Scenario: 1. Create murano environment 2. Create session for create environment. 3. Initialize k8s cluster parameters and add app to env. 4. Initialize k8s pod parameters and add app to env. 5. Deploy session. 7. Check env status and port availability on k8s master node. 8. Get k8s minions' ips and check that correct initial number of them was created and k8s api port is available on them. 9. Run 'scaleNodesUp' action for k8s minions. 10. Check that number of minions was increased and k8s api port is available on all of them 11. Run 'scaleNodesDown' action for k8s minions. 12. Check that number of minions was decreased and k8s api port is available on all of them Change-Id: I63bf61b6f9e5fd45b8e6bde0fab87da5826bedc6
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