This modification to the API documentation adds a reference to the page_size and start_record parameters, which are used to manage paging of results. Change-Id: I0ba0decf4f6b2c805a4cc8292fce3678e5ae30ed
12 KiB
Stackalytics JSON API v1.0
JSON API v1.0 corresponds to Stackalytics v0.3.X
1 General API information
This section contains base info about the Stackalytics JSON API design.
1.2 Request / Response Types
The Stackalytics API default response format is "application/json". However if HTTP attribute 'callback' is specified then JSONP response is returned. That allows to use response in client-side code and avoid same-host requests limitations.
GET /api/1.0/stats/companies
GET /api/1.0/stats/companies?callback=myCallback
Accept: application/javascript
1.3 Faults
The Stackalytics API returns an error response if a failure occurs while processing a request. Stackalytics uses only standard HTTP error codes. 4xx errors indicate problems in the particular request being sent from the client and 5xx errors indicate server-side problems.
2 Methods
2.1 Common Parameters
All requests support common set of parameters that allow to filter resulting data.
Parameter | Description |
release | Name of OpenStack release or 'all', by default current release |
project_type | Type of project, by default 'openstack' |
module | Name of module (repository name) |
company | Company name |
user_id | Launchpad id of user or email if no Launchpad id is mapped. |
metric | Metric: e.g. 'commits', 'loc', 'marks', 'emails' |
2.1.1 Other query parameters
Data can be queried by time period:
Parameter | Description |
start_date | When the period starts |
end_date | When the period ends |
Both start_date
and end_date
take as their
argument Unix
For example to specify 'Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 UTC 2015'
the value would be 1420070400
Note that if both release and time period are specified then the data
is selected for the intersection (thus the useful way is to specify
release as all
2.2 Contribution by Modules
Stats on contribution per modules. The data contains list of modules with their metric. Modules which metric is 0 are omitted.
Verb | URI | Description |
GET | /api/1.0/stats/modules | Contribution by Modules |
Example Request
GET /api/1.0/stats/modules?release=havana&metric=commits&project_type=openstack&user_id=zulcss
Example Response
"stats": [
"metric": 18,
"id": "oslo-incubator",
"name": "oslo-incubator"
"metric": 7,
"id": "keystone",
"name": "keystone"
"metric": 1,
"id": "python-neutronclient",
"name": "python-neutronclient"
2.3 Contribution by Companies
Stats on contribution per companies. The data contains list of companies with their metric. Companies which metric is 0 are omitted.
Verb | URI | Description |
GET | /api/1.0/stats/companies | Contribution by Companies |
Example Request
GET /api/1.0/stats/companies?release=havana&metric=commits&project_type=openstack&module=neutron
Example Response
"stats": [
"metric": 155,
"id": "VMware",
"name": "VMware"
"metric": 76,
"id": "Mirantis",
"name": "Mirantis"
"metric": 53,
"id": "Red Hat",
"name": "Red Hat"
"metric": 49,
"id": "Cisco Systems",
"name": "Cisco Systems"
"metric": 46,
"id": "*independent",
"name": "*independent"
2.4 Contribution by Engineers
Stats on contribution per engineers. The data contains list of engineers with their metric. Engineers who has metric 0 are omitted. For reviews also added column with review distribution.
Verb | URI | Description |
GET | /api/1.0/stats/engineers | Contribution by Engineers |
Example Request: Commits
GET /api/1.0/stats/engineers?release=havana&metric=commits&project_type=openstack&module=pbr
Example Response
"stats": [
"metric": 54,
"id": "mordred",
"name": "Monty Taylor"
"metric": 6,
"id": "jdanjou",
"name": "Julien Danjou"
"metric": 4,
"id": "doug-hellmann",
"name": "Doug Hellmann"
"metric": 3,
"id": "slukjanov",
"name": "Sergey Lukjanov"
Example Request: Reviews
GET /api/1.0/stats/engineers?release=havana&metric=marks&project_type=openstack&module=pbr
Example Response
"stats": [
"comment": "1|3|55|45 (96.2%)",
"metric": 104,
"id": "mordred",
"name": "Monty Taylor"
"comment": "0|13|18|51 (84.1%)",
"metric": 82,
"id": "cboylan",
"name": "Clark Boylan"
"comment": "0|13|11|36 (78.3%)",
"metric": 60,
"id": "doug-hellmann",
"name": "Doug Hellmann"
2.5 Activity log
Depending on selected metric Activity log contains commits, reviews, emails or blueprints.
Verb | URI | Description |
GET | /api/1.0/activity | Activity log |
When querying the activity log, the page_size and start_record parameters can be used to manage the paging of results (splitting results over multiple requests/responses). The default value of page_size is 10.
Example Response
"activity": [
"record_type": "commit",
"primary_key": "63580a7298887e6909602d8d96859b4e96b017e3",
"commit_id": "63580a7298887e6909602d8d96859b4e96b017e3",
"user_id": "zulcss",
"launchpad_id": "zulcss",
"author_name": "Chuck Short",
"author_email": "chuck.short@canonical.com",
"module": "ceilometer",
"release": "havana",
"blueprint_id": [],
"bug_id": [],
"date": 1370134263,
"branches": "master",
"message": "Introduce py33 to tox.ini to make testing with python3 easier.\n",
"subject": "python3: Introduce py33 to tox.ini",
"change_id": [
"company_name": "Canonical",
"loc": 2,
"files_changed": 1,
"lines_added": 1,
"lines_deleted": 1
2.6 Contribution summary
Get contribution summary: number of commits, locs, emails, drafted and completed blueprints, review marks with distribution per mark (-2..+2).
Verb | URI | Description |
GET | /api/1.0/contribution | Contribution summary |
Example Response
"contribution": {
"loc": 252,
"new_blueprint_count": 2,
"email_count": 7,
"commit_count": 5,
"competed_blueprint_count": 0,
"marks": {
"0": 0,
"1": 12,
"2": 2,
"-1": 5,
"-2": 0