So far, the Tobiko docs were duplicated in some places, different (although duplicated), and some fragments were not relevant (or outdated). This patch refactors the Tobiko test cases run guide by modularizing the fragments ("spilling" fragments instead of coping them), correcting typos, and deleting/updating irrelevant information. Note: in order to see how the change will appear, download it with `git review -d <change_url>`, run the `tox -e docs` command, and then double click (with the file explorer) tobiko/doc/build/html/<file-you-want>. Change-Id: I4c8ba2cb89075ef25afd77fedeaed8a896df74e7
995 B
995 B
In the first terminal, execute some Tobiko test cases as below:
To run test cases you need a test runner able to execute Python test cases. Test cases delivered with Tobiko has been tested using stestr
From the Tobiko source folder you can run scenario test cases using the below command:
pytest tobiko/tests/scenario/
You could also use tox to run test cases:
tox -e <environment_variable> -- path/to/test/module
For example:
tox -e scenario -- tobiko/tests/scenario/neutron/test_router.py
Note that with tox, the <environment_variable> should match the directory where the test is (if the test is inside the 'scenario' directory, the environment variable has to be scenario).
You can also run only a class of test cases by running:
tox -e <tox-env-list> -- path/to/test/module::class
You can run only a specific test case (a method) by running:
tox -e <tox-env-list> -- path/to/test/module::class::test_case