
311 lines
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import logging
import json
import semantic_version
import keystoneclient.exceptions as kc_exceptions
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest
from cluster.shell import check_output
from cluster.shell import config_get
from keystoneauth1.identity import v3
from keystoneauth1 import session
from keystoneclient.v3 import client as v3client
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
app = Flask(__name__)
API_VERSION = semantic_version.Version('1.0.0')
class Unauthorized(Exception):
class APIException(Exception):
status_code = None
message = ''
def to_dict(self):
return {'message': self.message}
class APIVersionMissing(APIException):
status_code = 400
message = 'An API version was not specified in the request.'
class APIVersionInvalid(APIException):
status_code = 400
message = 'Invalid API version was specified in the request.'
class APIVersionDropped(APIException):
status_code = 410
message = 'The requested join API version is no longer supported.'
class APIVersionNotImplemented(APIException):
status_code = 501
message = 'The requested join API version is not yet implemented.'
class InvalidJSONInRequest(APIException):
status_code = 400
message = 'The request includes invalid JSON.'
class IncorrectContentType(APIException):
status_code = 400
message = ('The request does not have a Content-Type header set to '
class MissingAuthDataInRequest(APIException):
status_code = 400
message = 'The request does not have the required authentication data.'
class InvalidAuthDataFormatInRequest(APIException):
status_code = 400
message = 'The authentication data in the request has invalid format.'
class InvalidAuthDataInRequest(APIException):
status_code = 400
message = 'The authentication data in the request is invalid.'
class AuthorizationFailed(APIException):
status_code = 401
message = ('Failed to pass authorization using the data provided in the'
' request')
class UnexpectedError(APIException):
status_code = 500
message = ('The clustering server has encountered an unexpected'
' error while handling the request.')
def _handle_api_version_exception(error):
response = jsonify(error.to_dict())
response.status_code = error.status_code
return response
def handle_api_version_missing(error):
return _handle_api_version_exception(error)
def handle_api_version_invalid(error):
return _handle_api_version_exception(error)
def handle_api_version_dropped(error):
return _handle_api_version_exception(error)
def handle_api_version_not_implemented(error):
return _handle_api_version_exception(error)
def handle_incorrect_content_type(error):
return _handle_api_version_exception(error)
def handle_invalid_json_in_request(error):
return _handle_api_version_exception(error)
def handle_invalid_auth_data_format_in_request(error):
return _handle_api_version_exception(error)
def handle_invalid_auth_data_in_request(error):
return _handle_api_version_exception(error)
def handle_authorization_failed(error):
return _handle_api_version_exception(error)
def handle_unexpected_error(error):
return _handle_api_version_exception(error)
def join_info():
"""Generate the configuration information to return to a client."""
# TODO: be selective about what we return. For now, we just get everything.
info = {}
config = json.loads(check_output('snapctl', 'get', 'config'))
info['config'] = config
# Add the controller's TLS certificate data
tls_path_map = {
'cacert-path': 'tls_cacert',
'cert-path': 'tls_cert',
'key-path': 'tls_key',
for tls_config, tls_file in tls_path_map.items():
with open(config_get('config.tls.{}'.format(tls_config)), "r") as f:
info[tls_file] = f.read()
return info
@app.route('/join', methods=['POST'])
def join():
"""Authorize a client node and return relevant config."""
# Retrieve an API version from the request - it is a mandatory
# header for this API.
request_version = request.headers.get('API-Version')
if request_version is None:
logger.debug('The client has not specified the API-version header.')
raise APIVersionMissing()
api_version = semantic_version.Version(request_version)
except ValueError:
logger.debug('The client has specified an invalid API version.'
f': {request_version}')
raise APIVersionInvalid()
# Compare the API version used by the clustering service with the
# one specified in the request and return an appropriate response.
if api_version.major > API_VERSION.major:
logger.debug('The client requested a version that is not'
f' supported yet: {api_version}.')
raise APIVersionNotImplemented()
elif api_version.major < API_VERSION.major:
logger.debug('The client request version is no longer supported'
f': {api_version}.')
raise APIVersionDropped()
# Flask raises a BadRequest if the JSON content is invalid and
# returns None if the Content-Type header is missing or not set
# to application/json.
req_json = request.json
except BadRequest:
logger.debug('The client has POSTed an invalid JSON'
' in the request.')
raise InvalidJSONInRequest()
if req_json is None:
logger.debug('The client has not specified the application/json'
' content type in the request.')
raise IncorrectContentType()
# So far we don't have any minor versions with backwards-compatible
# changes so just assume that all data will be present or error out.
credential_id = req_json.get('credential-id')
credential_secret = req_json.get('credential-secret')
if not credential_id or not credential_secret:
logger.debug('The client has not specified the required'
' authentication data in the request.')
return MissingAuthDataInRequest()
keystone_base_url = 'https://localhost:5000/v3'
# In an unlikely event of failing to construct an auth object
# treat it as if invalid data got passed in terms of responding
# to the client.
auth = v3.ApplicationCredential(
except Exception:
logger.exception('An exception has occurred while trying to build'
' an auth object for an application credential'
' passed from the clustering client.')
raise InvalidAuthDataInRequest()
# Use the auth object with the app credential to create a session
# which the Keystone client will use.
if config_get('config.tls.generate-self-signed'):
# TODO(coreycb): Can we verify cert if self-signed certs
# include a ca-cert and cert?
sess = session.Session(
sess = session.Session(
except Exception:
logger.exception('An exception has occurred while trying to build'
' a Session object with auth data'
' passed from the clustering client.')
raise UnexpectedError()
keystone_client = v3client.Client(session=sess)
except Exception:
logger.exception('An exception has occurred while trying to build'
' a Keystone Client object with auth data'
' passed from the clustering client.')
raise UnexpectedError()
# The add-compute command creates application credentials that
# allow access to /v3/auth/catalog with an expiration time.
# Authorization failures occur after an app credential expires
# in which case an error is returned to the client.
except (kc_exceptions.AuthorizationFailure,
logger.exception('Failed to get a Keystone token'
' with the application credentials'
' passed from the clustering client.')
raise AuthorizationFailed()
except ValueError:
logger.exception('Insufficient amount of parameters were'
' used in the request to Keystone.')
raise UnexpectedError()
except kc_exceptions.ConnectionError:
logger.exception('Failed to connect to Keystone')
raise UnexpectedError()
except kc_exceptions.SSLError:
logger.exception('A TLS-related error has occurred while'
' connecting to Keystone')
raise UnexpectedError()
# We were able to authenticate against Keystone using the
# application credential and verify that it has not expired
# so the information for a compute node to join the cluster can
# now be returned.
return json.dumps(join_info())
def home():
status = {
'status': 'running',
'info': 'MicroStack clustering daemon.'
return json.dumps(status)