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Instance API Overview
List, Searching, Creating, Updating, and Deleting of Instance resources are done through the /instances resource. There are also several sub-resources, which allow further actions to be performed on an Instance.
List Instances:
GET /instances
List Instances Detailed:
GET /instances/detail
Show Instance Details:
GET /instances/{instance_ident}
Create Instance:
POST /instances
Update Instance:
PATCH /instances/{instance_ident}
Delete Instance:
DELETE /instances/{instance_ident}
Instance Management
Instances can be managed through several sub-resources
Instance State Summary:
GET /instances/{instance_ident}/states
Change Instance Power State(on, off, reboot):
PUT /instances/{instance_ident}/states/power
Change Instance Provision State(rebuild):
PUT /instances/{instance_ident}/states/provision
Get Console:
GET /instances/{instance_ident}/states/console
Show Console Output:
GET /instances/{instance_ident}/states/consoleoutput