/etc/proton/policy.json /etc/proton/

# After copying proton.conf, if you do not plan to use RBAC (Role-based Access Control) in Gluon,
# please modify proton.conf by changing "auth_strategy" to "noauth" in [api] section. i.e:
# [api]
# auth_strategy = noauth

$ sudo chown -R proton:proton /opt/proton
$ sudo chown -R proton:proton /etc/proton
$ sudo chown -R proton:proton /var/log/proton
$ sudo chmod 750 /etc/proton
$ sudo chmod 644 /etc/proton/proton.conf
$ sudo chmod 644 /etc/proton/policy.json
$ sudo chmod 750 /var/log/proton

STEP-6: Install Gluon package

$ cd ~/gluon
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python build
$ sudo python develop
$ sudo python install

STEP-7: Setup service for proton-server

If you use a Linux distribution which makes use of upstart (e.g. Ubuntu 14.10 and earlier), you can utilize an upstart script to define a system service for the proton-server:

$ sudo cp ~/gluon/scripts/proton-server.conf /etc/init
$ sudo start proton-server

For distributions using other startup frameworks, either you need to create a framework specific service definition file or start the proton-server manually as follows:

$ sudo /usr/local/bin/proton-server --config-file /etc/proton/proton.conf --logfile /var/log/proton/api.log

STEP-8: Test installation

You should now have the proton-server running. Test by running the following command:

$ protonclient --api net-l3vpn port-list
# The output should look like:
    "ports": []

STEP-9: Modify neutron.conf to point core_plugin to the gluon.plugin.core.GluonPlugin

# Edit /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. Change the core_plugin:
core_plugin = gluon.plugin.core.GluonPlugin

STEP-10: Restart neutron-server

$ service neutron-server restart

Or in a devstack environment, do the following:

$ service devstack@q-svc restart

# Alternatively, you can do:
# do "screen -x"
# goto the screen for q-svc
# do "Ctrl C" to kill the service
# use arrow key to recollect the previous command and enter

STEP-11: Create Gluon Dummy Objects in Neutron:

# Source the openrc file for the admin user (depends on your system)
# Create the dummy Gluon Network:
$ openstack network create --share --provider-network-type local GluonNetwork

# Or legacy way:
# neutron net-create --shared --provider:network_type local GluonNetwork

# Create the dummy GluonSubnet:
$ openstack subnet create --network GluonNetwork --no-dhcp --gateway none --subnet-range GluonSubnet

# Or legacy way:
# neutron subnet-create --name GluonSubnet --no-gateway --disable-dhcp GluonNetwork

STEP-12: Restart neutron-server

service neutron-server restart

# Or in Devstack:
$ service devstack@q-svc restart

** The controller should be setup now**

STEP-13: Running the Sample Shim Layer Server

Please refer to vendor documentation for specific implementations and installation procedure.

A test shim server is included in the gluon package. You need to:

# Modify host list for shim server
# Create br-gluon bridge

Role-based Access Control of Gluon

After we complete the basic setups as instructed above, Advanced users may also want to enable RBAC feature in Gluon. Please refer to2 for the basic concept, and how to configure and enable RBAC in Gluon. Here is the summary of steps:

  • RBAC-1: Create a new "NFV Networking" service named gluon with service type nfvnet
$ openstack service create --name gluon --description "NFV Network Service" nfvnet
  • RBAC-2: Create a new endpoint under the service gluon
# Note: you need to change the IP address to match your environment

$ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne gluon public
$ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne gluon admin
$ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne gluon internal
  • RBAC-3: We reuse an existing project named service
# If you want to create a new project:
#     $ openstack project create --description <description of your new project> <new-project-name> --domain default
  • RBAC-4: Create a new user named gluon and password gluon
$ openstack user create --password gluon gluon
  • RBAC-5: Assign admin role to { service, gluon } pair
$ openstack role add --project service --user gluon admin
  • RBAC-6: Set environment variables
# Modify the ``openrc`` file in Gluon home directory (or in``devstack`` home directory)
# with the appropriate value for you Keystone endpoint, your project name/tenant name,
# your user name and password. Then run the following command to set these variables.
#     $ source openrc <project_name> <user_name> <user_password>

$ source openrc service gluon gluon
  • RBAC-7: Add the following configuration in /etc/proton/proton.conf. Note that the project_name, username and password must match what you have created/used in prior steps.
auth_strategy = keystone

www_authenticate_uri =
project_domain_name = Default
project_name = service
user_domain_name = Default
password = gluon
username = gluon
auth_url =
auth_type = password
  • RBAC-8: If policies are defined in YAML, those policies will be applied. Otherwise, default policies defined in gluon/models/base/base.yaml will be used.
  • RBAC-9: Restart proton-server
$ sudo /usr/local/bin/proton-server --config-file /etc/proton/proton.conf --logfile /var/log/proton/api.log
  • RBAC-10: Get token using curl or OpenStack CLI:
# Use curl
$ curl -s -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"auth": {"tenantName": "'"$OS_TENANT_NAME"'", \
       "passwordCredentials": {"username": "'"$OS_USERNAME"'", \
                               "password": "'"$OS_PASSWORD"'"}}}' \
  | python -m json.tool

# Or use OpenStack CLI

$ openstack token issue
  • RBAC-10: Now you can access Proton server with token
# Note: you need to replace the exemplary token value with your own token value
#       and replace the Proton server URL with your own URL

$ curl -s -H "X-Auth-Token: 1678f8ef3a97497b842f0f7088b0b090" | python -m json.tool

# Get a specific port information
# Note you also need to replace the exemplary port-id with your own port-id

$ curl -s -H "X-Auth-Token: 1678f8ef3a97497b842f0f7088b0b090"
  • RBAC-11: At this moment, RBAC should work fine now. You need to make sure that "X-Auth-Token: <auth-token>" header is always added in your RESTful http request.


  1. install_etcd↩︎

  2. ../devref/↩︎